

MINUTES of the Meeting of Aylesbeare Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 3 July 2013 at 7.30pm.


Cllr Ken Chun (Chairman)

Cllr John Ayres (Vice-Chairman)

Cllr Mrs Gillian Hichens

Cllr Noel Finegan

Cllr Alan Ringe

Cllr David Timms

Clerk: Mrs L Parker

Others Present: District Cllr Claire Wright, County Cllr Christine Channon and 4 members of the public

1. Apologies of Absence

No apologies were received – all members being present.

2. Declarations of interests in Items on the Agenda

No interests were declared.

3. Minutes

The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated 5 June 2013 were confirmed to be correct.

PC David Smith joined the meeting and left after giving his report.

4. Police Report

PC David Smith said that since the last Parish Council meeting in June there were no crimes recorded.

5. Reports of County & District Councillors

District Cllr Claire Wright

Cllr Wright informed the meeting that the East Devon Local Plan is to have minor amendments. This will be discussed at a special meeting of the Development Management Committee on 18 July. This could be related to the census figures which have been released recently. The police investigation concerning the former Councillor Graham Brown has begun. This is in the light of articles reported in the Daily Telegraph. The Planning Advisory Service and Local Government Association are giving new guidance for Councillors. Councillors who are planning agents cannot be agents in their own local area authority. This is being put to consultation by EDDC to members and officers. The Standards Committee will discuss this on 23 July.

Cllr Noel Finegan questioned the progress of the ED Growth Point particularly relating to the Clyst Honiton bypass. He also asked for clarification of the occupation of Skypark and the Science Park. Cllr Wright would report back to the Council.

Cllr John Ayres asked Cllr Wright whether anything had come to light regarding different plans being used by the builder/owner and those considered by the Parish Council on the Chapel site. It makes a mockery of the whole process unless the same plans are used by all concerned. Cllr Wright would report back on this also.


County Cllr Christine Channon

Cllr Channon said that she is appalled by the appearance of the bank near Scotchmead in Village Way. Some of the debris appears to have been removed and some re-seeding has taken place. It is still felt to be unstable and there are cracks both in the bank and the adjacent footpath. She will continue to try to get it resolved.

She has reported potholes in Marwood Road – some of which have been repaired. She has found in other parishes within her jurisdiction that some grass verges appear to have been cut whilst others have been left. Visibility and road safety are the reasons for some being cut. Blind Lane appears to have been left. The Clerk and Cllr Channon will endeavour to get this sorted.

6. Chairman’s Report

Although he had been away the Chairman showed concern, following the approval of planning application 13/0611/COU at the former Bendarroch School site, as this is the SHLAA site selected by the parish for the eventual position of 5 new houses. When questioned on this Ross Sutherland of EDDC said that the parish could select the second preference on the parish survey as a new SHLAA site or an alternative, should one be available. After much discussion it was decided that Cllr David Timms would endeavour to find out the timescale available for getting Aylesbeare’s SHLAA site changed. Then the most democratic process for all concerned would be to canvass the parish once more with a covering letter explaining the situation. Councillors appreciated that this is going to be during the summer months when holidays take place and also that the Parish Council is not due to have a meeting in August. It was proposed that a new questionnaire would be composed, delivered and collected 3 weeks later to take holidays into account.

The Chairman has spoken to Paul Brinton concerning the Aylesbeare Inn. Despite health problems May and June had shown better fortune for the inn. Mr Brinton is hoping to have found a purchaser for the inn. He did say that if more local residents used the facilities it would be a great help.

7. Clerk’s Report

Mrs Parker commented on the bad state of repair of the noticeboard at Rosamondford. Cllr Alan Ringe said he would now be able to move the noticeboard adjacent to the telephone box in Village Way to Rosamondford.

The Clerk had been approached by a member of the public asking if she could be mentioned on the Parish Council website on the local businesses page. This was felt to be in order so the Clerk would ask her for a short résumé of the business to be included.

It would appear that there are not Parish Council Liaison Officers for the Tree Warden and Youth and Toddler Groups. The Chairman would give this some thought.

8. Reports of Council Representatives on other Bodies

Exeter Airport Consultative Group 19 June 2013 – Cllr Noel Finegan

The group now has a new Chairman – Richard Bartlett from Woodbury Parish Council. Passenger traffic for March was down 7% on budget and 2% down on 2012. April showed an improvement of 4% increase on forecast and a 2% increase on 2012. The passenger figures for May had also shown an increase of 6% on budget and 6% increase on 2012. This could be partly due to additional scheduled flights to Barcelona and Nice. The hotel had opened at the end of April and was understood to be receiving good bookings. The Devon & Cornwall Police Service helicopter relocation and construction of the Devon & Somerset Fire Service training ground was proceeding well and both should be open soon. Flybe unfortunately had been forced to make several redundancies and Sara Randall-Johnson had parted company with Flybe. These redundancies had been felt more at Exeter as this was


the company’s headquarters. There had been a low level of complaints for which the Airport Management Team was congratulated.

Although not mentioned at the meeting Cllr Noel Finegan asked for the following addendum to be placed on the minutes:

Subsequent to the meeting the sale of Exeter airport from Balfour Beatty to Patriot Aerospace, the aviation division of the Rigby Group Plc, was made public. Patriot Aerospace also owns Newquay-based British International Helicopters which is the largest British-owned helicopter operator with a fleet of 25 aircraft and more than 100 staff. In addition it owns Coventry Airport which it acquired in 2010. The Chairman of the Rigby Group, Sir Peter Rigby, has assured the Chairman of Devon County Council that Exeter Airport “will continue to function as an important hub for Devon and the greater South West”.

9. East Devon District Council: Approvals

Application No: 13/0360/FUL

Applicant: Mr P Brinton

Location: Land adjacent to The Aylesbeare Inn

Proposal: Construction of 3 no dwellings

Application No: 13/0611/COU

Applicant: Mr I Baker

Location: Plot B, Bendarroch School

Proposal: Change of use of former school playing field to residential curtilage associated with Plot B, Bendarroch School

10. Finance

Payment of the following invoices was approved

Cheque No

000850 Mrs L Parker – Parish Clerk £221.93

000851 East Devon District Council - Play Area annual rent £25.00

11. Parish Council Website

A request from the Parochial Church Council and Friends of St Mary’s Church, Aylesbeare to be linked to the website was considered. It was resolved:

To respond that, as far as the Parochial Church Council was concerned, a link could be included on the Parish Council website to the White Cross Churches website where all pertinent information should be available for members of the public. In the meantime the Clerk would insert on the Parish Council website the additional details of Chris Cant, the part-time vicar. No formal application had been received from the Friends of St Mary’s Church.

12. Local Reports

(i) Recreation Area

Cllr Alan Ringe had obtained three quotations for renewing the fence adjacent to the playground. It was decided that post and rail fencing was more substantial and could be replaced in sections should this be necessary. The old fence was felt to be dangerous and the lease with East Devon District Council states that the Parish Council is responsible for this fence. It was therefore decided to accept the quotation from Ben Gilbert of £1,363 plus VAT. Before this is officially accepted Cllr Ringe will confirm that this price includes the dismantling and disposal of the old fence.

The Playground Inspection Report is now to hand and Cllr Ringe will study this and report back to the September meeting with any measures that have to be made.


(ii) RSPB Reserve

The fencing of the reserves is progressing well and the visual impact will soon become apparent. In order to protect the dormouse population in the areas of broadleaf woodland one proposal is to erect a fence around the area to protect it from grazing cattle and ponies. The fence would be an attractive looking cleft chestnut wooden fence. This would require an amended application to the Planning Inspectorate, accompanied by consultation with all appropriate bodies. As Aylesbeare Parish Council is one of the consultees the RSPB will write explaining the situation and requesting support for the amended application. Toby Taylor, the Aylesbeare RSPB Warden, would like to attend the Parish Council meeting in September to make a short representation.

(iii) Footpaths

An order has been made to divert Footpath 4 at Beautiport Farm to avoid wet ground and take walkers away from farm buildings. This had been advertised on the parish noticeboard and any representations or objections are to be received at County Hall by 8 August.

13. Correspondence Received

Cyan Garden Furniture: leaflet

SMP Playgrounds: Parish and Community News

P Landscape: introductory email

Clerks & Councils Direct: May 2013

East Devon Connect: Summer 2013

St Marys Churchyard: email from Robert J Soutter, Treasurer, re Parish Council donation

David Roberts: email copy of objections to planning application 13/0360/FUL

EDDC: Aylesbeare’s representation on the East Devon Local Plan

14. Date of next meeting

Parish Council : Wednesday 4 September 2013

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm.



