Terramar HOA meeting

Meeting Minutes

September 12, 2015

  1. Call to order

Mike Romeyncalled to order the regular meeting of the Terramar Beach Home Owners Association at 9:00am on September 15, 2015.

  1. Roll call

A roll call was conducted. The following persons were present:

  1. Carolyn Bebermeyer
  2. Mike Romeyn
  3. Neil Hackman
  4. Lisa White
  5. Karen Burst-Chatman
  6. Jorge Safron
  7. Stacey McDermott
  8. Mary Ruffeno
  9. Craig Vance
  10. Doug Eibson
  11. Sally Morris
  12. Scott Arnold
  13. Peggy Vougeor
  14. Wendy Majewski
  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

Neil Hackman approved minutes from July 11, 2015 meeting.

  1. Open issues

a)Dredging- A motion was passed to spend up to $5,000.00 on a survey. The dredging committee is debating on buying vs. renting equipment in order to dredge. The plan is to dredge six feet deep

b)Rentals- A Rental Control Committee has been formed in order to enforce the single-family bylaws on renting homes in the community. This committee is made up of Wendy Majewski, Dayna Roy, Lisa White and Stacy Jo Mcdermott. The committee has a few action items discussed in the board meeting which are establishing a warning letter to be distributed to the members of the community to enforce the deed restriction regarding renting properties, compiling a list of properties being rented and having the warning notices go out. Results of these action items will be discussed in Novembers meeting.

c)Mowing/grounds- A letter has been drafted to begin distributing in regard to people not properly maintaining their lawns. This motion was called by Sally Morris and approved.

d)Pool- A motion was passed to close the pool September 12, 2015 not to reopen until the following summer months.

  1. New business

a)Website- a motion was passed to update our current website. MuyiwaAdenubi is willing to give a fair quote to do a complete revamp.

b) DougEibson (owner) is investigating the type of soil/sand on the 15 acres of undeveloped land within the Terramar communityin order to determine where it will be placed after construction begins. Doug plans to build canals and completely develop the land in hopes to make it a full functioning part of the Terramar community.

c)The city will be contacted in regard to a city vs. homeowner association responsibility about maintaining ditches and drainage that should now be a part of the city’s responsibility.

d)Terramar now has a Facebook page you can search it at Terramar Beach Community. Please like us on Facebook to keep up with the current events of the community

e)Common area maintenance- PTL will be checked with in order to be sure all of the common areas are on the list

f)Karen Burst-Chatman joined us and spoke about finding out our tax status in order to be able to receive the benefits that would come with being a 501 (c) 3 entity. The board has agreed to find the status and determine the benefits of becoming a non-profit if we are not already operating as one.

g)Flood insurance zone for Terramar community has been changed from a V to AE, which should decrease rates.

  1. Adjournment

Mike Romeyn adjourned the meeting at 11:24am.

Minutes submitted by: Lisa White

Minutes approved by: