Teresa Bidart
Bilingual Administrative Assistant/ Meeting planner
September 2015
After the January National Committee meeting, I negotiated hotel arrangements for the Steering Committee, West, South, Northeast, Midwest Task Forces, and the International Task Force visit to Belize in February and August (just two persons). Also I have scheduled conferences calls such as the Establishing Community Partnerships conference call, OGHS Detroit Presbytery Neighborhood Redevelopment Conference Call, OGHS collaborative initiative in Detroit, SDOP Mid Council Committee Review Group, and Northeast, Midwest, and South Task Forces.
I worked closely with Cynthia and Lisa to develop the agenda for the International Task Force visit to Belize in February and August. Contacts were made with current and potential partners and we have been engaged in very good conversations in Belize. The International Task Force members will be working in a document with the Department of Cooperatives in Belize to compile all the learning experiences during this period where we have worked together. I am very pleased to mention that this department has awarded SDOP “In Appreciation of our distinguished contribution to the development of co-operative enterprises in Belize”. We could not make it to the award ceremony (very short notice) but Merlene Castillo, the Sandy Beach Women's Cooperative Society Limited Chairlady, received it on behalf of us.
As a part of the 45th Anniversary activities I participated with other staff members to send correspondence to current and former funded SDOP projects asking for their input, in quotes and pictures, to publish it at the Church and SDOP Webpages. Also, I sent this 45th Anniversary letters to the three intermediary partners.
I continue to send letters to international applicants informing them that because of changes in our funding focus we will not be processing new international applications for the next 6 years.
I have translated narrative reports, follow up letters, and project correspondences from Spanish-speaking countries and groups.
I continue to work closely with Clara to improve our website. We continue to look for good pictures and stories to keep the website up to date. I wrote two articles to be published in the website. The first one was about the 10 projects we have funded in Belize. This article has tons of pictures of Belize partners. I encouraged you to visit the website to see all the pictures that shows the work that been done so far. The second article is about 2 water projects that were funded in El Salvador 10 years ago and are still running and dong very well.
I worked with Margaret and the Church Communication department to develop the SDOP articles for the CPJ monthly newsletter and they were shown in the SDOP Website main page.
I also worked to upload on the website all Task Forces new applications, agendas, and reports for the upcoming meetings, updated list of Task Forces and Standing Committees, and the meeting dates list, etc.
I keep also the Task Force and Standing Committee meeting dates and related hotel information up to date in the SDOP database. All the information related with the international groups and intermediaries is entered in the database.
I continued to work will all the financial tasks of the International part of our ministry. I process payments using Web invoicing for international funded groups, intermediary partners, and processing payments for the Domestic Task Force and Standing Committees’ Hotels.
At the center, I have attended SDOP staff meetings, all staff meetings with Compassion, Peace and Justice, and all staff meeting building wide.
Mary J. Lewis
Administrative Assistant for Church-wide & Community Relations
September 2015
Please find listed below the many tasks I have accomplished during this reporting period:
Community Relations: One of my ongoing tasks have included: Preparing and mailing flyers to potential grant recipients inviting them to attend community workshops that Margaret was conducting, as well as any other SDOP staff and Task Force members. Some of the locations have included: Salt Lake City, UT; Lexington, KY; Chicago, IL; Phoenix, AZ. Additionally, I continue to mail the resources for each of the workshops and then follow up with a phone call to ensure that they have been received. I also maintain RSVP’S for prospective SDOP partners interested in attending a community workshop.
I prepared a mailing list; and sent out letter, both via email or mail regarding SDOP 45th Anniversary Celebration, which comprised of over 200 individuals.
I participated in conference call, along with other planning team members in regards to the OGHS Proposed Collaborative Initiative in New Orleans, LA on June 10, 2015. Also recorded, prepared and emailed copy of the minutes to the planning team and SDOP Staff. I also worked together with the OGHS New Orleans/Bayou collaborative initiative planning team on creating a joint OGHS application that can be used with potential partners from New Orleans and the Bayou.
I also participated in the conference call for the Detroit proposed collaborative initiative and although this collaboration has not occurred, each OGHS program continues to be actively engaged in Detroit and if a future opportunity arises, the program may work together.
Further, I continue to update the Community Relations Outreach Spreadsheet which tracks community workshops held throughout the year, groups that attend community workshops and groups that eventually submit a pre-application/draft application for review by Margaret or other SDOP staff.
Following approval from SDOP Coordinator and Associate for Church-wide Committee, I prepared and mailed letters to all SDOP certified committees informing them of their 2015 Grant funding amounts.
After working closely with Associate for Church-wide and with help from staff of Research Services Department, I sent out a survey, via email, to all Mid Council SDOP Chairpersons and Staff persons, utilizing “Survey Monkey” application. This was sent out on behalf of the National Committee on Self-Development Review Committee. At the request of the Associate for Church-wide, I will also follow-up with the results and formulate a report on the outcome of the survey.
I continue to process certification applications as they are received in the office, forward them to the appropriate task force, along with the agenda, for review before the planned committee meetings. Once the applications are approved, I send an approval letter to the appropriate SDOP Committee Chair and MBG Staff person, and copy the Task Force Committee Chair for the particular region. Also, I continue to mail requested materials to those individuals conducting certification training workshops.
I continue to process payment request for all Presbytery & Synods and follow up with a letter to each of them once I receive final approval from the Accounting Department.
Additional Responsibilities/Activities:
I continue to log in and distribute all incoming mail within the SDOP department. Also, respond to any request both internal and external for SDOP Resources.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary L. McAdory
Senior Administrative Assistant
September 2015
The day to day tasks of answering telephones, emails, the SDOP emails, potential partners requesting applications, pre-applications, directions to our website; and presbyteries requesting their certification status and OGHS monies, or payment forms are ongoing.
I have attended All Mission, (CPJ) Compassion Peace and Justice Staff Day, CPJ Check-Ins and Self-Development of People staff meetings.
I processed numerous project, vendors, committee members and staff (reimbursements and advances) web invoices and cleared advances.
I have processed to the Regional Task Forces applications for their review: Midwest 10; Northeast 13; South 9 and West 7.
I have informed 38 presbyteries of community projects located in their area. I have emailed to 18 Presbyteries the Governing Body Application Information forms and applications to mid councils that informed them of community projects in their areas and requested mid councils to complete and return the enclosed forms; also the mid councils are invited to accompany the site visitors to the site visit. I have informed eight projects of their approved funding status.
I provided to Ruth Farrell for Collective goal eight summarized Self-Development of People Partnership with worker groups to ensure just labor practices that she sent to the worker justice group
I have contacted projects such as Phat Beets Produce of Oakland California and Providence Student Union group of Providence Rhode Island to submit balanced budgets and letters of recommendations before forwarding to the appropriate task force for review. Both groups were reviewed and have been assigned site visits.
I am working with Jennifer Evans, Hunger Mission Specialist II who has received an application from Phat Beets Produce. Lawrence Low, West Task Force member was assigned to complete site visit. Thus far Phat Beets Produce is still under consideration by Hunger; I will inform the West Task Force of Hunger’s decision following their review process.
Thank you Johnnie Monroe for I have connected with Pittsburgh Seminary and Metro Urban Institute for our September National meeting and with Eastminster Presbyterian Church for our transportation.
Invitations for the Presbyterian Committee of Self-Development of People have been sent to Pittsburgh Presbytery, Synod of the Trinity and projects to celebrate SDOP 45th anniversary.
I hope you all have had opportunities to relax and rejuvenate. I look forward to seeing everyone soon.
Take care and travel safely.
Troy Glover
Young Adult Community Liaison
September 2015
Community workshops
In the month of July I held two community workshops. The 1st workshop was held in conjunction with Louisiana Center for Children’s Rights. The workshop was held with about 30 young African American men who had been involved in the Criminal Justice System. The 2nd workshop was held July 17th at The Stalling Community Center. There were about 20 people in attendance from the neighborhood. I look forward to continual talks with the groups.
In the month of June I held one Community Workshop on June 5th. It was held across the river at Algiers Community Center in collaboration with the Algiers Neighborhood Association. Every month the group brings in a community partner to meet with local and poverty stricken neighborhoods. I was able to meet with about 30 of the community members.
In the month of May I held two community workshops. The 1st workshop was held on the west bank side of New Orleans in conjunction with Landry/Walker high school. There were about 30 people in attendance. The 2nd workshop was held May 26th at the New Orleans Convention Center in partnership with V.O.T.E. The workshop was held specifically to target youth that have been affected by the “school to prison” pipeline.
Groups or people I met with and worked with by providing technical assistance after a community workshop included:
Craig Baldwin to talk through a project that deals making the local playground safe and accessible to all
Julie Whitman to talk about her fitness project
Sam Smith to finalize the group’s budget
Jimmie Danks to finish up his group’s lawn care project
Deidra Decay to talk through the budget for the group’s youth lead project
Jason Robinson to talk through a project dealing with blighted property
Chiquita Jones to finish up her group’s application
Rick Nyeugen to work on the budget for the Vietnamese farmer’s cooperative project
Nora Winbush to talk through a project that deals with homeless people
Norris Henderson form Voice of the Ex-Offender to discuss the details of a potential youth project
Kellie Baldwin to talk through a project that deals with making the local playground safe and accessible to all
Mercy Team from Learning the Way Church to find out the needs of the congregation in order to potentially apply for a grant. The church is located in one of the poorest neighborhoods in the city.
The Sampson Park Supervisor about doing a workshop on the park.
Julie Whitman to talk about her fitness project
Deidra Decay to talk through the budget for the group’s youth lead project
I brought SDOP supplies out to outreach on St. Roch Park in collaboration with Cross Road.
Jimmie Danks to finish up his group’s lawn care project
Sam Smith to finish up the group’s budget
Denali Lander from Youth Run NOLA, to talk about finalizing a youth project
Chiquita Jones to talk through a project that deals with abuse and women
Kevin of Project Home Coming to talk about potential partnerships with the collaborative
Cyndi Nyeugen to work on the budget for the Vietnamese farmers’ cooperative project
Youth Run NOLA with their monthly race and I was able to set up a SDOP table to welcome in the new members of the organization
Tyrone Walker to talk through a project dealing with blighted property
Danielle Buris to provide technical assistance on her fitness application
Denali Lander to talk through another youth lead project
I met with Le’kedra Robertson to explain why the group didn’t get funded
I met with Chiquita Jones to talk through a project that deals with abuse and women
I met with Cyndi Nyeugen to work on the budget for the Vietnamese farmers cooperative project.
I met with Nora Winbush to talk through a project that deals with homeless people.
Other meetings with community group “connectors”, groups that are not applying for a SDOP grant but could facilitate a connection with potential SDOP partners included:
Lunch with Ray Boulding of the Mayor’s office to discuss their race initiative
Helping with NORDC to promote the new community center and resources around the city.
I met with James Gathwright to talk through the steps of Launch NOLA
Lunch with Ben Davis to talk through the idea of hosting a workshop at the grand opening of their
new thrift store.
The Executive Director of Girls on the run; to talk through some youth led projects.
Helped to rebuild homes with Habitat For Humanity. The homes are for natives that were forced out of the
city due to Katrina and the rise of property taxes.
I partnered with the fifth district police station at their “stop the violence” campaign. The campaign came
after one of the officers was killed while transporting a suspect to central lock up.
I met with Molly Pucillo of FIT NOLA to talk through the possibility of doing workshops at the different
parks that the NORD baseball games are being held.
Terrinika Carter of Franklin Avenue Church to talk through partnerships with their community
development program.
Niamiah Johnson of Operation Reach to talk through programming and doing a workshop with
the youth.
I had the privilege of talking to a great group of guys part of a half-way house program. The halfway
house was designed to help convicted felonies who are about to be released from prison.
Lunch with Pastor Johnson of Journey church to talk about doing a workshop at their community center
Dan Carver from the New Orleans Advocate to talk about community organizing and the effect SDOP is having on the city
I helped out with Give NOLA Day to help raise money for non-profit organizations throughout the city
Hannah to talk through the steps of starting a local SDOP committee
I attended Youth Run Nola’s crawfish bowl to connect with some of the youth I’ve worked with
Lunch with Andrew Bartlett to talk through the collaborative initiative and next steps
Layne Brubaker and Andrew Bartlett to visit a local garden and to talk through potential partners for the collaborative initiative
I had coffee with Hannah to report back on findings that deal with the local SDOP committee
Meeting with Layne Brubaker to give her insight on the progress of SDOP in the city, a potential partnership with the YAV’s and to talk about potentially being on the board for the YAV program
I had dinner with Joseph Johnson to talk about the South Taskforce, the collaborative initiative and more.
Wayne A. Gnatuk
Associate for Church-Wide Relations
Since our last National Committee meeting in Houston, a lot has happened. Here’s a report of some of the highlights:
I’ve worked with a number of our Presbytery and Synod SDOP Committees, and have conducted certification trainings for the SDOP Committees of National Capital Presbytery, Pittsburgh Presbytery, and Synod of the Trinity.
I’ve spoken about Self-Development in four Presbyterian congregations (Colorado, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington DC).
I’m developing a series of five audio pieces about Self-Development which will be available for listening on our website. Rick Jones, one of the communicators here at the Presbyterian Center, will voice the pieces in English; Teresa Bidart will translate them and voice them in Spanish. We can add new audio pieces as time goes on.