December 1987 / NIAID had its first ACTG Meeting. Researchers began meeting every three months in Washington, D.C.
November 1989 / ACT-UP/New York attended the 7th ACTG Meeting uninvited.
January 1990 / NIAID sponsored a meeting between 10 community representatives and leaders within the ACTG in San Francisco.
March 1990 / Community representatives plus two others from the San Francisco meeting attended the 8th ACTG Meeting as invited observers.
May 1990 / Community representatives met in Dallas and expanded the group to 22 members in an effort to more accurately represent the populations affected by HIV. The Patient Constituency Group (PCG) was organized.
July 1990 / The PCG attended the 9th ACTG Meeting. Representatives were allowed to attend Executive Committee sessions and the Scientific Core sessions as observers. The PCG expanded to 23 members.
August 1990 / The ACTG Executive Committee and the Patient Constituency Group recommended the formation of Community Advisory Boards at each ACTG site.
September 1990 / The PCG met in Chicago to select members as voting participants on the ACTG Executive Committee and Scientific Core Committees. The group adopted the name Community Constituency Group (CCG).
November 1990 / The CCG attended the 10th ACTG Meeting as a formal part of the ACTG system. Mario Solis Marich and Rochelle Rollins addressed the plenary session and introduced the CCG.
March 1991 / The CCG established a Protocol Development Subcommittee to help researchers in trial design.
June 1991 / The CCG established an Accrual Subcommittee to look at accrual into ACTG trials.
April 1992 / The CCG distributed its priorities for the ACTG system at the 14th ACTG Meeting.
February 1993 / The CCG expanded its pediatric membership from one to six and increased its total membership to thirty individuals.
November 1993 / The Pediatric ACTG formally separated from the Adult ACTG
April 1995 / The CCG expanded its pediatric membership from six to eight individuals and increased its total membership to thirty-two individuals.
January 1996 / The Adult ACTG (AACTG) formed and was funded through NIAID as a cooperative agreement.
CABs were required at each site.
July 1996 / Principal Investigator/Site Community Advisory Board (CAB) Survey results were presented at the 21st ACTG Meeting.
The CCG expanded its pediatric membership from eight to ten to increase total CCG membership to thirty-four individuals.
Computer support was first provided to members of the CCG.
July 1997 / Monthly CAB calls were initiated. Held by time-zones, they provided a means for CAB members to talk about common concerns at their sites.
The Pediatric CCG voted to separate and become a full committee of the Pediatric ACTG.
December 1997 / The Adult CCG initiated the Scientific Agenda Subcommittee to discuss and organize community views on research topics and make study proposals to the AACTG. Monthly calls focussing on scientific issues began soon after.
The Adult CCG expanded to 28 members.
The Adult CCG Steering Committee expanded to include CCG Subcommittee Chairs and RAC representatives.
January 1998 / The Site Evaluation Subcommittee (SES) was asked to include CAB criteria in the evaluation of the sites.
The current CCG computer support program was initiated.
July 1998 / The monthly CAB call expanded to all sites and began to focus on scientific or patient related topics.
The Adult CCG approved the CCG Scientific Agenda.
December 1998 / The CCG approved a revised SOP.
The first CAB Forum, organized by CAB members, was held at the AACTG Retreat.
July 1999 / CCG members joined with Patient Care and the Executive Committees in a study of barriers to participation in trials. Members of the CCG participated in a Patient Care training session.
July 2000 / The CCG/CAB received full time AACTGOperationsCenter Support.
August 2000 / The CCG developed Research Priorities.
January 2001 / The CCG/CAB Coordinator initiated CAB site visits.
July 2001 / The CAB elected a co-chair to the CCG CAB Liaison Subcommittee.
September 2001 / The CAB added a second monthly call.
The CAB developed a CAB training to be held at each national AACTG meeting.
July 2002 / CCG Regional Reps are established.
January 2003 / CAB Version 0.5 Project Initiated for CAB review of developing protocols.
March 2003 / CAB Liaison Monthly Business Call begun.
July 2003
August 2004
November 2004
July 2005
August 2005
February 2006
September 2006
December 2006
August 2007
June 2008
December 2008
March 2009
September and October 2010
July 2012
July 2013
June 2014
June 2015 / CAB Certificates provided to sites.
CCG elects co-chairs
Donna Davis Award established.
First CAB members from non-US sites join CCG
Discussion initiated on community trainings for non-US ACTG sites
CCG completes new Community Scientific agenda
CCG becomes Network CAB (NCAB).
Africa CAB Education call established
Community Scientific Agenda updated
Bridget Murtagh Award established
Spanish language CAB Education Call established.
Largest number of community members ever to attend ACTG Group Meeting - 82.
ACTG leadership and NCAB approve reorganization of ACTG Community making Global CAB the primary committee, and NCAB becomes Community Scientific Subcommittee
ACTG Community reorganization becomes official on March 16, 2009.
Community members attend NIAID Meetings and provide input on future DAIDS grant structure.
ACTG GCAB and CSS members attend and participate at the XIX International AIDS Society Conference.
ACTG Community presents their new Scientific Priorities to the network at the 2013 ACTG Group Meeting.
Liz Barr presented the progress on the Women’s Outreach Initiative (WOW).
The 2015 Community research Priorities were presented.
The GCAB initiated a new award for community members – the Community Impact Award – for members who have provided extraordinary service to the HIV community within and outside the ACTG.