726 School Road

Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2Y 0S5





2011 Master of Fine Arts, Acting, York University, Theatre Department.

2011 Graduate Diploma in Voice Teaching, York University, Theatre Department.

2001 BA Honours Theatre, Acting, University of Winnipeg.

Further Education and Training

Sept 2010 Pro Actor’s Lab, Acting for Film Workshop with David Rotenburg. Toronto, ON.

On camera scene work.

June 2010 The National Voice Intensive. University of British Columbia. Vancouver, BC.

Assisting/observing five master teachers and additional instructors.

Dec 2009 York University – Stage Fighting Workshop with Simon Fon. Toronto, ON.

Three-day workshop on unarmed, armed, and rapier technique.

Feb 2008 Shakespeare in the Ruins. Text Workshop with Giles Block (Director and Text Coach with the Globe Theatre, London). Winnipeg, MB.

Three day workshop on Shakespearean text and scene work.

April 2008 Speaking Shakespeare I and II with Patsy Rodenburg. New York, NY.

Six-day workshop on Rodenburg’s approach to voice, text, and her Second Circle work to create presence.

May 2007 Voice and text workshop with Dennis Krausnick (Head of Training at Shakespeare and Company in Lenox, Massachusetts). Tom-Tom Theatre. Winnipeg, MB.

Workshop on Linklater voice, text and scene study.

Dec 2007 Shakespeare and Company’s Month Long Intensive. Lenox, Massachusetts.

Four week workshop (280 contact hours) on Linklater Voice, text, and movement (Fight, Laban, Clown and Alexander).

April 2006 Text Workshop with Gary Logan (currently the director of the Academy for

Classical Acting at Shakespeare Theatre Company, Washington DC), Tom-Tom

Theatre, Winnipeg, MB.

Workshop on scansion and effectively communicating Shakespeare’s text.

June 2005 The National Voice Intensive. University of British Columbia. Vancouver. BC.

Five week workshop (220 contact hours) in voice, speech, text and movement.

2003 Character Mask with Chris Sigurdson. Winnipeg, MB.

Workshop on character mask and improvisation.

2001 Clown workshop with Ann Hodges. Winnipeg, MB.

Play, character development and improvisation using clown.

2000 Impulse Work with Tom Stroud. Winnipeg’s Contemporary Dance Studio,

Winnipeg, MB.

Exploration of movement, text and the actor’s impulse.


Academic Teaching:

2010 - 2011 Instructor: Voice and Speech I, Theatre Dept. York University.

2010 Instructor: Introduction to Acting, Theatre Dept. York University.

2009 Instructor: Acting Shakespeare, Theatre Dept. York University.

Additional Teaching:

2008 Instructor: Spoken Voice 2, Prairie Theatre Exchange School of Acting.

2008 Workshop Instructor: Voice, Body and Text (Independent workshop)

A combination of voice, Shakespearean text and the Chekhov technique.

2007 Workshop Instructor: Linklater Based Voice Work. University of Winnipeg’s Third Year Honours Acting Program.

2006 Workshop Instructor: Text Workshop for Theatre by the River.

Making use of the structure of Shakespearean text and scene exploration.

2003 - 2004 Teacher’s Assistant: University of Winnipeg’s Introduction to Theatre: Performance and second year Acting Theory and Practice.



2011 Voice and Text Coach

Macbeth, York University Graduate and Undergraduate Conservatory,

Director: Paul Muir

2010 Dialect and Voice Coach (Spanish, French, RP)

Ti Jean and His Brothers, York University Fourth Year Acting Conservatory,

Director: Marvin Ishmael

2010 Voice and Text Coach

Oedipus, York University Graduate and Third Year Acting Conservatories,

Director: Anita La Selva

Private Practice

2011 Accent Modification Coach (ongoing): For an Italian Master’s Student via Skype.


2004 Assistant Director: Book of Days, University of Winnipeg Third Year Honours Acting Program. Director: Shelagh Carter.

2003 Assistant Director: The Children’s Hour, University of Winnipeg Third Year Honours Acting Program. Director: Shelagh Carter.

2000 Director: The Problem, University of Winnipeg’s course on Directing.


Professional Affiliations:

2009, 2011 Voice and Speech Trainers Associations, Inc. (VASTA)

2003 - present Canadian Actors’ Equity Association (CAEA)


My current research interests are in integrating voice, body and text work for actors. While these aspects of actor training need to be worked separately for a time, I believe that applying them together sooner rather than later is extremely beneficial to the actor. I am also interested in researching the balance of playing the structure of text along with authentic emotional connection through proper breathing technique (Alba Emoting). I am interested in Dialect/Accent Coaching for Theatre, Film and Television and in effective pedagogical techniques for learning new accents. Finally, I am interested in furthering my practice of voice and text work for actors as well as to applying my practice and knowledge to spoken communication in the corporate sector.



The Witch of Edmonton Frank Thorney York University/ Anita La Selva

The Last Days of Judas Iscariot Butch Honeywell, Freud, Mother Teresa York University/ Paul Muir

Oedipus Creon York University/ Anita La Selva

Bobrauschenbergamerica Becker York University/ Marvin Ishmael

Strike! Moishe Produced by Danny Schur/ Ann Hodges Rich: The Musical CEO MTYP/ Ron Jenkins

Urinetown Barrel/ Hot Blades Harry Dry Cold Productions/ Ann Hodges

Troilus and Cressida Hector, Diomedes Tom-Tom Theatre/ Ross McMillan

Mozart’s 250th Birthday Party Mozart Dry Cold Productions / Donna Fletcher

Measure for Measure Angelo Tom-Tom Theatre/ Ross McMillan

Facts Inspector Yassin Who Knows Productions/ Ula Ryum

Much Ado About Nothing Conrade Manitoba Theatre Centre/ Miles Potter

Never Swim Alone Bill Lucid Theatre/ Nancy Drake

The Tale of the Allergist’s Wife Mohammed Winnipeg Jewish Theatre/ Robb Patterson

Richard III Archbishop, Norfolk Manitoba Theatre Centre/ Guy Sprung

The Odyssey Eurilocus, Lars Shakespeare in the Ruins/ Chris Pinker

The Virtuous Burglar The Man Dir. Ashleigh Majzels

Fear and Misery of Judge/Various University of Winnipeg/ Dir. Kelly Daniels

The Third Reich

A Woman of No Importance Archdeacon/Kelvil University of Winnipeg/ Dir. Margo Charlton

An Experiment With an Air Pump Fenwick/Tom University of Winnipeg/ Dir. Kelly Daniels

Love’s Labours Lost Navarre (as understudy) Shakespeare in the Ruins/

Dawn-Mari McCaugherty

Dancing at Lughnasa Uncle Jack University of Winnipeg/ Shelagh Carter


2009 Co-written Grant Applicant: Production Grant awarded for Tom-Tom Theatre’s production of A Winter’s Tale.

2009 First Aid and CPR Training certified by St. John’s Ambulance.

2008 Co-written Grant Applicant: Production Grant awarded for Tom-Tom Theatre’s production of Troilus and Cressida.

2005, 2007 & 2008 Manitoba Arts Council Grant for Professional Development.

2006 Co-written Grant Applicant: Production Grant awarded for Tom-Tom Theatre’s production of Measure for Measure.

2007 Canada Council for the Arts Grant for Professional Development.

2005 & 2007 Winnipeg Arts Council Grant for Professional Development.

2000 University of Winnipeg Academic Scholarship Recipient.

*References are available upon request