General Meeting Minutes

April 13th, 2014

Call Meeting to Order -Sargent at Arms: Chuck Riesselman

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

President: Mark Koon, Vice President: Randy Holland, Secretary: Julie Rice Treasurer: Beth Franz, MN Legislative Director: Jim Dahling, WI Legislative Director: Mike Deavey –, Directors at Large: Norm Pollard, Mike Hammett

President’s Introduction: Mark Koon

Welcome. Sorry for the room change, but it was short notice and we couldn’t change everything.

  • May 18th- Next General Meeting due to Mother’s Day. BOD meeting will be before and Adopt A Highway will be after.
  • Round Barn Rally meeting will be after the General Meeting.
  • Flood Run is next Saturday. Join us at the Beach Bar at 9:00.
  • April 26th is Fury Open House/SCVR membership drive- Free food, pop ,beer
  • Thanks Norm for doing Donnie Smith while we were at the STEAM Convention. There were 17 of us who attended. ABATE of WI will be hosting Meeting of the Minds in 2015, and they have asked SCVR to help. STEAM will be in Bismarck ND in 2015.
  • For the Chili Feed- We could get an 18 stall shower for $500. We would charge $5/ shower. There was interest.
  • Memorial Day Parade in Bayport. Anyone interested in leading this again? Someone said Norm, and he graciously said yes.

Secretary’s Report: Julie Rice

Motion was made-Move to waive reading of the minutes and approve as written. There was a second to the motion, it was voted on and approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Beth Franz

The financials are on the tables. We are better on the budget, but we put a down payment on the band, so we are into expenses. March 1-$66,222 balance and April 1 balance is $60,739.

Motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s report as written subject to audit. It was seconded, no discussion, voted on and approved.

A motion to suspend rules of order for the meeting to present the By Law changes and vote on them. It was seconded.

Jim Dahling presented the changes to the membership.

Article 1.0 Membership

Motion to accept the changes 1.1-Membership. Motion was seconded, voted and approved

Motion to accept 1.2 changes in dues. Motion seconded, voted and approved.

Article 2.0 BOD

? on 2.6.3 was clarified by Jim. Motion to accept changes to 2.7.3. It was seconded, no discussion, voted and approved.

Article 3.0

Motion was made to adopt all changes to 3.0. Seconded. Discussion . ? on why the wording has 6.2.1 and there is no 6.2.1. It was clarified and will be removed before the final draft is printed.

Motion to with draw previous motion and make a new motion to accept changes except 6.2.1, which will be changed before the final draft. It was seconded, voted and approved.

Article 4.0 Meetings

Explanation and discussion on wording and strikes to Article 4.0. Motion was made to accept all changes. It was seconded, voted and approved.

Article 5.0 Judicial Procedure

Discussion and ?’s on 5.2 and dues. Clarified.

Motion to move changes for Article 5.0. It was seconded, no discussion, voted and approved.

Article 6.0 title changed to Finance Fiscal Year Motion to accept changes, it was seconded, no discussion, voted and approved.

Old Article 7.0 was stricken. Motion to accept the stricken old Article 7.0. It was voted on and approved.

7.0 Audit of the Books. Motion accept the wording changes, it was seconded, no discussion, voted on and approved.

8.0 Compensation. Motion to accept changes to wording and strikes. It was seconded, no discussion, voted and approved.

Articles 9-15 had no changes. This concludes the voting on the By-Law changes. They were accepted and voted on by the General Membership.

Merchandise Report: Therese Hammett

I have charter member patches. Looking for volunteers for the Flood Run. Thanks to Russ Gebhardt for all his help and bartender skills at the STEAM Convention.

Membership: Judy Gebhardt:

Membership letters were sent out and we have some new renewals. We are about 795, close to where we were last year at this time.

Rider’s Education: Ron Lischeid:

Please sign up to take a rider’s education class, You must be a member for 3 yrs. To be reimbursed.

Road Captain: Randy Holland

First dinner ride was done. It was 40 degrees. It will be the first Wednesday of every month.

MN Legislative Report: Jim Dahling:

There were 3 deadlines that passed, so we are free for this year. You must prepare for next year.

WI Legislative Report: Mike Deavey: absent excused

We have a May proclamation to have the Trans. Board to pay for $100,000 for electronic billboards again this year. We are getting ready to go to DC for Bikers on the Beltway!

Public Relations: Jeannine Maurer:

You can buy your tickets on line for the Round Barn Rally.

Newsletter: Penny Nielsen- absent

Any information for the next newsletter is due on May 15th. Ads for this are only $35-200.

Webmaster: Sheila Sumner- absent

If you want something on the website, just email it to her.

Adopt-A-Highway: Julie Rice -

We will be meeting at the Bungalow Bar right after the General Meeting to do our duty for roadside clean up. After we are done we will go to the Beach bar for food and drinks. Please help out. It takes less than an hour.

MRF: Jill Kielblock: absent, no report

Sunshine: Kim Deavey

A frame was sent to Terri Barber for the death of her sister.

Motion to suspend the meeting for officer nominations. The motion was seconded, voted and approved.


President: Mark Koon-accepted

Vice President: Randy Holland-accepted, Norm Pollard-No!

Treasurer: Beth Franz-accepted

Secretary: Julie Rice-accepted

Sargent at Arms- Chick Riesselman-No, Greg Styba –No, Crash-accept, Shane Murphy-accept, Mike Classen-accept

Director at Large-Mike Hammett-accept, Norm Pollard-accept, Crash-No, Rhys Moreno-no

MN legislative Director- Jim Dahling is stepping down. Shane Murphy- I will rescind my Sgt. at Arms and accept this, Dave Hammond-accept

WI Legislative Director: Mike Deavey-accept, Jeff Berg-no

Audit Committee: Michelle Moreno-accept, Shelly Landgraff-no, Jeannine Mauer-accept, Wendy Holland-no, Sue Styba-no

All nominations are closed until the May meeting.

Old Business:

New Business:

Ron L.- reported if you send a $50 check to your legislature and you get a receipt, fill out some paperwork and you will be reimbursed the $50 and money will go to the fund of the legislator.

Mark- Trailer will be at Froggy’s to get the logos for Dial-A-Ride and SCVR. It will be at our events and runs.

There is a lot of road construction, so be careful…Highway 61-36, Highway 52, Highway 35 between Owatonna and Rochester and up to Alexandria.

Road Guard Bill is law. Training will be in the summer of 2015, a 3 hour course.

May 31st- Make a Wish Ride, June 14th, BADD- Bikers against domestic violence, June 21st-Michela Olson Memorial Run

Hammond- We should put the check donation info on our website and find out who is for helmet laws and who isn’t

New Members:

Curt T.- Rosemount, Bruce W.-Vermillion, Bill G.-Buffalo, Jessica P.-Farmington

Member Contributions: $94 won by Mark Koethe

Motion to Adjourn at 1:30.