Lowcountry Regional Transportation Authority (LRTA) Board Meeting
August 23, 2017
Location: Palmetto Breeze
Call to Order: Chair David Blauch called the meeting to order at 2:00PM
Board Members Present: David Blauch, Ginnie Kozak, Rick Hamilton, Susan Zellman, Chris Bickley, Barbara Childs
Board Members Absent: Louise Pinkney, Jake Rawls
Others in Attendance: Mary Lou Franzoni, Paula Tilley, John Travers, Laura Atkinson and Mark Stanley – all of Palmetto Breeze.
Approval of Minutes – July 5, 2017
Motion to approve, Rick Hamilton; second, Susan Zellman. Motion carried.
Action Items
- 5311 Rural Grant from SCDOT includes SMTF. Mr. Blauch signed the grant on 08/15/2017 valued at$1,524,015.
- SMTF for Small Urban Grant 5307 funds valued at $85,665.00 signed by Mr. Blauch on 8/10/2017.
- Allendale COA,a Palmetto Breeze sub-recipient for Scooter service,is reimbursed by miles; same renewal dates 7/1/17 to 6/30/18.
- Advertising contract with Media Sources for Circle K- renewed another 8 weeks for $300 per month per vehicle. Currently there areads on 3 vehicles. Circle K pays for all the signage and work to apply and remove their advertising.
Motion to approve action items 1-4, Chris Bickley; second, Barbara Childs. Motion carried.
Discussion ensued regarding promoting and attracting additional advertisers to increase revenue. Ms. Zellman suggested that we post on the buses an ad that says advertise here. Ms. Franzoni responded that that was a good idea. Ms. Zellman added that perhaps Sign D’sign would do it for free because they will make money off of the advertisers.
Ms. Tilley discussed retirement participation of Part Time Employees in the State program. Ms. Tilley stated that we had an employment attorney look at the laws and confirmed that we must participate in the State Retirement Program with ALL our employees. Ms. Childs requested staff to contact the Beaufort County HR Department and speak to Suzanne Gregory, to be sure the County requires Part Time employees to participate.
Motion to approve (after verifying Beaufort County’s process), Barbara Childs; second, Rick Hamilton. Motion carried.
Ms. Tilley discussed the revised budget. Some local match funds had to be adjusted between the rural and urban grants, the cost allocation between the rural and urban area had to be revised, SCDOT made an error on how much we will receive in the urban area for one of the years; $700,000 in our favor, which required adjusting. Because of the adjustments in the rural grant, more money was put into fuel and a supervisor’s car was added into the budget. On the small urban side, there is a large deficit as there is not enough local match funds. We won’tbe able to spend all the federal money though if we do not have the local match. This is why we are interested in selling the property in Jasper County. Discussions ensued regarding how the budget is created and what is included in it. The Board requested a budget orientation/summary to be presented at the next Board meeting one hour before the scheduled time with lunch to be included.
Motion to approve the revised budget, Susan Zellman; second, Rick Hamilton. Motion carried.
Director’s Report
Ms. Franzoni and Ms. Atkinson attended a Together for Beaufort Alliance retreat in June. The retreat was a further meeting of the Alliance agencies to explore ways that we can work together. One of the organizations,Second Helpings,collects food from grocery stores and restaurantsthat would have been thrown away and distributes to those in need. Palmetto Breeze is partnering with Second Helpings and volunteers from the Church of the Cross to distribute food once a week to our bus riders. Second Helpings purchased a refrigerator and a freezer that is at Palmetto Breeze for the food donations.Ms. Franzoni attended in Columbia anSCDOT Grants management classon their new computerized online grants system.
Finance Director’s Report
Ms. Tilley stated she believed it was Mr. Rawls turn to do the Finance Review and he didn’t come. Ms. Childs agrees she can do it after the meeting.
Ms. Tilley requested that we change the Board meeting dates back to the old schedule of January, March, May, July, September, and November. Because the way this month’s meeting falls, she is in the middle of a fiscal year and the audit. If we change it back to having one in July and September, she can close out one year in the financials and report on another year at the following meeting.
Ms. Tilley stated that money is very tight as the new grants have not been received back from SCDOT. We are waiting on money from the Counties and Hilton Head. She will follow up with them.
Chairperson’s Report
No Report at this time
Committee Reports
The use of video technology is helping the operations staff in investigating incidents, managing drivers, and holding them accountable to Palmetto Transit Policies, as noted by Mr. Hamilton.
Mr. Bickley noted that having established standard procedures and policy manuals as well as holding people responsible is effective in changing employee and rider attitudes. Ms. Franzoni stated that in the pastthere had been several lawsuits but now with the code of conduct for the passengers, there is an established process for resolving incidents with drivers giving warnings. Depending on the seriousness of the offense, riders have been suspendedfrom service for a given time and in the case of violent behavior have had their ridership privilege terminated.
Chair Blauch stated staff now at 100%. 2 buses currently being refurbed in Florida and are looking great.
Ms. Childs stated that we did not do the review before the Board meeting but will do it after the meeting.
Ms. Tilley stated that Palmetto Breeze and the County will no longer handle the parking for Daufuskie Ferry. Haig Point will handle all parking for the Ferry as of October 1st.
Old Business
Ms. Franzoni stated that LCOG received a Workforce Grant of $100,000 from SC Department of Employment and Workforce. Palmetto Breeze will operate the service and will provide transportation to and from work and work training in Walterboro. Ms. Franzoni and Ms. Atkinson toured the Walterboro area identifying significant recent job growth, lots of new apartments, retail and 20 plus hotel employers. There are still some unknowns relative to providing service in the area such as specific routes and scheduling. Buses to support the grant won’t arrive until September with a desired start of October 1, 2017.
Ms. Kozak stated the LATS is working with the Army Corps of Engineers with ports development. Mr. Bickley asked what the status was of Highway 17 into Savannah. Ms. Kozak replied widening won’t start until 12-15 months from now but it has already been resurfaced. SCDOT and GA DOT have figured out how to pay for the rear back bridge, with SCDOT paying 90% and GA DOT paying 10%, the opposite of the first bridge.
Ms. Franzoni stated regarding the Argent Road Property she learned all about appraising property for sale however we need an updated environmental/wetland delineation as ours is old and wetlands can change. The first step was to get three quotes for an updated wetlands delineation determination and hire an appraiser after the delineation is completed. We have hired an environmental firm to update the wetlands.
New Business
The Palmetto Breeze trademark is expired and must be renewed. This does not include the name, which has expired, it is only the swoosh symbol in our logo. The Board wanted to know how much it was to renew the whole logo including the swoosh and Ms. Tilley said she would get back provide and update when she finds out.
Mr. Hamilton stated that he and Ms. Zellman discussed “complete streets” after the last LATS meeting and thought this might be an opportunity for Palmetto Breeze to get additional funding or grant opportunities for constructing Bus Shelters with bike racks and ADA compliant pedestrian areas. Ms. Zellman noted “complete streets” could help promote the agency and help drivers. Ms. Kozak stated that the complete street program is not new and the town of Bluffton has been involved in this previously and there is no funding for it. Ms. Franzoni stated we have a flag stop system in place now. With the Urban Funding we plan to put up shelters, but it is in the preliminary phases now.
Chair Blauch asked if Palmetto Breeze will look into this with the new service; Ms. Kozak stated they can help with the implementation of it.
Ms. Franzoni announced that senior staff from Palmetto Breeze will be attending the APTA Expo in Atlanta. If any Board member would like to go we would cover some of your travel expenses. It takes place October 9 through the 11th. There will be 2 convention centers full of Transit related products. We are interested in Transit related software, bus washers, vehicles and Trolleys. In the future, LRTA will consider becoming an APTA member as they offer a lot of training, seminars, and advocate for transit funding.
Company Picnic will be October 14th at Sargent Jasper Park.
Next meeting October 25th at LCOG in Yemassee.
Motion to adjourn at 3:42; Chris Bickley; second, Barbara Childs. Motion carried.
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