Dear Colleague,


My overriding concern for the young people of Dundee when I assumed the post of Director of Education was to raise levels of academic attainment, a positive enough aim in itself, and also good for the young people of our city and for the future economic and social wellbeing of the city itself. I have not wavered in my determination to achieve that aim.

All of our secondary schools understand the huge importance I place upon academic attainment, and among them Craigie High School's efforts have met with real and sustained success. The Head Teacher, Colin Biernat, will readily say that one strategy which has contributed to that success has been the introduction of pupil mentoring, involving members of the local business community.

Mentoring can be delivered via several models, but the most common form is a mentoring partnership involving the pairing of a young person with a professional person from outwith the school. It combines staff development for the mentor with assistance to support, encourage and equip young people with a belief in their ability to achieve their true potential and move on to a positive destination, be that in training, further or higher education or the employment market.

Volunteer mentors need to commit around one half-day per month between October and May, and mentoring takes place during the volunteer's working day. Full training is provided for anyone willing to become a mentor.

I am inviting you to register your interest in mentoring by emailing me at or Alan Mitchell, Chief Executive of Dundee & Angus Chamber of Commerce at . I shall then organise an introductory meeting, most probably in late August, when details of the scheme can be more fullyexplained.

I am convinced that this is a worthwhile and rewarding scheme which will help motivate our young people to high levels of attainment, and I would be grateful if you couldgive serious consideration to finding out more.

Yours sincerely,

Jim Collins

Director of Education

Dundee City Council