LYFA Meeting Minutes / DATE: 5-10-11
LOCATION: Wrigley’s Sports Bar and Grill
Time: 7:00p.m.

ATTENDEES: Tom Colangelo, Ken Zaborski, Mike Swartz, Stephanie Sundberg, Saira Arvizo, Kevin Arroyo, Mark Layton, Stacey Vogelbacher, Alvino Garcia, Ginger Hella, Dave Bernall.


Treasurer Report:

* Current Balance= $15,491.01

*LYFA Camp= $3,000.00

*LYFA Total= $18,491.01

JMFA Report:

  1. 2 more leagues added
  2. Broomfield Blitz has merged with Legacy Lightning = Broomfield Football Club
  3. Broomfield Blitz Separate under Broomfield Football Club
  4. Has 12 teams they are bringing
  5. Colors: Blue and White
  6. Legacy Lightning Separate under Broomfield Football Club
  7. Wants only 7th and 8th grade this season – 4 teams
  8. Colors: Blue and Gold
  9. Brighton Youth Football
  10. 4 teams per grade – 550 kids
  11. Colors: Red and White
  12. Proposed: JMFA Divided into North and South Conferences
  13. JMFA wants Mandatory ‘Positive Coaching for Life’
  14. Cost = $ 30.00 if JMFA gets 200 coaches to sign up price drops to $ 10.00 per coach
  15. Need a copy of ‘Head Trauma’ Law (Ginger will get copy) – needs to be added to website
  16. Keith: Call head coaches to see who wants to participate
  17. Every area gets one rule change per year – PASSED
  18. Minimum Play Rule – FAILED
  19. Rule Proposals
  20. ‘A’ Gap Rule
  21. Proposed: Once the ball leaves the center/snappers hand the ‘A’ gap dissolves
  22. LYFA – Passed
  23. Mercy Rule
  24. Proposed: 50 point to 40 point on a 100 yard field
  25. LYFA – Passed
  26. 2nd and 3rd grade Free Punt Rule
  27. Proposed: Coach declares ‘Free Punt’ - There will be no punt, ref will move the ball 15 yards down field.
  28. LYFA – Failed
  29. 2nd and 3rd Grade Tackle Box
  30. Proposed: Wants to eliminate rule
  31. LYFA – Failed
  32. Video Taping / Scouting
  33. Proposed: From anywhere on surrounding the field five yards behind the line of scrimmage
  34. LYFA – Passed
  35. 60 yard field - 9 yard penalty
  36. Everything on 60 yard field is reduced 60% except the chains
  37. Proposed: 9 yard penalty would be a automatic first down
  38. LYFA - Failed
  39. Black Book photos
  40. Remove photos from your black book, must provide photo ID or team picture if challenged
  41. LYFA - Failed
  42. Tie-Breaker Rule
  43. If there are an uneven number of conference games played the by each team the team with the most losses will be removed from contention
  44. LYFA – Passed

Equipment Report:

  1. Helmets:
  3. AllPro Team Sports
  4. Schutt Youth Air XP = $124.00 each
  5. Schutt Youth DNA Pro = $131.00 each
  6. Sportline
  7. Schutt Youth Air XP = $154.59 each
  8. Schutt Youth DNA Pro = $154.50 each
  9. Reconditioning:
  10. Nine helmets were rejected by Riddell for reconditioning.
  11. 280 reconditioned helmets have been delivered and are in Mike’s garage.
  12. Who wants the orange helmets? Ken Z. has first choice. (Kenny notified Mike he would like to stay with black helmets)
  13. Game Jerseys:
  14. 2nd grade eam jerseys were ordered and should be here before next meeting.
  15. Team Equipment:
  16. First Aid Kits – Sams Club - $24.99 (X14=$349.86)
  17. Equipment Repair Kits (Helmets and shoulder pads) - $84.99 (x14 = $1,189.86)
  18. Kicking tees - $3.50 (x14 =)
  19. Kicking blocks - $3.99 (x14=)
  20. Athletic Tape = $49.99 a case (32 rolls per case) (x14 - $699.86)
  21. Insta-cold ice packs = $20.00 a case (16 packs per case) (x14 = $280.00)
  22. Footballs:
  23. Composite: K2 = $22.99 – TDJ = $23.99 – TDY = $24.99
  24. Leather: K2 = $27.99 – TDJ = $29.99 – TDY = $34.99
  25. 2 each team $1,523.44 according to grade
  1. Equipment New Business: For Next Month
  2. Coaches Equipment Responsibilities

Old Business:

*Revisit 1st grade tackle football. DECISION FROM APRIL MEETING: If we don’t, other areas will get our kids in first grade and that would hurt our numbers. Keith made some calls and most areas surrounding us are not participating. Tom C. worried about a year of tackle experience from other teams. Decision was made that LYFA would not do tackle football for 2011 season. Stay with flag.

-Voted to TABLE TO LYFA Board-

*Coaches, please make sure to start and complete your online Concussion Education.

Add link to Website - NFHS Home Page

*When should we hang registration banners? Who has them?

Mike will check tomorrow

New Business:

*Registration opened April 15, 2011.

*Current Registration Numbers:

* 87 - Registrations for Football. Last year at this time we only had 53 registered.

*15 - Tigerball Camp Registrations.

*1 - Flag football registration.

*The City of Lakewood’s field assignment meeting is May 19th. The meeting will be attended by either Pola or Dave Bernall - EMAIL Dave a Reminder - he will go.

*Recruitment Efforts – who will go to which schools? Identify which age groups we need to target. Do we still have mini footballs to hand out?(Yes) This may help with flag football registration as well.

*Please help spread the word that personal checks will not be accepted as payment this year. If we remind everyone early, that may help them save for football registration. Coaches, please take the lead on this.

Meeting Adjourned: 9:15pm