What is NHS Grampian Endowment Grants?
Aims: / A part of the NHS Grampian Endowments objective is to fund research that will result in or have the potential to result in being of benefit to NHS Grampian and the NHS Nationally.
Description: / Each year NHS Grampian Endowments Funded Research Grants are made available and applications are welcomed from all researchers in Grampian (medical, dental, scientific and clinical staff including nursing and allied health professional’s).
This funding can be used for “pump-priming activities that will bring more external funding to NHS Grampian, and lead to applications to external bodies.
Restrictions: /
  • The project must be based in and be of benefit to NHS Grampian and the NHS Nationally.
  • Funding will only be awarded if funding is not available from another source
  • Projects must be no longer than 1 year and run between the fiscal year April to March

Administration of Grants /
  • The Administrator for the NHS Grampian Endowment Grants has co-responsibility with the R&D Director for this annual funding process.
  • This process is separate to the R&D management permission process.
  • If you have any queries contact the Administrator for Endowments.
Phone : 01224 551121 Email:
Terms & Conditions /
  • Ethics favourable opinion and R&D management permission are to be in place prior to any research starting.
    - R&D Permission: contact Data Coordinators or 01224 553846.
- Ethical Approval: contact 01224 558474
- Approval forms can be accessed on the Integrated Research Application System (IRAS) .
  • The lead Applicant will be known as the Principal Investigator and will be responsible for keeping the Endowment Administrator up to date with any changes to the project that effect the funding awardede.g. timeframe, staff changes, delays in obtaining samples/equipment, delays in completing final report etc.
  • A final report is to be submitted no more than 3 months after end of funding.
  • Completed projects will be required to present a poster and a 3 minute oral presentation at the Annual Research Symposium, normally held in November.

Applying for Grant: /
  • Application formsand guidance notes will be made available to download from the R&D Website at the beginning of August of each funding year.
  • Notice of availability of Grant Applications will be sent out to University, RGU and NHS Staff via globals.
  • Closing date for applications will be at the end of September – exact date will confirmed on the form

Fundability: /
  • Applications requesting more than £12,000 will not be considered.
  • Funding is for one year only April to March
  • All applications will be peer reviewed and funding awards will be based on a scoring system.
  • Applications receiving an average score of greater than five will automatically be considered for funding providing there are sufficient funds available.
  • If there are several applications with the same score at the cut off point for funding the relevant Programme Leaders will be asked to score and rank these applications on their relevance to the programme’s strategic objectives.
  • Applications scoring less than 5 will not be funded even if there are sufficient resources available
  • Any remaining resource will be returned to the endowment fund to be utilised the following year.
  • On the application form you are asked to pick your funding speciality. To ensure that high scoring projects are funded if there is limited resource in the chosen speciality the Funding Committee can make the decision to use alternative funding speciality.
  • Funding decisions will be announced in the January
  • Funding will be accessible on the 1st April, please note that this will be dependent on gaining Ethical favourable opinion and R&D Management Approval.

Responsibilities: /
  • The Principal Investigator and will be responsible for keeping the Endowment Administrator up to date with any changes to the project that effect the funding awarded e.g. timeframe, staff changes, delays in obtaining samples/equipment, delays in completing final report etc.

Completion of Project: /
  • A final report form is to be submitted to the Endowment Administrator no more than 3 months after the end date of the project.
  • Final report forms will be available to download from the R&D website on the Funding Opportunities page
  • The final report requires a project summary of no more than 200 words which will be used in the programme on the annual Research Symposium.

Research Symposium: /
  • Each year a Research Symposium is held in November which is open to anyone interested in Research.
  • Completed projects will be divided into groups and asked to present a poster and give a 3 minute oral presentation by their poster.
  • Poster area should be 3ft by 4ft deep (Portrait). You can contact Department of Medical Illustrations on ext 52464. Please note that we do not cover the costs of poster and this should have been accounted for in your original application.
  • On the day of the event display boards will be grouped and labelled with coordinating project numbers.
  • Each group will have a Moderator whose role will be to ensure that each individual oral presentation keeps within the 3 minute timeframe, field questions and nominate an individual to be awarded a travel fellowship of up to £150 for best poster and presentation.
  • After the poster and oral presentations there will be a guest speaker who will give a 45minutes talk on a topic relating to research.
  • You will be kept informed on the requirements of the event by the Endowment Administrator.

Last updated: 24/09/2018