Macbeth - In-Class Essay NAME: ______

Grade / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Introduction / Includes a clear, focused and engaging introduction. Thesis statement is evident, logical, and original. / Includes a clear, focused and engaging introduction. Thesis statement is evident, but may be imprecise or unoriginal**. / Includes an introduction and a thesis. Thesis fails to mention blood, Macbeth, or the specific claim of the essay. / Includes an introduction, but thesis is missing. Fails to mention blood, Macbeth, or specific claims in introduction. / Introduction is not evident.
Conclusion / Includes a clear, focused conclusion that both restates key points and offers a suggestion for future study/relevance of the topic to the reader. / Includes a clear, focused conclusion that both restates key points but fails to offer a suggestion for future study/relevance of the topic to the reader. / Includes a conclusion that restates some key points and fails to offer a suggestion for future study/relevance of the topic to the reader. / Includes a conclusion, but it fails to summarize or suggest the paper’s future relevance. / Conclusion is not evident.
Support and Elaboration / Includes 2-3 specific paraphrased examples or quotes per paragraph. Citation is formatted correctly. / Includes 1 specific paraphrased example or quote per paragraph. Citation is formatted correctly. / Includes 1 specific paraphrased example or quote per paragraph. Citation is not formatted correctly / Includes paragraphs with no examples or quotes. Provides little support. / No specific support is offered.
Word Choice / Very few (0-10) surface errors, avoids first and second person, avoids “words to lose” from writing style sheet / Few (11-20) surface errors, avoids first and second person. Generally avoids “words to lose” from writing style sheet. / Several (21-30) surface errors. Uses first and second person. Uses multiple “words to lose” from writing style sheet. / Significant (30+) grammatical and diction errors. Relies on first and second person and “words to lose” / Profound and careless grammatical errors (35+)
Depth of Analysis / Essay presents excellent analysis of the effect of the blood motif, the primary themes, and the plot events of Macbeth. / Essay presents above average analysis of the effect of the blood motif, the primary themes, and the plot events of Macbeth / Essay presents average analysis of the effect of the blood motif, the primary themes, and the plot events of Macbeth / Essay presents below average analysis of the effect of the blood motif, the primary themes, and the plot events of Macbeth / Essay shows little analysis of the effect of the blood motif, the primary themes, and the plot events of Macbeth

**A Weak, Unoriginal Thesis:

Blood is a recurrent motif in Macbeth.

Macbeth In-Class Writing

The Blood-Stained Play

Critic Mark Van Doren claimed, “Never in a play has there been so much [blood], and never has it been so sickening….We see, feel, and smell it on everything.” With Van Doren’s quote in mind, discuss the role that the blood motif plays in Macbeth. How does blood add to the play’s meaning and what different meanings might the motif have?

Be sure to:

§  Include a thesis statement in your introduction that specifically refers to blood and Macbeth.

§  Refer to specific lines in Macbeth. Line numbers should be formatted in the following format: (Act.Scene.Line#) – For example (1.3.17).

§  Arrive at a supported conclusion about the significance of the blood motif in the play.

§  Edit for surface errors.

