Colossians 2:6 –15

New Life in Christ

  1. Pray and ask God to reveal truth to you through His Word by His Spirit.
  1. Read Colossians 2:6-15 on pages 1532 - 1533 of your Life Recovery Bible.
  1. Fill in the blanks below from those same verses as you SLOWLY re-read the verses and allow God to reveal His precious truth to you.

2:6And now, just as you ______Christ Jesus as your ______, you must ______to ______in ______to him.

How did you accept Jesus as your Lord? You accepted him by faith in his saving power. Now you can live in obedience to him by faith in his enabling power. Salvation is just the beginning! Now we can live different lives because his power is available to us. It makes me want to shout praises to God!! Pray and ask God to teach you how to let faith in his power change you and make you able to obey him.

2:7Let your ______grow down into him and ______from him, so you will ______in ______, ______and ______in the truth you were taught. Let your lives ______with ______for all he has done.

Read the footnote for verses 6-7 on page 1533. Pray and thank God for making a way out.

2:8Don’t let ______lead you ______with ______philosophy and high-sounding nonsense that come from ______and from the ______powers of this ______, and not from ______.

2:9For in ______the fullness of ______lives in a ______body,

2:10and you are ______through your union with ______. He is the ______over ______ruler and authority in the universe.

When we really understand this truth, we’ll be shouting praises for days! Verse 8 warns us to watch out for people who want to put extra man-made ideas in our heads. Verses 9-10 remind us that all of God lives in Christ and Christ lives in us, so we are already complete in him. Read the footnote for verses 9-10 on page 1532. Pray again for real understanding of what you are reading.

2:11When you came to______, you were ______, but not be a ______. It was a ______the cutting away of your ______nature.

2:12For you were ______with Christ when you were ______. And with him you were ______to a ______life because you ______the ______of God, who raised Christ from the dead.

2:13You were ______because of your sins and because your ______was not yet cut away. Then God made you ______with Christ. He ______.

2:14He ______the record that contained the charges against us. He took it and ______it by ______it to ______.

2:15In this way, God ______the ______rulers and authorities. He ______them publicly by his ______over them on the ______of Christ.

Go back and read verses11-15 again and let it sink into your heart. Like a doctor in surgery, God cuts away the evil nature in us so there’s room for the good things of God in us. God canceled Satan’s charges against us and made us alive with Christ!! Hallelujah!!

Read the footnote for verses11-15 on page 1532.

Who or what used to be the evil ruler in your life? Read verse 15 again. God has power over that old ruler and you belong to God now. Mark these verses in your bible and read them again any time the old rulers want control.

By his death and resurrection, Jesus made a way for you to die to the old life and live a new, different, not necessarily easy but always joyful life.

Oh, how He loves you!!!!!!!

Colossians #4 5/24/12