
Your mum wants you to wear a jumper/shirt/skirt that your grandparents bought you for your birthday, but you don’t like it. / Your dad wants you to help him in the garden, but you want to play football with your mates.
Your grandma asks you to look after your baby sister/brother but you want to go out to the cinema. / Your best friend tells you that she fancies your boyfriend and you fall out with her.
Your mum expects you to go with her to visit an elderly aunt, but you think she is boring. / Your dad is wearing an embarrassing tie to go to the parents’ evening at school and you know your friends will notice and tease you the next day.
Your carer comes to pick you up from a party and rings the doorbell instead of waiting down the road in his car. / Your mum told your new boyfriend an embarrassing story about you as a baby.
You have broken a favourite ornament of your mother’s and you pretend the dog must have done it. / Your dad joins in with the dancing at the school disco where he is supposed to be helping serve the refreshments and his dancing is really old-fashioned.
Your dad insists you go to bed when you really want to watch a TV program that you know all your friends will be watching. / A popular boy sneers at the CD you have just bought and you pretend you have actually bought it for your cousin.
Your carer complains that your room is a mess and you tidy it up by hiding everything under the bed. / Your father refuses to let you go out wearing the new dress you bought at the weekend.
Your carer thinks he smells alcohol on your breath when you return home from a party. / Your mother accuses you of smoking cigarettes because she can smell smoke on your clothes.
Your carer does not want you to go out wearing the makeup you have put on. / You see a film at a friend’s house that has a 15 classification (only suitable for 15 years & over) and you tell your dad that you saw a U film instead (universal – suitable for all).
Your sister/brother keeps using your special shower gel & shampoo that is expensive (you can smell the perfume on her/him) but she/he denies it. / You don’t like the colour of your hair, but your mum refuses to let you dye it.

How did you feel?

I felt happy when ______


I felt sad when ______


I was frightened when ______


I felt excited when ______


I was angry when ______


I was kind when ______


I felt ashamed when I ______


I felt jealous when ______


I was worried when ______


I felt embarrassed when ______


I felt proud when ______


© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users Y6 - Sc – Human Reproduction & Relationships - Session C2

We refer you to our warning, at the top of the You Will Need document, about links to other websites


These websites have been checked, however, Hamilton Trust wish to stress that it is the responsibility of the teacher to check the web addresses provided before using them. While we do our best to ensure that the web addresses are accurate and stable it is imperative that teachers check them before using them with the children.

Websites to go to for advice:


need 2 know:



Bullying UK:

Websites for Rites of Passage:

Rites of Passage:


RE online:

World faiths:

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users Y6 - Sc – Human Reproduction & Relationships - Session C1 and C2

We refer you to our warning, at the top of the You Will Need document, about links to other websites

Contents of suggested DVDs

BBC Growing Up

Programme 1: What’s happening to me?

1.1Puberty and boys

1.2Puberty and girls

1.3Puberty and sex


Programme 2: How am I behaving?

2.1 How am I behaving with my family?

2.2 Feelings

2.3 How am I behaving with my friends?

2.4 What makes a good friend?

2.5 How am I behaving with myself?

Programme 3: How are other people behaving?


3.2Going out with someone – or not

3.3What makes a good boyfriend or girlfriend?

3.4How should I behave in a relationship?

BBC Sex and Relationship Education

Unit 1 Growing up

Physical changes

Emotional changes

Unit 2 Cycle of life

Sexual reproduction



Loss and change

Unit 3 Feelings

Managing feelings

Keeping safe

Unit 4 Family Life

Different family patterns

Marriage and partnerships

Celebrating events

Unit 5 Friendships

Making friends

When friendships go wrong

Keeping friends

BBC Rites of Passage

Unit 1 Introduction

The journey of life

Growing old

What makes people happy?

Unit 2 Birth

The start of life

What’s in a name?


The birth of a baby is a blessing


Choosing a name


A Christian baptism

Writing focus: A big responsibility

Welcome to the Christian family

A welcome for Jesus

Unit 3 Growing up

Changes and new beginnings


Bar mitzvah: a sign of growing up

Bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah ceremonies

Bar mitzvah quiz


A Roman Catholic First Communion

A Church of England confirmation service

Confirmation quiz

Baptism in the River Jordan

Baptism in a Baptist Church


The story of the Khalsa

Taking amrit

The Five Ks

Five Ks quiz

Writing focus: A special time in my life

Unit 4 Marriage

A world of weddings

Choosing a partner


A Christian wedding

Marriage vows

Jesus goes to a wedding


A Jewish wedding

The story of Ruth and Boaz


A Hindu wedding

The story of Rama and Sita

Writing focus: A letter about a wedding

Unit 5 The end of the journey

The end of this life’s journey


What do Hindus believe about the journey of life?

Rajiv Gandhi’s funeral


Prince Siddartha’s search for meaning

The story of Kisa and the mustard seeds


What do Christians believe Easter tells them about life’s end?

What do Christians believe happens when someone dies?

A place of rest

A graveyard with a difference

Going to a Christian funeral

Marking an end and celebrating a life

Helping us to remember

Writing focus: My life journey

Channel 4 Living and Growing

Unit 1 (aimed at 5-7 year olds)


How did I get here?

Growing Up

Unit 2 (aimed at 7-9 year olds)


How Babies Are Made

How Babies Are Born

Unit 3 (aimed at 9-11 year olds)

Girl Talk

Boy talk

Let’s Talk About Sex

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users Y6 - Sc – Human Reproduction & Relationships - Session C2

We refer you to our warning, at the top of the You Will Need document, about links to other websites