The purpose of the AISD Physical Education Program is to provide all students with the knowledge, skills, and desire to live a healthy and physically active lifestyle. The Coaches at Akins want to provide a safe, successful learning environment where all students feel comfortable participating.
P.E. Units: Team Sports, Individual Sports, Aerobics, and Foundations
Grading Policy: Scale
Dressing Out 30% Participation
Participation 30% Dress Out
Skills 30% Fitness
Written work 10% Written
Uniform/Maintenance: Every student is required to dress out for every class.
Warm-up bottoms or wind pants
Comfortable tennis shoes
Lockers & Locks: NO backpacks allowed in the gym.
All students can store their belongings in a locker.
All students must have a lock if storing belongings in a locker.
Students may also store backpacks in storage for the period.
Rules & Procedures:
2. Be responsible for your belongings and actions.
3. Dress out and participate to your full ability.
4. Follow all campus and AISD rules.
5. Use safety precautions at all times.
6. No gum or candy.
7. No jewelry in class.
8. Coaches are not responsible for lost items.
Even if they are stolen.
9. Respect yourself and others at all times
Consequences: 1. Verbal warning.
2. Student/Teacher conference
3. Call to parents
4. Detention
5. Referral
1. Choice of activity
2. Choice on Fridays
Excuse from participation: If a student needs to be excused due to illness or injury, he/she must have a written note from a parent or guardian. Non-participation for more than 3 days in a row will require a note from a Certified Medical Physician. If you have an unexcused absence, you will not be able to make up your grade for that absence.
We want our Physical Education Classes to be a fun and safe place for all students. It will take everyone’s cooperation and support to make the Akins P.E. Program the best and the most beneficial to each student. Thank you.