University of Jordan

School of Engineering

Department of Electrical Engineering

Course: Electrical Engineering 0903203 (3 Cr. – Core Course)

Catalog Data: DC Circuits, Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s law, voltage and current division, nodal and mesh analysis, network theorems. Natural response, source free RL and RC circuits

AC circuits analysis, phasor concept, ac power, three phase ac circuits. Introduction to Electronics.

Prerequisites by

Course: Physics (2) - 0302102


by topic: Student should have a background of the following topics:

·  Columb's Law

·  Magnetic and electric fields.

·  Dielectrics and capacitance.

·  Resistance and electric curcuits.

·  Electromagnetic induction.

Textbook: Giorgio Rizzoni, Electrical Engineering, Fifth Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2007


1-  Circuits devices and Systems; R. J. Smith & R. C. Dorf

2-  Electric Circuits; Nillson & Riedel

3-  Electric Circuits; Floyd

4-  Engineering Circuits Analysis: Hayt & Kimberly

5-  Any other Electrical Circuits book

Schedule &

Duration: 16 Weeks, 48 (32) lectures, 50 (75) minutes each (including exams).

Minimum Student

Material: Textbook, class handouts, Basic scientific calculator, and an access to personal computer.

Minimum College

Facilities: Classroom with blackboard and projection display facilities, library, and computational facilities.

Course Objectives: Provide the student with the knowledge and proficiency to analyse DC circuit analysis, R/L/C circuits applying the proper technique with d.c, unit-step function, and steady state AC circuits, both single and multiphase. Basic electronics.

Course Outcomes and Relation to ABET Program Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:

1.  Understand the definitions of basic electrical quantities, Ohm's law and differences between practical/ideal sources. [a].

2.  Analyse simple series and parallel resistive circuits and simplify series/parallel connected sources and resistors [a].

3.  implement general nodal and mesh analysis and other circuit analysis techniques and select between them to achieve optimal solution [a, c, k].

4.  understand the natural response of unforced R/L/C circuits [a, c].

5.  understand the concept of the sinusoidal forcing function and anlayse R/L/C cirucits in the frequency domain and convert the solution to the time domain [a, c, k].

6.  Three phase circuits, and power calculations

7.  Basic electronics

Course Topics:

/ Contact Hours
T.1. / Units, charge, current, voltage, and power. Dependent and independent voltage and current sources. Ohm's law. / 3
T.2. / Nodes, paths, loops, and branches. Kirchoff's current and voltage laws. Single node or loop circuits. Reduction of series or parallel circuits. Voltage and current division. / 4
T.3. / Nodal analysis and supernode. Mesh analysis and supermesh. Nodal vs. mesh analysis. Computer aided circuit analysis. / 4
T.4. / Linearity and superposition. Source transformations, Thevenin's and Nortons theorems, max. power transfer, delta – wye conversion. Selecting an optimal technique for solution. / 5
T.5. / The capacitor, and inductor. Inductance and capacitance combinations. / 2
T.6. / The source free RL circuits. Properties of the exponential response, the source free RC circuits. The unit step function. Driven RL and RC circuits. Natural and forced response. / 4
T.7. / Characteristics of sinusoids. Forced response to sinusoidal functions. Relation between frequency and time domains. The phasor and relationships for R, L, and C elements. Impedance and admittance. Circuit analysis techniques. Phasor diagrams. Three-phase circuits, Y and Delta balanced loads. / 10
T8 / Power calculations for single and three phase circuits; power factor and power triangle. / 4
T.9 / Basic electronics including; pn junctions, diodes, transistors, simple amplifier circuits. / 4

Computer Usage: Course work including assignments using MATLAB and SPICE.

Attendance: Class attendance will be taken and the University policy on absence shall be applied.

Assessments: Exams, quizzes and assignments.

Grading policy:

First Exam. 20 %

Midterm Exam. 30 %

Final Exam. 50 %

Total 100%

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