County Appointment officers report

The season had proved challenging due to the weather and many thanks to all umpires who had stood in for last minute cancellations.

We have experienced a number of problems this year with the lack of umpires expenses forms being made available by the coaches for umpires to sign and return to Malcolm Edge for payment, this will be addressed during the closed season by myself and Malcolm to avoid the same issues next season

I would like to thank Malcolm for his hard work in ensuring all payments have been made

I have spent some time this year working on WTU and for next season we will be using this for junior county games, this will be a learning curve for all of us and I would hope that all umpires will be available to take notification of games via WTU.

We have used the Staffordshire cup to trial this and it has been very positive, and we will be doing the same next year.

Feedback from our main partners Staffordshire Cricket and County Club is that they are highly satisfied with the service we offer.

I would like to thank Ted Till & Graham Maltby for officiating in the Staffordshire Cup final at Wolverhampton that was unfortunately abandoned due to bad weather, and to Ted till and Malcolm Edge who officiated in the replayed game and under tremendous pressure at times from both sides stood firm, and ensured there was a result at the end of the day, and cricket was the winner.

Ian Matthews (South) and Eric Lummis (East) were thanked for their assistance in making appointments.

I would also like to thank all of you umpires who have given up your time to make my job easier, without you we cannot do our job. Thank You

John Reed

County appointment officer