Crew Instructions for Using EFB-Pro to Perform W&B
Instructions printed in bold italics are unique to EFB or Desktop devices.
- Start the EFB-Pro by pressing the EFB-Pro icon from the home page of the handheld device.
EFB devices may use a different icon
- When the Weather & Limits page appears, press the W&B button in the lower right corner of the screen.
- The most forward interior of the aircraft is displayed with appropriately oriented seat icons. A short textual description appears to the left of each row of seats. A scroll bar on the right margin can be used to move aft and forward through the entire length of the aircraft to display the appropriate row. The selected season will automatically default to the appropriate selection based on the current date.
- When the appropriate row is displayed, select the appropriate passenger type (Male, Female or Child) and season (winter or summer) within the passenger & season select area. If an actual weight over-ride is necessary, select Actual.
- Using the appropriate pointing device, touch the seat(s) where the passenger is seated. An M, F or C will appear within the seat icon to denote the acceptance of the standard weight for that position.
- If an actual weight was selected, Lbs will appear within the seat icon and a textbox will appear to enter the weight in pounds. An on-screen numeric keypad is provided for convenience.
- The placement of passengers can be saved by placing a checkmark within the Save checkbox. If the checkbox is left unchecked, the passenger weights and position will be saved for this calculation only and upon re-entry to this screen, all seats will be empty. If saved, upon re-entry, the seats will be filled as previously saved.
- Press Done to continue.
- The default crew adjustments to the basic operating weight (BOW) are displayed. In the case of a significant variation from the default values, the user can enter a more appropriate value for the crew members.
- Using the navigation buttons at the bottom of the screen to enter fuel, baggage or other items listed under Sta 6-10. These entries are simple textbox numeric entries in pounds.
- When completed, press the Show CG button to proceed with the calculation.
- The point of departure, arrival and alternate screen contains optional entries. They may be left blank without effecting the W&B calculation. If entries are made, airports can be entered as 3 or 4 letter identifiers. The winds aloft can be entered as an average Boeing wind entry. The results of these entries can be viewed by pressing Calculate.
- Crew names can be entered by pressing Crew. The default names (last entered names) will be displayed. To continue, press CG Envelop.
- The CG envelop displays. The print and Send buttons may or may not appear depending upon the equipment used. If standard weights were used in the calculation, the envelop status bar will display Curtailed Envelop. If all actual weights were used, the word curtailed will be dropped. The line within the envelop represents the T/O weight to zero fuel CG shift. If the takeoff weight exceeds MGTOW, fwd/aft CG limits or zero fuel weight limits, a textual message will appear on the screen.
- The Send and Print versions of the W&B are identical and in HTML format. A representative example appears below. The Print W&B icon on the EFB desktop displays the most current Print version of the W&B. All saved (Print version) W&Bs are time-stamped within the EFB-Pro folder and can be retrieved manually.
Modified Aug 16, 2007