Deed: John Shafer from Henry Whistler
1 September, 1838
Botetourt County, Virginia
Deed book 23, pg. 469
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This indenture made this first day of September in the year of our lord one thousand and eight hundred and thirty eight between Henry Whistler of the County of Botetourt and State of Virginia of the one part and John Shaver of the County and State aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that for and in
[Image 2]
consideration of the sum of three thousand five hundred dollars current money of Virginia the United State go him the said Whistler is hand paid by the said Shafer the receipt whereof the the said Whistler doth by these presents acknowledged hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant bargain sell a lien and cons? Unto the said Shafer ? a certain tract or parcel of land the first of which lies in the aforesaid county on the waters of James River and contains 185 acres be the land more or less the said tract is part of a tract of 345 acres which was granted to John Mills by patent bearing date the 20th day of June 1772 and the said Mills conveyed the same to ___ by deed bearing date the ___ day of ____ and David Neysey? And wife conveyed the same to Samuel Frank deed bearing date the 20th day of October, 1798 and the said Frank and wife conveyed the same to Henry Whistler by deed bearing date the 9th day of April, 1811 the said tract of 185 acres is bounded as followeth to wit
Beginning at a white oak on the last line of the said grant and corner to the part thereof which the said Frank sold to Holton which is now the property of Linkenshagers thence with the line of the same N 54 ? one hundred and eighty poles leaving the branch at 63 poles to the outside line of said grant was a poplar and a Spanish Oak fell down and a white oak added thence with said line N 98 W 40 poles leaving a small branch to a black oak and white oak on said line corner to Philip Snider thence with the ? S 28 ¾ W 79 poles to a white oak S 91 ½ W 65 poles to two white oaks S 50 ½ W 46 poles to a white oak and small black oak corner to the part of said grant which said
[Image 3]
Frank sold to James M. Cornsel? thence with a line of the same S 19? E 165 poles leaving the branch at 46 poles to the last line of the said grant near a black oak white oak and hickory and thence with said line N 62 E 156 poles to the beginning and these and of said tracts contains sevtess? acres adjoining the first described tract of 185 acres and lies in the said county of Botetourt on the waters of Davis? Run and is part of the said grant of 185 acres and was conveyed by David Neay? to the said Samuel Finck? by deed bearing date the 20th day of October, 1798
[Image 4]
and the said Finck? Conveyed the same to Henry Whistler his deed bearing date the 12th day of August, 1811 and is bounded as followeth to wit
Beginning at a Spanish oak where locust stood corner to M Counsels? Division thence with a line of the same S 49 W 16 poles to Ceytes line was a white oak thence with Ceytes line which is also a line of the said grant S 58 ½ E 24 poles to where the locust stood was two white oaks and a Spanish oak and black oak the last corner of the said grant thence with the last line of the same N 38 ½ E 192 poles to near three while oaks thence leaving said line N 20 W 12 poles to a white oak corner to Linkenhogers and to the land already conveyed by Funck to the said Whistler thence with a line of the same S 62 ½ W 156 poles to a black oak white oak and a hickory corner to the same and M Connels Division thence with McConnels lines the same corner 14 poles to the beginning to have and to hold the two aforesaid tracts of 185 and 17 acres of Sam and premises together with all and ? the appurtenances to each of them belonging in any way appurtenances unto the said John Shafer and to the sole use and behalf of him the said Shafer and his heirs forever and
[Image 5]
the said Henry Whistler for himself his heirs executors and ? the said two tracts of land with every advantage and privilege thereunto belonging from himself and his heirs and all persons whatsoever unto the said John Shafer his heirs or assigns shall and will forever warrant and defend by there presents in testimony whereof the said Henry Whistler have hereunto set his hand and seal this day and year first above written.
[signed] Henry Whisler [seal]
Botetourt County to wit
We M Pendleton and Matt Wilson Justices of the peace in the county aforesaid do hereby certify that Henry Whisler a party to a certain deed bearing date the first day of September, 1838 and hereunto and ? appeared before us in our County and State of Virginia and acknowledged the same to be his act and deed and desired us to certify the said acknowledgement to the clerk of the county aforesaid in order that the said deed may be recorded given under our hands and seals this first day of September 1838
[signed] M Pendleton [seal]
[signed] Matt Wilson [seal]
Botetourt County Court Clerks Office 11th of October, 1838
This deed with the certificate of acknowledgement thereon written was this day exhibited in said office and admitted to record.
Teste F. Wolzelk?
Notes about document:
1)Very loosely transcribed…a lot of misspellings on my part I’m sure. You’ll note a lot of the unknown surnames have been spelled many different ways by myself as the handwriting is hard to decipher.
2)There are probably many mistakes in spelling – document was typed pretty much
word for word but when abbreviations and such were made, I have spelled them out.
3)I am the 5th great grandson of John Shafer.
2005 John Joshua Jenkins