
Goodyear Early Childhood Center

22 Williamsville Rd

Killingly, CT 06263



Killingly Central School

60 Soap St

Killingly, CT 06241


Administrator: Sally Sherman

Administrative Assistant: Dawn Weber

Dear Families,

Welcome to the Killingly Public Schools Preschool Program. We are pleased to offer programming at two locations, Goodyear Early Childhood Center and Killingly Central School. Both locations offer a high quality early childhood experience to children ages 3-5 and their families. All preschool aged children who are residents of Killingly are eligible to attend. We are pleased to offer part day, school day, or full day schedules. Child care services are available for before and after school at the main location at Goodyear Early Childhood Center, as well as during some school closings and summer. Hours of operation are noted on pages 5 and 6.

In an effort to fully understanding the Killingly Public Schools Preschool program’s policies, we ask that each family read through the Killingly Public Schools Preschool Handbook.

Some policies and schedules may change during the year and if so, notification of such changes will be given to all families.

Our program focuses on the whole child. A typical day follows a predictable schedule and includes varied learning experiences. Children participate in literacy activities, science and math exploration, motor movement (both indoors and out) as well as creative activities. Learning takes place within large and small groups as well as individually. Our program plans and implements teaching using the Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards, which is endorsed by the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood.

This handbook will hopefully answer many of your questions about our program. We look forward to working with you and your child. If I can assist you in any way during the year, please feel free to contact me.


Sally Sherman, Director

860 779-6770



Jamie Pechie Erica Caouette

Tammy Herrick Jennie Kapszukiewicz

Heather Livingston Lorie Nordman

Chris Stravato Sara Hill Mackenzie Racine


Allison Belliveau Marie Beauchemin

Jill Bourbeau Judy Burke

Allison Darigan Wendy Ennis

Meredith Giambattista Debra Hadley

Bonnie Lippe Linda Marcy

Bobbi Mullen Leslie Newton

Sheana Pimental Katelyn Rondeau

Jennifer Shafer Jeanne Sisko

Scott Stevens Joanne St George

Jessica St. Laurent Jacqueline Walker

Nona Windrow

Support Services

Cara Blackington, Parent Educator

Lucy Garcia, Occupational Therapist

Heidi Auclair-Golden, Early Childhood Instructional Coach

Emily Ross, School Readiness Liaison

Tiffany O’Leary, Physical Therapist

Joanne Laflamme, Speech/Language Pathologist

Barbara Mudd, Social Worker

Noel Coraccio, Nurse

Gerald Thompson, Custodian

Killingly Central School

Kelly Faber, Teacher Holly Bennett, Teacher

Instructional Assistants

Kelly Anderson, Sonia David-Hustus, Julie Esposito, Heather Loiselle, Courtney Poirier

Emily Caviggio, Principal

Linda Taylor and Deb Dumochel, Nurses

All staff can be reached by email using the format

First name initial then last name



7:00-8:15: Before school preschool child care

8:15-11:15: Morning Session (part day spaces)

8:15-3:15 Children attending a school day classroom

12:15-3:15: Afternoon Session (part day spaces)

3:15-5:15: After school preschool childcare


8:10-3:05 Children attending a school day classroom


The Killingly Public Schools Preschool maintains accreditation with the National Association for the Education of Young Children. This confirms that our program meets all of the high quality standards of this organization. Accreditation represents the ultimate mark of quality in early childhood education. Each year our program must submit an annual report to this organization that documents our continued maintenance of the quality components. Family input is a key factor as we are required to survey families yearly and identify areas for improvement if needed.

Our program believes that continuous quality improvement plays a critical role in positive child outcomes. In addition to yearly NAEYC reporting, our program receives monitoring visits three times per year from the Office of Early Childhood. Child, classroom, and school data are collected and analyzed on an ongoing basis by classroom teams, our School Improvement Plan team, as well as a district administrative team.


The Killingly Public Schools Preschool is designed to meet the needs of and promote the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of young children and to collaborate with their families to enhance their children’s growth and development.

We believe that:

·  Interactions between children and staff should provide opportunities for children to develop an understanding of self and others.

·  Staff should facilitate interactions among children to provide opportunities for the development of social skills and intellectual growth.

·  Children should be actively involved in the learning process through multisensory activities.

·  Children should experience a variety of developmentally appropriate activities and materials.

·  Children should pursue their own interests in the context of life in their home and community.

·  Families should be well informed and contributors to the program.

·  The program should be staffed by adults who understand child development and who recognize and provide for individual and group needs of the children.

·  The indoor and outdoor environment should foster optimal growth and development through opportunities for exploration and learning.

·  The health and safety of children should be protected and enhanced.

·  The nutritional needs of children should be met in a manner that promotes their growth and development.

·  Systematic assessment of the effectiveness of the program in meeting goals for children should be conducted to ensure that good quality care and education are provided and maintained.

·  Children should learn in environments which encourage and support diversity.


The preschool program is open to all residents of the town of Killingly aged 3-4. Any child, regardless of racial, ethnic, and economic status, is eligible for the program. Children with an identified disability or who may be at risk for developmental delay, are eligible as well and are given priority for placement. A child who will be three years old on or before January 1st may be considered to be a three year old for September 1st through January 1st enrollment. Except under special circumstances, children who are age eligible for kindergarten are not eligible for preschool enrollment.

Providing the program has openings, a family is invited to meet with staff to complete required paperwork and tour the facility. A program wide orientation/open house is held prior to the opening of school in late August so that children and families can meet their child’s teacher, as well as classmates and their families.


We encourage families to toilet train their children prior to program entry, however this is not mandatory. If your child is still mastering this skill, staff will work with families so there is a consistent, developmentally appropriate approach to toilet training. A supportive environment will be maintained with frequent reminders and adult assistance as needed.


Tuition fees are determined using a sliding scale provided by the State of Connecticut Office of Early Childhood. Weekly rates are based on family income and size. Fees are determined at the time of enrollment and once a year thereafter. This determination is reviewed with you and requires your signature. A copy of the fee calculation form is provided to you as well. Payments are due one week in advance and you are required to pay fees even if your child does not attend due to sickness, holidays, school closings, or parental choice. In the event payment is not made after a three week period, a child may be terminated from the program. Should a family experience financial hardship, we will make every effort to work together to develop a repayment plan. WE WANT TO WORK WITH YOU SO THAT YOUR CHILD REMAINS IN SCHOOL!

This school year, we are pleased to offer some school day spaces that have no tuition requirement, providing families and/or children meet certain requirements and there is availability.


·  Adults dropping off and picking up children must sign them in and out. This usually occurs within the classroom.

·  Families must identify in writing who is authorized to pick their child up. Authorized adults must be at least 18 years of age and must be prepared to provide a photo ID before the child will be released from our care. WE WILL NOT RELEASE ANY CHILD WITHOUT THIS VERIFICATION.

·  Please inform the main office if your child will be absent from school.

·  Extended and/or frequent absences may result in termination from the program.

·  Should you decide to withdraw your child, please inform the main office in writing a minimum of two weeks in advance.

·  All requests for a change in program (teacher, hours, etc) must be approved by the program director.


Families are a child’s first and most significant teacher and play the most important role in a child’s development. We have an open door policy. You are welcome to visit your child’s classroom at any time. Your involvement at school shows your child you are interested in his/her learning.

Other ways to be involved:

·  Attend parent teacher conferences. These are scheduled in late fall and March but can happen as often as needed.

·  Share ideas for newsletters and classroom activities

·  Attend program and classroom events such as special breakfasts, guest readers, grandparent’s day, etc.

·  Assist your child at home with home-school connection activities shared by the classroom teacher.

·  Be a classroom volunteer

·  Volunteer to be on our Parent Advisory Board (health and safety, hiring, transition to kindergarten, etc)

·  Attend parent/family trainings offered by the program, Family Resource Center, district and Northeast Early Childhood Council.

·  Donate recycled materials for classroom projects

·  Respond to surveys about how our program is working

·  Keep in touch with your child’s teacher regularly

·  Read with your child at home

·  Visit our public library, sign up for a library card. The Killingly Public Children’s Librarian visits us weekly. Please let us know if we can assist you in connecting to her.

·  Send your child to school regularly

·  Connect to our Family Resource Center

·  Join our regional Northeast Early Childhood Council

·  Enroll in adult education and/or job training programs. Our family liaison can assist you in accessing these programs if needed


We respect your privacy. All information that you share with us is kept confidential. As a parent or legal guardian, you have access to your child’s file. In addition, only Killingly Public Schools employees, their consultants, and regulatory authorities can view student files. At no time shall an employee discuss any family outside of school or on their own time. In order for us to communicate with an outside agency, you will be required to sign a “Release of Information” form. This means you would be giving us permission to share your information.


Staff in our program has training and experience in early childhood education. Within the first year of employment, all staff is required to receive training in early literacy skills and in the area of cultural/linguistic diversity. Ongoing professional learning is required as all staff develop a yearly written professional development plan that identifies a minimum of two early childhood related professional development experiences which will help them to grow professionally. Early release time is built into the district calendar so that all staff has an opportunity to engage in professional learning focused on recognizing and responding to children’s needs. Staff also attends out of district conferences and evening workshops offered as part of our collaboration with the Northeast Early Childhood Council.

All classroom staff get to know each child and builds respectful relationships with them. They also provide materials and plan activities based on children’s interests. They use assessment information to plan for ways that children can develop skills through direct instruction during small group lessons and child centered play. They will work with you to set goals and identify ways to support your child’s continuous growth and development.


Our goal is to prepare your child for success in school and in life. We do our part by caring for each child in a safe, nurturing environment. We organize our classrooms and outdoor spaces as learning areas where children can play and learn. Equipment and furniture is child sized and encourages children’s independent use. Classroom schedules provide a consistent routine and simple classroom rules help maintain a safe and predictable environment. Children become comfortable in this familiar setting. They gain independence and skills as they work together and care for their classroom.


Class sizes do not exceed 18 and maintain a ration of 1:10. Children are supervised at all times.

Early childhood learning can be very messy. Even though they may wear smocks, children may come home with paint, glue, etc on their clothing. Outdoor play is active and can get dirty. We will take children outside to learn daily EXCEPT:

·  In inclement weather

·  If the temperature is below 25 degrees, including wind chill

·  If the temperature is above 90 degrees, including heat index

·  During smog and pollution alerts.

Please dress your child with these points in mind. Dress in play clothes, safe footwear (sneakers are best), and send in at least one set of extra clothes labeled with your child’s name in the event of accidents, spills, etc.


Within the first few months of enrollment, all children will receive a vision, hearing, dental, and developmental screening. Results of the screenings will be shared with families and referrals made if a concern is noted. Families who do not have medical insurance and/or need assistance with establishing a medical home, ongoing well child visits, immunizations, and health/dental/nutritional screenings will be referred to our program social worker or family liaison.

In order to assess each child’s progress and plan to meet their needs, our staff is trained to use:

·  The Connecticut Preschool Assessment Framework

·  Observational notes and data

·  Portfolios (collections of children’s work samples)