Volcano Project

Your mission is to find information and report on a volcano that you have selected. Your assignment will be in 3 forms: written report, oral presentation, and volcano model.

1.  Your written report must include:

Name of your volcano

Location of the volcano

Type of volcano

How it was formed

Name, distance, and population of the nearest city

Eruption history

Date of the most recent eruption and date of the most destructive eruption (these may be the same) and describe the type of eruption-including lava type, ash, pyroclastic flows etc…

Other events associated with the eruption (e.g., earthquakes, floods, mudslides, etc.)

Your written report should be in MLA format, including at least 3 sources cited on the last page also in MLA format.

Spelling and grammar will count-please proof read all typed information.

2.  Your oral report will be a verbal account of the information you researched above. Concentrate on describing the geologic features of your volcano.

3.  Your model- should depict the volcano you researched. It may erupt if you choose, but you do not have to make it erupt. If your volcano does not “really” erupt in real life, you can shoot it off after your presentation for fun. You must be very clear to the class about the type of eruption your volcano actually does in real life. Do not make up information just to blow off a volcano. You can blow up your model after the presentation. You may use any material, such as clay, papier-mâché`, cardboard, etc. Do not go buy expensive kits, use materials from home.

Written report must in standard form.

Black ink

Times New Roman

12 font-no bold

Double spaced (including between paragraphs-NO EXTRA SPACE)

First page must be in correct form-Left side heading/name and page top right corner (As learned in class)

Must have a works consulted page in MLA format- 3 sources

DUE March 29th

The following is a list of volcanoes broken down into the three major types. Complex has more than one feature. I’ve added a few others that are not considered major types.

Composite or Strata Complex/Compound

1.  Mt. Shasta, Ca 1. Rincon de la Viejas, Costa Rica

2.  Mt. St. Augustine, Alaska 2. Unzen, Japan

3.  Mt. Rainier, Washington 3. Pacaya, Guatemala

4.  Mt. Adams, Washington 4. Yellowstone Caldera-Wyoming

5.  Glacier Peak, Washington 5. Asama- Japan

6.  Mt. St. Helens, Washington 6. Ischia- Italy

7.  Mt. Etna, Italy 7. Three Kings- New Zealand

8.  Camignin, Philippines 8. Krakatau- Indonesia

9.  Lado, Philippines Subglacial

10.Mt. Fuji, Japan 1. Loki Fogrufjoll, Island

11. Mount Merapi, Indonesia 2. Hoodoo Mountain, Canada

12. Stromboli, Italy Somma

13. Llaima, Chile 1. Mt. Vesuvius- Italy

14. Guallatri, Chile 2. Ebeko, Kuril Island

15. Hekla, Iceland 3. Medvezhia, Kuril Island

16. Mount Pinatubo, Philippines

17. Arenal, Costa Rica Caldera

18. Pinatubo, Philippines 1. Maipo, Chile

19. Bezymianny, Russia 2. Maly Semiachik, Kamchatka

20. Pelee, Martinique 3. Masaya, Nicaragua

21. Katmai, Alaska

Shield Cinder Cone

1.  NunNak Island, Alaska 1. St. Paul Island, Alaska

2.  Level Mountain, Alaska 2. Sunset Crater, Arizona

3.  Haulalai, Hawaii 3. Guagua Pichincha, Ecuador-spatter cone

4.  Kilauea, Hawaii 4. Parcutin, Mexico

5.  Mauna Kea, Hawaii 5. Cerro Negro, Nicaragua

6.  Mauna Loa, Hawaii 6. Brown Mountain, Oregon

7.  Newberry, Oregon 7. Jordan Craters, Oregon

8.  Azul, Chile 8. Sand Mountain Field, Oregon

9.  Halekula, Hawaii

10.  Surstsey, Iceland