Cockerton Methodist Church

Contact information:

Senior Steward: – Jan Sams (07484 853759)

Church Admin: - Jan Cossins (01325 241124)

16th July 2017

Sunday 16th July 2017

10.30am – Worship led by Rev A Stobart - Parade service

6.00pm – Worship at Harrowgate Hill

Sunday 23rd July 2017

10.30am – Worship led by Mrs M Wearmouth

6.00pm – Worship at Bondgate

Sunday 30th July 2017

10.30am – Worship led by Rev S White - to include Sacrament

6.00pm – Worship at Bondgate

Please note there are No evening service at Cockerton this month. Please refer to Plan or poster on church door, to establish where services are taking place

Prayerfully consider before the service:

Rejoice with those who are happy for whatever reason in their lives;

Getting to know Jesus, and loving the Lord,

getting married, or in a new relationship, the news of a baby,

first or new job, the list is endless.

Empathise with those who are hurting,

those who are broken in mind or spirit,

those who are broken in body,

those who are broken hearted.

Give thanks for all the things in life, good and bad,

pray the Lord is with us in each and every step of the way.


Prayer focus: Please pray -

1.  for students/young people as they begin the summer break, may it be a time of rest and renewal, pray for the parents/carers as they too need to recharge their batteries.

2.  for families who may struggle to feed the children now the holidays are upon us, that they will find the help they need as they cannot access free school meals and provide a healthy meal for their family.

3.  for the residents of Belah Court and Tintern Avenue

4.  for those who are struggling with illness or recovering from surgery - Geoff & Anne Bosworth; Alan Shier; Brian

Hildon; Joy Frauts; Joan Kelsall; Ken Learoyd; Bill McAllister; Alma Ottolini; Molly Elsworth; Ken & Mary Collins and Sylvia Smith.

(If you have any prayer requests - please ensure the person to be prayed for is agreeable to this, or you feel that you don’t need to be on the prayer list anymore, please let me know, I don’t always get to know these things - thanks ~ Jan - this includes birthdays and celebrations)

Prayerline: If you need prayer, for yourself or others, long – or short-term, please contact Brian & Irene Cooper (467573) or Fran Atkinson (356471). This is adiscreet and confidential service,

Clarification: There seems to be some confusion about the Prayerline service. The team consists of about 20 people, not all members of our church, who have offered to pray on a regular basis for events or people who have Themselves, or through a representative, specifically requested prayer. These requests are treated confidentially, are often given anome di plume,and are not posted on the Prayer Focus in the Notices. Should you wish to join this service I should be delightedto give you more information. Irene Cooper

Food Bank: Thank you for your continued support of the Foodbank, your donations are greatly appreciated. There are many in our community struggling to feed their family and themselves. ~ Many thanks.

URGENT: Due to increased demand, the Food Bank is very short of supplies. Donations of all kinds, eg tins of meat, tuna, vegetables, soups, sauces for pasta, pasta & rice would be very gratefully received. Donations of cash also allow us to buy in extra stocks. Many thanks.

Please remember that the holidays are coming up, and children will not be at school, which means parents do not have the advantage of free school meals - and extra meal to provide

The Prayer Room: Please note that thePrayer Room upstairs is now being hired out and will no longer be available. A new business will startin the room from19th Juneby a couple who wish toprovide a professional counselling service for the communityand will use the room for their clients. They have booked the room on a regular basis .~
Sue Ashmore

Creating Safer Spaces: The issue of Safeguarding was discussed at the recent Church AGM, where we were informed that those on Church Council and others need to complete/up-date training.

Elm Ridge are going to facilitate this, the date is Thursday, 27thJuly. There are 3 sessions available (8:45am,12:45pm and the last one is 6.45 for a prompt 7pm start - not 6pm as previously published) and you have a choice of which one you choose. Please see the attached paperwork on notice board outside the vestry, for more details and a booking form. Please complete the form and return it to Lyn at:

Please don’t consider this as an optional extra, your role/responsibility determines whether you need to do this training. A list of roles requiring training is with the paperwork is also on the notice board.

Foundation Module Refresher 2016 Edition The Methodist Church has developed refresher safeguarding training for those undertaking various roles and responsibilities in the Methodist Church, who completed the Foundation Module between 2011 and 2016.

Harrowgate Hill Methodist Church Vanessa and Brian Simpson invite you to their Open Garden Day at 3 Idaho Gardens Darlington DL 1 2RG (off Wylam Avenue) Saturday 29th July 2017 11.00am to 3.00pm Suggested donation - £5.00 in aid of Christian Aid Morning Coffees and Light Lunches Quiz Bring and Buy Stall

Please book for catering purposes – 01325 - 264145

Holiday at Home: this is a 5 day event for older people in our community, 4 - 8th September and will be based at Northland Methodist Church, Darlington. Each day has a different activity and booking is essential, carers are welcome to attend too. Please contact Lyn (07561 224861) or Chris (07561 224869) to book, further information and costs. The week consists of:-

Monday afternoon: Craft/flower arranging; Tuesday - full day: trip to Whitby; Wednesday afternoon: Movie afternoon; Thursday - full day: Mystery Tour; Friday afternoon: Tea with musical entertainment.

The Bondgate Centre: is open Monday to Saturday from 10 - 1.45pm. Offered are a wide range of homemade scones and cakes, freshly prepared snacks and sandwiches and a wide choice of main meals. There is an upcoming event on 30th July at 12.30 - “Sunday Roast”. Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding and vegetables, with apple crumble and custard or ice cream. Pay what you think it is worth, Tickets available from the Centre and booking is essential.

St Andrew’s Church, Winston, Nr. Darlington: Flower festival - ten gardens will be open, including the hanging gardens of Winston (the old Rectory) and also some flower arrangements in the church. The gardens are open from 1 - 5pm and we are also doing light lunches and afternoon teas in the village hall from 12noon.

As we are approaching the summer months would groups please let me have start and finish dates - Jan C

Notices: During the summer months, notices will be produced on alternate weeks, hopefully to co-inside with Together at Bondgate. If you have anything you need conveying to the church family please let me know asap, or you can let one of the duty stewards know and if urgent they will announce. I do have the ability to send your information to those on email.

There will not be any notices produced next week.

This weeks Church Diary:

Tues 18 Ladies Group Choir~ 7.30pm

Wed 19 Babies & Toddlers ~ 9.00 - 11.00am & 1.00 – 3.00pm

Art Group ~ 1.15pm – in the upstairs hall

Thurs 20 Food Bank ~ 1 - 3pm at St Mary’s hall


Thurs 20 Sue’s Fellowship ~ 7.30pm (480521) last session until 7th September

Tues 25 Tuesday Afternoon Fellowship @ 1.15pm (356097) last session until 5th September

Notices: Jan (241124) Deadline: 12noon- Thursday for Sunday

Notices via email: For those people who wish to receive a copy of the notices electronically please email as this will help the environment by saving on paper.

The Darlington Methodist Church website is now on-line so any 3are Internet users may like to have a look at it - The web address is this includes information for Cockerton