Research Paper Component for 3rd M.P. (60 pts)

At this point in the year, you and your partner should be conducting high level research on your presentation and spotlight topics, finding quality analytical quotes, and properly integrating and citing them in MLA format.

For the third quarter presentations, you will also be writing a 4-5 paragraph essay about your topic, including an introduction, two to three body paragraphs (depending on how many supporting ideas your topic has), and a brief conclusion that discusses the legacy of your topic (its significance to American history or culture) and possibly a link to a course theme. Failure to adhere to the requirements below will result in a loss of points for your final grade:

  1. Sources: You must use at least 2 sources for your paper. These DO NOT include your textbook or a general encyclopedia.
  1. Quotes: You must integrate at least 3 quotes from these sources, all of which must be properly introduced and cited parenthetically. One of these quotes must be a paraphrased quote. (Remember, a paraphrased quote must summarize the original quote in your own words, should not have quotation marks, but must be cited.) Your quotes should be highly analytical in nature, either from a critic, historian, or primary source document. Avoid quoting facts, common knowledge, basic statistics, or general encyclopedia information. Look at the library website’s MLA Guide to see how to properly cite each kind of source.
  1. Works Cited: Your Works Cited page must be properly formatted and double spaced. There is no formal 4-line heading needed on any page other than the first page of your essay. You do, however, need a header in the top right corner with your last name and page number. Works cited MUST BE in alphabetical order and should only include those sources that you actually derived quotes from.
  1. Length: Aim for concision. Try to write a 4-5 paragraph essay in under 2 ½ pages. We are looking for quality (the level of analysis and the effectiveness of your language), not quantity. Including too much extraneous information will result in a lower grade.

American Studies

Presentation Scoring Rubric 2015

(180 points)

Presentation Component

/ Excellent
(27-30) / Good
Students met requirements, but less effectively, thoroughly, or creatively / Improvement Needed
Students were missing key criteria of rubric / Failing
Students failed to meet most of the criteria of rubric / Comments
-- Students demonstrated an understanding of the importance of the first thirty seconds of the presentation as “prime time” by providing a grabber and clear thesis or statement of purpose for the class.
-- Presentation is well thought out, lacks unnecessary background or detail, and is streamlined toward course learning objectives.
-- Reflects application of critical thinking
-- Is pulled from a variety of sources
-- Information is accurate
-- Presentation seamlessly integrates at least 2 analytical (DO NOT have a slide that says “Quotes”)
--Connects topic to a relevant course theme
-- The Student-made audio visual presentation was smoothly synchronized with the oral presentation.
-- Video and Presentation were saved in the same folder
-- Students observed established time limitations. (5-7 minutes)
-- Students provided effective preface or transition to the audio or video component but avoided content repetition.
-- Students provided a brief review of main points/significance of topic without being repetitive.
-- Student connected topic to a course theme.
-- Using voice projection , inflection, and body posture, the students demonstrated a strong enthusiasm for the topic.
-- Use of multimedia enhances presentation.
-- Creative use of multiple modes of presentation (slideshow, video clip, simulation, art show, etc.)that are appropriate for your topic
-- Where applicable, students demonstrated care in selecting relevant audio or video supplements highly representative of the assigned topic. (Avoid United Streaming)
--Student had two or more face to face meetings outside library/classroom
-- One of the meetings is before research begins.
-- Other meeting is before final touches are put on project.
-- Student continues to engage teacher in communication throughout process. (may include email, spot checks, etc.)
-- Partners share equally in the work load and collaborate with minimal conflict.
  1. Student included a 4-5 paragraph essay with proper MLA heading and 3 analytical quotes from 2 different sources, properly integrated, and followed by a sentence or two of your own analysis. One of your quotes must be a paraphrased quote, meaning you summarize the content of the quote in your own words, but still cite the source. Each quote must be followed by a parenthetical citation that matches your Works Cited documents.
  2. Students submitted a Works Cited (NOT a Works Consulted) that follows MLA format (upper right header and pg.#, alphabetical listing of sources, etc.) It should only include the sources you quoted from. One source MUST be a book source. This may NOT be your textbook.
**Note: For MLA format, see the library’s webpage under LMHS MLA Guide. Click the bottom link for Research Paper to see templates for first page and Works Cited. / Please note the research & essay component is worth 60 points.