Mid-Annandale Action Group for Tenants & Residents.

Minutes of Meeting Held The 10th April 2017.


Nell Sharky, DGHP.

Crispin McCreery, Tenant.

Suzanne Storm, Resident.

Chris Howard, Resident.

Prim Stephens, Tenant.

Ronald Ritchie, Secretary.

Billy Martin, Community Safety Team.

Shona & Fiona, Loreburn Housing.

Gordon Williamson, DGHP.

Stephen Thompson, Councillor.


Stewart Ainsworth, Chair, due to illness.

Louise Bands, Resident.

The meeting was opened by myself sue to Stewart not being with us.

All were welcomed along with two new members.

We started by asking Stephen to fill us in the meeting held re the future of the Portacabin we use for our meetings.

Due to the cabins age its life span is about to end, plus the primary school is looking at extending the class rooms due to increase in numbers of pupils. The cabin does not have a lease to it. Stephen says it will not close over night, but Pam said “It will be sooner than later”. When that time comes we will have to look at else to meet every two months.

2, Minutes of Previous meeting. Proposed by Shona & seconded by Pam.

There were no matters arising from same. Nell signed off the previous minutes due to Stewart not being with us.

Community Safety Team, report = Dog Fouling is still a big issue of concern. Continues all over the town and elsewhere in the area we cover.

It was said that a dog fight took place resulting in injury, but the owner did not report to police, thus they cannot intervene.

Prim, was happy to report to safety team and Stephen that the matting around the play equipment behind St Margaret Flats have been greatly improved since they were pressured hosed. Parents, Grandparents and Children very happy.

Over Hanging Tree Branches Annandale Court and other places will only be removed if in danger of falling from the tree or the tree is rotten.

Reported to Stephen = Pot holes in Vendace Drive are dreadful, folks are again asked to ring in re potholes and they will get a job number re same.

After our last meeting I contacted the council re state of the bus shelters on the main street, result = the day after our meeting, both bus shelters were cleaned inside & out and from top (the roof) to bottom. Talking about bus shelter is was reported that three lads were trying their best to dislodge one of the shelters in an attempt to topple it over.

Again since last meeting both Stewart and I checked out the tree root problem at Glebe Terrace, we could not see of fid the root problem.

Mill Loch Planter, the Community Council wanted to move this planter from where it is, i.e. opposite the flats to the town hall, problem is No one knows who owns same it is not The Council or DGHP.

Re the house in Princes Street, No 11, that is in need of a lot of TLC, Suzanne, informed us the owners only appear about once a year to do some work on the house?

Adopted Planters, have been replenished after being vandalised, we thank the Community Council for getting this issue into the Annandale Herald Newspaper. It will also appear in the Open Door Magazine which DGHP sends 3, out to all tenants, I have requested for a few extra copies for the group to read.

Gordons Report = Still continuing with the school projects, to date Gordon has spoken to over 600 school children, co9me May he is going to speak to pupils at Lockerbie Academy and Maxwelltown High. He has been giving a talk on Money Lenders at Sanquhar. Gordon informed us that the Federation Information Vehicle will be starting to go out to different place from May. There is a new TARA set up at Lochside and Lincluden.

Treasurers Report = TARA Account - £259 – 96p. Project Account £51s. Some money will be drawn for summer plants for the two adopted planters.

AOCB = Where the old garage stands on the road out of Lochmaben to Dumfries is being considered for the building of luxury flats.

It was suggested that we do what others have done re dog fouling i.e. put up banners.

Crispin, spoke to us about him wishing to have solar panels erected on the roof of the flats where he resides? Crispin, said He requires is the signatures of the other residents of the flats, for this idea to go ahead. Crispin, will also require consent from his Land Lord i.e. Loreburn Housing.

Date, Time & Venue of next meeting = 5th June 2017 at 2pm, Portacabin.

Thanks was given to all present, meeting closed.

Ronald A. Ritchie, Secretary.