Santa Cruz Valley United Methodist Church

Church Council Meeting Minutes

March 28, 2016

Lyle began the meeting at 6:35 pm with an opening Devotional from Romans, Psalms and Luke that was sent straight from God to our attendees! In attendance were: Sally Rankin, Nicole Cochran, Pastor Angie McCarty, Debbie Sutton, Vern and Wanda Butler and Chris Swartzentruber.

Volunteer for next meetings devotional: Nicole Cochran.

Meeting Recorder: Debbie Sutton

Approve January 18, 2016 Minutes: approval by email responses.

New Business:

·  Note: Sally Rankin was approved by email votes by the Church Council Special Meeting to take over for Wanda Butler effective April 1, 2016.

·  Resolution of Finance Committee and Church Council-The Finance Committee made a recommendation by Resolution to appoint Sally Rankin and Ann Still to be authorized at Chase Bank to handle day-to-day business for the church. The Resolution names Sally Rankin as “Secretary” (agent) for SCVUMC at Chase Bank effective April 1, 2016. The Resolution gives full authority to deal with the Chase Bank on behalf of the church. All approved the Resolution as presented. Lyle and Wanda signed the Resolution which becomes part of the record of the meeting.

·  Discuss the anticipated shortfall in the income. Pastor Angie will initiate a special stewardship team to address this concern.

·  Other finance items? - Wanda, no other issues

·  Safe Sanctuary Policy- Nicole Cochran and Kelly LaForge have been working on the guidelines of the Safe Sanctuary policies (fingerprints, background checks, bathroom rules, etc.) Nicole will also check with the insurance company to see what their policies are about Safe Sanctuary. Debbie Sutton said she would check with the Sahuarita Police Department to see what their policy is for background checks and fingerprints.

Pastor’s moment- Angie had some points for discussion:

·  How can we maintain momentum when many of our winter visitors will be leaving? It was asked if the Podcasts were still available and Angie said yes. Lyle suggested to add a link to the churchwide email where it would be easy for people to click and be sent straight to the Podcast. Chris suggested adding a live feed and posting it on Facebook.

·  Responding to a recent focus group led by Billy. For 4 weeks, Billy talked to several family groups and they suggested:

§  A more active mission statement

§  Missions are our out-reach

§  Big project to our campus – a playground that all of Sahuarita could use

Billy will next talk to older members who are not currently in leadership positions and then look at building more long-term leaders

·  Re-assessment of Sunday morning small groups-Angie said that the small groups have dwindled significantly, so this time is being re-evaluated. Debbie suggested a summer-long VBS for the whole church.

·  Summer idea-see above

·  Reevaluation of task forces-Angie reviewed the Church Council Committee/Task Force Leaders list prepared by Lyle and after some review and discussion, Debbie moved to change the list and remove 3 categories:

§  Health and Caring Ministries Coordinator

§  Building and Location Task Force

§  Community Outreach Task Force

This was seconded by Chris S. and the motion passed by unanimous vote.

Next Meeting(s): all meetings are tentatively scheduled following a finance meeting. Church Council meeting will start 6:30 PM.

o  June 27, 2016

o  September 26, 2016

o  January 2, 2017

Closing Prayer: (Pastor Angie)

Respectfully submitted,

Debbie Sutton, Trustee Chair