Job Title: /

Community Hub Development Worker

Salary: / £20,200 PA 1 year contract until December 2018 (possibility for extension, dependent on funding)
Reporting to: / Nominated member of Community Hubs Thurrock
Hours / 35 with some evening and week-end working as required
Office base / Aveley and Purfleet Community Hub
A community hub development worker supports with particular communities in order to collectively bring about social change and improve quality of life. They work with families, individuals and/or whole communities.
Community hub development work seeks to engage communities actively in making sense of the issues which affect their lives, setting goals for improvement and taking action through empowerment and participative processes. A good deal of the work is project based, which means that community hub development workers have a specific geographical community or social group they will focus on.
Community hub development worker will act as a link between communities and local authorities, voluntary sector and other statutory bodies. They will frequently be involved in addressing inequalities, and projects often target communities perceived to be disadvantaged, for example due to race, economic circumstances or geography.


The community hub development worker will coordinate, develop and support the community hubs in both Aveley and Purfleet with a volunteering programme whichinvolves volunteers in a range of projects focused on Community hubs in Aveley/Purfleet empowering local residents to become resilient and resourceful, using the principles of Asset Based Community Development. The Development Worker will recruit, train and support volunteers in a variety of roles across theprojects.
The community hub development worker will liaise with external organisations topromote The hub’s volunteering/activities opportunities via a wide range of communicationmethods.
The community hub development worker will facilitate and service the local steering groups to and encourage wider community engagement in setting local priorities.
We are seeking a creative and self-motivated individual to work sensitively with both the local communities and agencies to develop and deliver a programme of projects and activities to address local issues and needs for the Community Hubs in Purfleet and Aveley. The Development worker will undertake a range of activities to work with the local community and deliver the agreed targets and outcomes.
To support and develop a cohort of volunteers to deliver the main aims of thecommunity hubprogramme:
1.Co-design a local offer with residents which reflects neighborhood priorities
2.Develop stronger, more resilient and aspirational communities that benefit interest, skills and knowledge of their communities’ first and statutory services second.
3.Local citizens have the opportunity to be better able to address issues early and prevent problems escalating.

Development work

  • Make contact with the local voluntary/community sector (VCS) including the groups that can be hard to reach
  • Support hubs to identify local priorities and develop an appropriate work programme to address the,
  • Work with existing community based organisations and support existing programmes of good practice
  • Facilitate and, promote self-help in the community
  • Facilitate and service the local steering groups
  • Support the development of local organisation to be effective vehicles for change. E.g policy drivers, fundraising.
Volunteer recruitment, training andsupport
  • To develop and maintain links with local community groups and otherorganisations and businesses in order to identify and recruitvolunteers
  • To recruit and coordinate volunteers to deliver hub activities
  • To coordinate, develop and deliver appropriate training forvolunteers including maintaining links with external training providers for the progressionof volunteers
  • To monitor and review volunteer placements to ensure volunteers receivesufficient support and achieve theirgoals
  • To ensure that volunteering is prominent on social media and Aveley and Purfleet websites
  • To support volunteers to identify and develop activities/information/surgeries needed to progress local priorities


  • To ensure volunteers sign up and adhere to existing policies and procedures.
  • To work with the board, staff and partners to develop new volunteeringopportunities withinthe Aveley and Purfleet.
  • Provide regular supervision and support to volunteers working within Aveley and Purfllet
  • Champion Time-banking locally and promote opportunities to the wider community


  • To develop and maintain good working relationships and referral pathwayswith relevant organisations who provide training and further opportunities in the locality for volunteers and the community
Information, marketing and promotion
  • To design a range of marketing materials in accessible formats to promote both Aveley and Purfleet Hub’s activities and its volunteering programme
  • To disseminate marketing material to a wide range of audiences
  • To identify and co-ordinate attendance at events, such as volunteer fairs and community events to promote Aveley and Purfleet Hub volunteering programme
  • To organise events and activities, such as workshops and talks to promote Aveley and Purfleet Hub and its volunteering programme and activities
  • Co-ordinate organisations attendance at Purfleet and Aveley Hub.

Monitoring andevaluation

  • To ensure that the impact of the workis recorded, monitored and evaluated and to provide reports asrequired.


  • To undertake any other tasks or duties that may reasonably be required in relationto theprogramme
  • To ensure appropriate customer care is provided at alltimes at both Aveley and Purfleet Hub.


Skills & Abilities / E
D / An understanding of community engagement, volunteering and active citizenship
The ability to lead and motivate a team of volunteers and provide appropriate supervision, support and development
Good written & oral communication skills
Strong interpersonal skills
Experience of Microsoft all Office Products
Experience of volunteer management and supervision of people
Experience of working in community development or voluntary sector role
Have access to a car or be able to commute around Borough as required
Character & Attitude / E
E / Flexible in approach, able to prioritise on own initiative, multi task and work under pressure
Personable, open, non-judgmental
Commitment to equality and diversity
Calm, confidential, discreet
Good personal time management
Analytical / problem solving skills
Innovative approach
Willing to learn and open to new training opportunities
Organisational Skills / E
E / A team player, putting the needs of the organisation and team above own needs
Ability to prioritise workload and be self-servicing
Ability to disseminate information to Aveley and Purfleet steering group

Date of JD: 1stOctober 2017

Job Description –Community Hubs Thurrock – Aveley and Purfleet Development Worker 27.10.17Page 1