Collegiate 4-H

September 14, 2006

Lilly G-126

7:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order by President Dustin Potts. The American Pledge was led by Sarah Wickert and the 4-H Pledge by Keith Carrell.

Adam Wright, Secretary, read the minutes from the last meeting in full. Keith Carrell moved that the minutes be accepted as read and Sarah Wickert seconded. The motion was voted on and passed. Treasurer Julia Wickert reported that the club still has $2674.45 and that club dues are $5 a semester and $10 for a year and that she would like dues paid ASAP.

Historian Megan Kron reported on the Ag Council meeting that took place on September 13, 2006. At the meeting a Hog Roast for October 9th in the Memorial Mall was discussed and it was suggested that Collegiate 4-H participate. She also reported that there is an Ag Business Club meeting on November 9th; this club sponsors a $500 scholarship and trip that could be won. There was also mention at the Ag Council meeting of holding a fundraiser where students would vote on a professor to kiss a pig.

Social Director Amanda Armstrong talked about the planned camping trip with UofI. If this takes place at Turkey Run as mentioned in the previous meeting the cost would be approximately $17 per person. It was also mentioned that if someone has any place close by that we can go to and use, it would be appreciated.

In old business the Murdock Elementary School Service Project will begin on September 20, 2006 with sessions at 3:30-4:15 and 4:15-5:30. Members that go will leaving at 3:10 from Lilly and if any is interested please see Sarah Wickert.

The 2006 Regional’s Conference in Rapid City, South Dakota will take place on October 20-22, 2006 and registration will be $60. Members that attend will be flying out to SD at a price of $475.20. Anyone that is interested needs to be signed up 12:00 p.m. Tuesday September 19th, see Steve McKinley for more information and to turn in registration in AGAD 226.

Amanda Armstrong gave an update on the Outstanding Communicator in Agriculture Debate Competition. This competition is open to any students in the College of Ag and the winning team will receive $750 with the second place team receiving $500. Anyone that is interested in participating should contact Amanda through e-mail at .

The planned service project with the 209th Quarter Master Unit in Lafayette will take place on Saturday September 23rd, 2006 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. A planning meeting will take place on September 18th at 4:00 p.m. in AGAD 223A. A sign-up sheet was passed around for those interested.

In new business, a few students at IndianaUniversity are attempting to start a Collegiate 4-H Club there. Purdue Agribusiness Club Indiana Farm Bureau Discussion Meet Callout will take place on Tuesday, September 26th at 6:00 p.m. in Krannert 66. The event will then be held on Wednesday, November 8th with the time and location TBA. If anyone is interested, e-mail Dustin Potts at . The 2007 National Collegiate 4-H Conference Workshop Proposal was discussed with Rita Boeglin suggesting we do a presentation about the service project with the Quarter Master Unit. Proposals are due October 11th and will be worked on by Rita Boeglin and Dustin Potts. Volunteers are needed for The Hog Roast and Family Fun Day on September 16th, beginning at 3:00 p.m. This event is helping to raise funds for a memorial for those who have given their lives in the War on Terror. If anyone is interested in helping meet Erin or Johanna Frist at the Raffle booth or call (765)532-2654.

The Indiana 4-H Foundation Homecoming activities will take place prior to the September 23rd Purdue football game. Volunteers would be assisting in taking names to create an Indiana 4-H Alumni and Funders database. A sign-up was passed around for those interested.

A New Member Night will take place on Wednesday, September 20th, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. We will meet in the lobby of Lilly for pizza followed by a scavenger hunt on the Ag campus. A sign-up was passed around. The Goldfish Racing Fundraiser will take place on Thursday, October 5 from 10:00a.m.-2:00p.m. on the Memorial Mall.

The next meeting will take place on Thursday, September 28th at 7:00 p.m. in Lilly g-126. Then, a mixer game was played called the Hand-Slap Game. The meeting was then adjourned by Dustin Potts.