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O2 Performance Aquatics


Table of Contents

1Policy Overview

2Policy Statements

2.1Travel Policies

2.1.1USA Swimming Required Policies

2.1.2Team Travel

2.2Pre-Employment Background Checks

2.3Whistle Blower

2.4Electronic Communications

2.5Code of Conduct / Honor Code

2.6Coaches Code of Conduct

2.7Private Lessons

2.8Athlete Protection / Safe Sport



2.8.3Reporting Procedure

2.8.4Investigation Process of a Complaint

2.8.5Consequences of Actions

2.8.6Reports to the Victim and His/Her Parent/Guardian




1Policy Overview

This document sets out O2 Performance Aquatics policy for the operations of the team.

2Policy Statements

2.1Travel Policies

2.1.1USA Swimming Required Policies

Club and LSC travel policies must include these policies. These items are Code of Conduct stipulations in the USA Swimming Rulebook.

a)Club travel policies must be signed and agreed to by all athletes, parents, coaches and other adults traveling with the club. (305.5.D)

b)Team managers and chaperones must be members of USA Swimming and have successfully passed a USA Swimming-administered criminal background check. (305.5.B)

c)Regardless of gender, a coach shall not share a hotel room or other sleeping arrangement with an athlete (unless the coach is the parent, guardian, sibling, or spouse of that particular athlete). (305.5.A)

d)When only one athlete and one coach travel to a competition, the athlete must have his/her parents’ (or legal guardian’s) written permission in advance to travel alone with the coach. (305.5C)

2.1.2Team Travel

Items a) through d) are travel-relatedrecommendations taken directly from USA Swimming’s Best Practice Guidelines forAthlete Protection.

a)During team travel, when doing room checks, attending team meetingsand/or other activities, two-deep leadership and open and observableenvironments should be maintained.

b)Athletes should not ride in a coach’s vehicle without another adult presentwho is the same gender as the athlete, unless prior parental permission isobtained.

c)During overnight team travel, if athletes are paired with other athletes theyshall be of the same gender and should be a similar age. Where athletes areage 13 & Over, chaperones and/or team managers would ideally stay innearby rooms. When athletes are age 12 & under, chaperones and/or teammanagers may stay with athletes. Where chaperones/team managers arestaying in a room with athletes, they should be the same gender as theathlete and written consent should be given by athlete’s parents (or legalguardian).

d)When only one athlete and one coach travel to a competition, at thecompetition the coach and athlete should attempt to establish a “buddy” clubto associate with during the competition and when away from the venue.

e)To ensure the propriety of the athletes and to protect the staff, there will beno male athletes in female athlete’s rooms and no female athletes in maleathlete’s rooms (unless the other athlete is a sibling or spouse of thatparticular athlete).

f)A copy of the Club Code of Conduct must be signed by the athlete andhis/her parent or legal guardian.

g)Team or LSC officials should obtain a signed Liability Release and/orIndemnification Form for each athlete.

h)Team or LSC officials should carry a signed Medical Consent or Authorizationto Treat Form for each athlete.

i)Curfews shall be established by the team or LSC staff each day of the trip.

j)Team members and staff traveling with the team will attend all team functionsincluding meetings, practices, meals, meet sessions, etc. unless otherwiseexcused or instructed by the head coach or his/her designee.

k)The directions & decisions of coaches/chaperones are final.

l)Swimmers are expected to remain with the team at all times during the trip.

m)Swimmers are not to leave the competition venue, the hotel, a restaurant, orany other place at which the team has gathered without thepermission/knowledge of the coach or chaperone.

n)When visiting public places such as shopping malls, movie theatres, etc.swimmers will stay in groups of no less than three persons. 12 & underathletes will be accompanied by a chaperone.

o)The Head Coach or his/her designee shall make a written report of travelpolicy or code of conduct violations to the appropriate club (LSC) leadershipand the parent or legal guardian of any affected minor athlete

2.2Pre-Employment Background Checks

As a condition of employment O2 Performance Aquatics will conduct the following pre-employment screens on their new employees who are required to be USA Swimming members by USA Swimming rules.

  1. Past Employment Reference Checks or Verifications. Where there have been multiple employers, minimum of the three most recent employers.
  2. Education Verification (highest held)
  3. State Motor Vehicle Report Examination

O2 Performance Aquatics BOD and Head Coach will carefully review and evaluate the information gathered as part of making a final decision to offer employment to a candidate. The screening process should be completed before the employee is officially hired and begins employment.

Additional Pre-Employment Screening Procedures

O2 Performance Aquatics may also conduct the following internal research into new employees who are required to be members by USA Swimming rules:

  1. Social Network Search
  2. Google Media Search

If O2 Performance Aquatics BOD chooses to complete the recommended screens listed above, it should carefully review and evaluate the information gathered as a part of making a final decision to offer employment to a candidate.

O2 Performance Aquatics is using to complete pre-employment background checks

2.3Whistle Blower

USA Swimming and O2 Performance Aquatics forbids any form of retaliation against individuals for providing truthful information to a law enforcement official relating to actual or potential unlawful conduct. Such actions can result in immediate termination. The audit committee will establish procedures for handling complaints, including anonymous ones, about accounting and financial matters.

2.4Electronic Communications

The [insert the name of the club] (the “Club”) recognizes the prevalence of electronic communication and social media in today’s world. Many of our swimmers use these means as their primary method of communication. While the Club acknowledges the value of these methods of communication, the Club also realizes that there are associated risks that must be considered when adults use these methods to communicate with minors.


All communications between a coach or other adult and an athlete must be professional in nature and for the purpose of communicating information about team activities. The content and intent of all electronic communications must adhere to the USA Swimming Code ofConduct regarding Athlete Protection.

For example, as with any communication with an athlete, electronic communication should not contain or relate to any of the following:

  • Drugs or alcohol use;
  • Sexually oriented conversation; sexually explicit language; sexual activity
  • The adult’s personal life, social activities, relationship or family issues, or personalproblems; and
  • Inappropriate or sexually explicit pictures
  • Note: Any communication concerning an athlete's personal life, social activities,relationship or family issues or personal problems must be transparent, accessible andprofessional.

Whether one is an athlete, coach, board member or parent, the guiding principle to always usein communication is to ask: “Is this communication something that someone else would findappropriate or acceptable in a face‐to‐face meeting?” or “Is this something you would becomfortable saying out loud to the intended recipient of your communication in front of theintended recipient’s parents, the coaching staff, the board, or other athletes?”

With respect to electronic communications, a simple test that can be used in most cases iswhether the electronic communication with swimmers is Transparent, Accessible andProfessional.

Transparent: All electronic communication between coaches and athletes should betransparent. Your communication should not only be clear and direct, but also free of hiddenmeanings, innuendo and expectations.

Accessible: All electronic communication between coaches and athletes should be considered amatter of record and part of the Club’s records. Whenever possible, include another coach orparent in the communication so that there is no question regarding accessibility.

Professional: All electronic communication between a coach and an athlete should beconducted professionally as a representative of the Club. This includes word choices, tone,grammar, and subject matter that model the standards and integrity of a staff member.

If your communication meets all three of the T.A.P. criteria, then it is likely your method ofcommunication with athletes will be appropriate.


Coaches may have personal Facebook (or other social media site) pages, but they are notpermitted to have any athlete member of the Club join their personal page as a “friend.” Acoach should not accept any “friend” request from an athlete. In addition, the coach shouldremind the athlete that this is not permitted. Coaches and athletes are not permitted to“private message” each other through Facebook. Coaches and athletes are not permitted to“instant message” each other through Facebook chat or other IM method.

The Club has an official Facebook page that athletes and their parents can “friend” forinformation and updates on team‐related matters.

Coaches are encouraged to set their pages to “private” to prevent athletes from accessing thecoach’s personal information.


Best Practice: The Club has an official Twitter page that coaches, athletes and parents canfollow for information and updates on team‐related matters. Coaches are not permitted tofollow athletes on Twitter. Likewise, athletes are not permitted to follow coaches on Twitter.

Coaches and athletes are not permitted to “direct message” each other through Twitter.

Alternative Option: Coaches and athletes may follow each other on Twitter. Coaches cannotretweet an athlete message post. Coaches and athletes are not permitted to “direct message”each other through Twitter.


Subject to the general guidelines mentioned above, texting is allowed between coaches andathletes during the hours from 7am until 9pm. Texting only shall be used for the purpose ofcommunicating information directly related to team activities.


Athletes and coaches may use email to communicate between the hours of 7am and 9pm.When communicating with an athlete through email, a parent, another coach, or a boardmember must also be copied.


The parents or guardians of an athlete may request in writing that their child not be contactedby coaches through any form of electronic communication.

2.5Code of Conduct / Honor Code

The Club Development Committee strongly encourages teams and LSC’s to create a Code of Conduct or Honor Code as a companion document to the team travel policies.


a)All team members, team staff, and parents of minors are apprised in writing of this Code of Conduct and the attached USA Swimming Code of Conduct. A signature on this document constitutes unconditional agreement to comply with the stipulations of both documents.

b)Team members will display proper respect and sportsmanship toward coaches, officials, administrators, teammates, fellow competitors and the public at all times.

c)Team members and staff will refrain from any illegal or inappropriate behavior that would detract from a positive image of the team or be detrimental to its performance objectives.

d)The possession or use of alcohol or tobacco products by any athlete is prohibited.

e)The possession, use, or sale/distribution of any controlled or illegal substance or any form of weapon is strictly forbidden.

f)No “deck” changes are permitted. Athletes are expected to use available change facilities.

g)Team members are is reminded that when competing in meets, traveling on trips, and attending other meet-related functions, they are representing both themselves and O2 Performance Aquatics program. Athlete behavior must positively reflect the high standards of the club (or LSC).

h)Failure to comply with the Honor Code as set forth in this document may result in disciplinary action. Such discipline may include, but may not be limited to:

  1. Dismissal from the trip and immediate return home at the athlete’s expense
  2. Disqualification from one or more events, or all events of competition
  3. Disqualification from future team travel meets
  4. Financial penalties
  5. Dismissal from the team
  6. Proceedings for a LSC or USA Swimming Board of Review

i)Swimmers are to refrain from inappropriate physical contact at team activities and events.

j)Swimmers are to refrain from use of inappropriate language.

2.6Coaches Code of Conduct

O2 Performance Aquatics has added the following code of conduct to supplement the USA Swimming Code on Conduct. All coaches are required to review and sign a code of conduct that includes the following:

  1. I will commit to demonstrate and practice teamwork with all parents, swimmers and Coaches by supporting the Values of the Team
  2. I will demonstrate good sportsmanship by conducting myself in a manner that earns the respect of the swimmers, other Coaches, parents, and officials
  3. I will maintain self-control at all times
  4. I recognize that the program exists as a learning experience, not as an end in itself
  5. I understand that criticizing, name-calling, use of abusive language or gestures directed toward the Coaches, officials, facility staff and/or any participating swimmer will not be permitted or tolerated
  6. I will support the swimmers with positive communication and actions
  7. I understand that volunteer efforts are an integral part of the success of the team and I will support and encourage the volunteers who help the program and actively support the teams fundraising and social activities
  8. I recognize that as a Coach I have a responsibility as a mentor to youth and I will conduct myself in a way that will set suitable examples for the swimmers. At no time while on deck coaching will criticism of the officials, use of profanity, use of alcoholic beverages or the use of tobacco products be acceptable.
  9. I will follow USA Swimming Rules during competitions
  10. I will follow and adhere to the USA Swimming Code of Conduct (Rulebook - Section 301 ARTICLE 304 CODE OF CONDUCT)


Coach’s Signature Board President’s Signature

2.7Private Lessons

O2 Performance Aquatics will allow the Head Coach to give private swim/stroke lessons provided they do not interfere with the full-time performance of his duties: Irving Swimmers’ practices meets, meetings, etc. Such lessons shall not be provided in his capacity as Head Coach of Irving Swimmers. It is entirely up to the Head Coach to make arrangements regarding the location and time of these lessons. O2 Performance Aquatics will not take any percentage of money from these lessons, nor will O2 Performance Aquatics have any responsibility or liability regarding such lessons. IPAR policy prohibits private lessons in city facilities (except through Irving Aquatics Association’s individualized swim lesson program).

2.8Athlete Protection / Safe Sport

Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at O2 Performance Aquatics and will not be tolerated. Bullying is counterproductive to team spirit and can be devastating to a victim. The Club is committed to providing a safe, caring and friendly environment for all of our members. If bullying does occur, all athletes and parents should know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. Anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell a Coach, board member or athlete/mentor.


  1. To make it clear that the Club will not tolerate bullying in any form.
  2. To define bullying and give all board members, coaches, parents and swimmers a good understanding of what bullying is.
  3. To make it known to all parents, swimmers and coaching staff that there is a policy and protocol should any bullying issue arise?
  4. To make ‘how to report bullying’ clear and understandable.
  5. To make it known that retaliation against any person, including a victim, a witness, or another member, who in good faith provides information concerning an incident of bullying.
  6. To spread the word that O2 Performance Aquatics takes bullying seriously and that all swimmers and parents can be assured that they will be supported when bullying is reported.


What is Bullying? Generally, bullying is the use of aggression between the perpetrating member and victim member, involving a real or perceived power imbalance whether intentional or not, which hurts another person due to its sufficiently severe, persistent and pervasive enough action or threat. Bullying includes but is not limited to actions such as:

a)Engaging in written or verbal expression, expression through electronic means, or physical conduct, making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically, emotionally or verbally, excluding someone from a group on purpose that occurs on club designated premises, at a swim meet or club-related activity.

b)CYBERBULLYING – which means bullying through the use of “electronic communication”? “Electronic Communication” means the communication of written, verbal, or pictorial information through electronic devices including, but without limitation, telephones, cellular phones, computers, social media networks, or any similar means of communication as further explained in the O2 Performance Aquatics ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION POLICY.

c)Harassment and/or Intimidation – which is a willful act which is written, verbal, or physical, or a course of conduct that is not otherwise authorized by law and is highly offensive to a reasonable person. Harassment is intended to cause or actually cause another person to suffer serious emotional distress and/or creates a hostile environment.

Bullying results in pain and distress. The USA Swimming Code of Conduct prohibits bullying.

The USA Swimming Code of Conduct defines bullying in 304.3.7. Bullying is the severe or repeated use by one or more USA Swimming members of oral, written, electronic or other technological expression, image, sound, data or intelligence of any nature (regardless of the method of transmission), or a physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at any other member that to a reasonably objective person has the effect of:

a)causing physical or emotional harm to the other member or damage to the other member’s property;

b)placing the other member in reasonable fear of harm to himself/herself or of damage to his/her property;

c)creating a hostile environment for the other member at any USA Swimming activity;