PARVANA Anticipation guide Chapter 5

Part 1 Before reading today’s chapter, Read each of the following statements:

·  If you think the statement is true, tick the Agree column.

·  If you disagree with the statement, tick the Disagree column. Be prepared to justify your decisions.

Agree / Disagree / Statement
Parvana was arrested by a Talib soldier for going into the shops
An old friend will arrive to help Parvana’s family
Parvana becomes ill from drinking unboiled water
It is too dangerous for Parvana to return to the market

Part 2 Read the text.

·  If the text supports your statement, tick the Support column and quote the relevant text.

·  If the text does not support the statement, tick the No Support column and quote the relevant text.

·  Then explain what the quote means in your own words.

Support / No Support / Quote from text / In my own words

Part 3: Chapter Questions. Write out the questions and answer in a full sentence. Beside each question, record what type of question it was. Either Literal, Inferential or Evaluative.

1.  Explain how you would feel if you had to go to the market and were confronted by the Taliban.

2.  Why was Parvana scared to go shopping alone? How were women supposed to shop? Why did the person notice how she was carrying the bread? How did the person help Parvana’s family?

3.  Why couldn’t Parvana have drink of water before it was boiled?

Part 1 Before reading today’s chapter, Read each of the following statements. Chapter 6

·  If you think the statement is true, tick the Agree column.

·  If you disagree with the statement, tick the Disagree column. Be prepared to justify your decisions.

Agree / Disagree / Statement
Parvana refuses to enter the market disguised as a boy
Parvana’s disguise doesn’t work and she is beaten again by the same Talib.
The shop keeper overcharges Parvana for rice and tea
Parvana’s mother finds it hard to look at her dressed as a boy

Part 2 Read the text.

·  If the text supports your statement, tick the Support column and quote the relevant text.

·  If the text does not support the statement, tick the No Support column and quote the relevant text.

·  Then explain what the quote means in your own words.

Support / No Support / Quote from text / In my own words

Part 3: Chapter Questions.

·  Write out the questions and answer in a full sentence.

·  Beside each question (in the margin) record what type of question it was. ( Literal, Inferential or Evaluative.)

  1. What idea do Mrs Weera and Fatana (Parvana’s mother) have for Parvana?
  2. What decision does Parvana reach about her looks once her hair has been cut off? (pg 70)
  3. What evidence is there to suggest throughout the chapter that Parvana’s mother has not recovered from Hossein’s death?

Part 4: Fill out the Reading log for chapters 5-6, then glue the sheet in.

PARVANA Predicting Chapter 5

Part 1 Before reading today’s chapter, Read each of the following statements:

·  If you think the statement is true, tick the Agree column.

·  If you disagree with the statement, tick the Disagree column.

Agree / Disagree / Statement
Parvana was arrested by a Talib soldier for going into the shops
An old friend will arrive to help Parvana’s family
Parvana becomes ill from drinking unboiled water
It is too dangerous for Parvana to return to the market

Part 2: Chapter Questions.

·  Answer the following questions in a full sentence.

·  Beside each question, write of it is a Literal, Inferential or Evaluative question. (L, I or E)

Type of question / Question / Full sentence answer
Explain how you would feel if you had to go to the market and were confronted by the Taliban?
Why was Parvana scared to go shopping alone?
How were women supposed to shop? Why did the person notice how she was carrying the bread?
How did the person help Parvana’s family?
Why couldn’t Parvana have drink of water before it was boiled?

PARVANA Predicting Chapter 6

Part 1 Before reading today’s chapter, Read each of the following statements.

·  If you think the statement is true, tick the Agree column.

·  If you disagree with the statement, tick the Disagree column.

Agree / Disagree / Statement
Parvana refuses to enter the market disguised as a boy
Parvana’s disguise doesn’t work and she is beaten again by the same Talib.
The shop keeper overcharges Parvana for rice and tea
Parvana’s mother finds it hard to look at her dressed as a boy

Part 2: Chapter Questions.

·  Answer the following questions in a full sentence.

·  Beside each question, write of it is a Literal, Inferential or Evaluative question. (L, I or E)

Type of question / Question / Full sentence answer
What idea do Mrs Weera and Fatana (Parvana’s mother) have for Parvana?
What decision does Parvana reach about her looks once her hair has been cut off? (pg 70)
What evidence is there to suggest throughout the chapter that Parvana’s mother has not recovered from Hossein’s death?

Part 3: Fill out the Reading log for chapters 5-6, then glue the sheet in.