SMR INPUT RECORD April 2013 / Maximum Record Size = 838
From To / Data Item / Size / Notes
From / To
1 / 2 / System Record Id / 2 / = AB
3 / 4 / SMR Record Type / 2 / = 00, 01, 02, 04
5 / 5 / Episode Record Status / 1 / = I, D or R
6 / 16 / Episode Record Key / 11 / sequential number generated by PAS identifying the episode with modulus 11 check digit
Patient ID Data
17 / 36 / Surname / 20 / Minimum of 2 characters
37 / 56 / 1st Forename / 20 / Minimum of 1 character
57 / 76 / 2nd Forename / 20
77 / 96 / Previous Surname / 20
97 / 104 / Date of Birth / 8 / ddmmccyy
105 / 105 / Sex / 1
106 / 106 / Marital Status / 1
107 / 116 / CI/CHI Index Number / 10
117 / 126 / NHS Number / 10
127 / 130 / Health Records System Identifier / 4
131 / 140 / Patient Identifier / 10 / Minimum of 6 characters left justified
141 / 150 / Alternative CRN / 10
151 / 158 / Postcode / 8
159 / 160 / Ethnic Group / 2
161 / 166 / GP Practice Code / 6 / right justified if 5 char
167 / 174 / Referring GP/GDP GMC Number / 8 / right justified if 7 char
Episode Management Data
175 / 184 / Care Package Identifier / 10
185 / 189 / Location / 5
190 / 192 / Specialty / 3 / left justified
193 / 193 / Local Code / 1
194 / 195 / Significant Facility / 2 / not mandatory for SMR00
196 / 198 / Clinical Facility Start / 3
199 / 201 / Clinical Facility End / 3
202 / 209 / Consultant/HCP Responsible for Care / 8 / right justified if 7 char
210 / 210 / Management of Patient / 1 / not SMR00
211 / 211 / Patient Category / 1
212 / 216 / Provider Code / 5
217 / 221 / Purchaser Code / 5
222 / 227 / Serial Number / 6
228 / 233 / GP Referral Letter No / 6
234 / 239 / Date Referral Received / 6 / ddmmyy, SMR00 only, mandatory for new referrals only
240 / 240 / Referral Source / 1 / SMR00 only, mandatory for new referrals only
241 / 241 / Referral Type / 1 / SMR00 only
242 / 265 / Referral Reasons / 6x4 / ICD10 code, SMR00 only
266 / 271 / Clinic Date / 6 / ddmmyy, SMR00 only
272 / 280 / Clinic Code / 9 / SMR00 only
281 / 281 / Attendance Status / 1 / SMR00 only
282 / 282 / Attendance Follow Up / 1 / SMR00 only
283 / 283 / Availability Status Code / 1 / Field no longer in use
284 / 289 / Waiting List Date / 6 / ddmmyy, not SMR00, SMR02
290 / 295 / Admission Date / 6 / ddmmyy, not SMR00, SMR02 Home Births
296 / 296 / Waiting List Type / 1 / not SMR00, SMR02
297 / 298 / Admission Type / 2 / not SMR00
299 / 300 / Admission Reason / 2 / not SMR00, optional for SMR04 andSMR01(where significant facility not = 1E)
301 / 302 / Admission/Transfer From / 2 / not SMR00
303 / 307 / Admission/Transfer From -Location / 5 / not SMR00
308 / 313 / Ready for Discharge Date / 6 / ddmmyy, not SMR00
314 / 319 / Discharge Date * / 6 / ddmmyy, not SMR00, SMR02 Home Births
For SMR04, Discharge Date should be present if other discharge details are present
320 / 321 / Discharge Type * / 2 / not SMR00
322 / 323 / Discharge/Transfer To * / 2 / not SMR00
324 / 328 / Discharge/Transfer To -Location / 5 / not SMR00
General Clinical Data
329 / 334 / Main Condition / 6 / ICD10 code, not mandatory for SMR00
335 / 340 / Other Condition 2 / 6 / ICD10 code
341 / 346 / Other Condition 3 / 6 / ICD10 code
347 / 352 / Other Condition 4 / 6 / ICD10 code
353 / 358 / Other Condition 5 / 6 / ICD10 code
359 / 364 / Other Condition 6 / 6 / ICD10 code
365 / 372 / Main Operation / 8 / OPCS4 code (single or pair)
373 / 378 / Date Main Operation / 6 / ddmmyy
379 / 386 / Clinician Responsible for Main Operation / 8 / right justified if 7 char
387 / 394 / Other Operation 1 / 8 / OPCS4 code (single or pair)
395 / 400 / Date Other Operation 1 / 6 / ddmmyy
401 / 408 / Clinician - Other Op 1 / 8 / right justified if 7 char
409 / 416 / Other Operation 2 / 8 / OPCS4 code (single or pair)
417 / 422 / Date Other Operation 2 / 6 / ddmmyy
423 / 430 / Clinician - Other Op 2 / 8 / right justified if 7 char
431 / 438 / Other Operation 3 / 8 / OPCS4 code (single or pair)
439 / 444 / Date Other Operation 3 / 6 / ddmmyy
445 / 452 / Clinician - Other Op 3 / 8 / right justified if 7 char
453 / 468 / Error Report Comments / 4x4
Common Development Data
469 / 469 / Chronically Sick/Disabled / 1
470 / 475 / Clinical Problem Identifier for Spell/Care Package / 6
476 / 499 / Lifestyle Risk Factors / 6x4
500 / 523 / Severity Measures / 6x4
524 / 547 / Dependancy Measures / 6x4
548 / 571 / Outcome Measures / 6x4
572 / 579 / Development Data 1 / 1x8 / This data item is to be used to record the first 8 characters of the Unique Care Pathway Number (UCPN).
580 / 587 / Development Data 2 / 1x8 / This data item is to be used to record the last 5 characters of the Unique Care Pathway Number (UCPN).
It is envisaged that where a PAS system is not specifically amended to allow entry of the UCPN in a block, when editing the last 5 characters into data Development Data 2, ensure this field is left justified so that the extract places the 5 characters into positions 580 – 584.
588 / 635 / Development Data 3-8 / 6x8
636 / 641 / Contract Service No / 6
642 / 645 / Iso-Resource Group / 4
646 / 651 / Contract Invoice No / 6
652 / 654 / Contract Invoice Line / 3
655 / 662 / Contract Invoice Charge / 8
SMR 02 Specific Data
663 / 664 / Total Previous Pregnancies / 2
665 / 666 / Total Previous Spontaneous Abortions / 2
667 / 668 / Total Previous Therapeutic Abortions / 2
669 / 670 / Total Previous Caesarean Sections / 2
671 / 672 / Total Previous Still Births / 2
673 / 674 / Total Previous Neonatal Deaths / 2
675 / 676 / Previous Admissions this Pregnancy / 2
677 / 682 / Booking Date / 6 / ddmmyy
683 / 687 / Original Booking / 5 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge
688 / 688 / Delivery Plan - Place / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge
689 / 689 / Delivery Plan - Management / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge
690 / 690 / Booking Change - Place / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge
691 / 691 / Booking Change- Management / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge
692 / 694 / Height / 3 / Mandatory from Apr 2011
695 / 697 / Weight of Mother / 3 / Mandatory from Apr 2011
698 / 698 / Type of Abortion / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge
699 / 699 / Management of Abortion / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge
700 / 705 / LMP / 6 / ddmmyy
706 / 707 / Estimated Gestation / 2 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge
708 / 708 / Certainty of Gestation (based on scan) / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge
709 / 709 / Antenatal Steroids / 1
710 / 710 / Diabetes / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge
711 / 711 / Smoking History / 1
712 / 712 / Smoker During Pregnancy / 1
713 / 713 / Condition on Discharge / 1
714 / 714 / Drug Misuse / 1 / Mandatory from Apr 2011
715 / 722 / Drugs Used / 2x4 / First position Mandatory from Apr 2011
723 / 723 / Ever Injected Illicit Drugs / 1 / Mandatory from Apr 2011
724 / 725 / Typical Weekly Alcohol Consumption / 2 / Mandatory from Apr 2011
726 / 726 / Induction of Labour / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge
727 / 728 / Duration of Labour / 2 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge
729 / 729 / Analgesia During Labour/Delivery / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge
730 / 730 / Episiotomy / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge
731 / 731 / Tears / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge
732 / 732 / Sterilization after Delivery / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge
733 / 738 / Date of Delivery / 6 / ddmmyy. Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge
739 / 739 / Number of Births this Pregnancy / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge
740 / 740 / Doctor Present at Delivery / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge
741 / 741 / Midwife Present at Delivery / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge
742 / 742 / Midwife to Consultant Transfer / 1
743 / 748 / Indication for Operative Delivery / 6 / ICD10 code. Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge
749 / 749 / Presentation Baby 1 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Number of Births
750 / 750 / Presentation Baby 2 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Number of Births
751 / 751 / Presentation Baby 3 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Number of Births
752 / 752 / Delivery Mode Baby 1 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Number of Births
753 / 753 / Delivery Mode Baby 2 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Number of Births
754 / 754 / Delivery Mode Baby 3 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Number of Births
755 / 755 / Outcome of Pregnancy Baby 1 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Number of Births
756 / 756 / Outcome of Pregnancy Baby 2 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Number of Births
757 / 757 / Outcome of Pregnancy Baby 3 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Number of Births
758 / 761 / Birthweight Baby 1 / 4 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Number of Births
762 / 765 / Birthweight Baby 2 / 4 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Number of Births
766 / 769 / Birthweight Baby 3 / 4 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Number of Births
770 / 770 / Resuscitation Baby 1 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Outcome
771 / 771 / Resuscitation Baby 2 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Outcome
772 / 772 / Resuscitation Baby 3 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Outcome
773 / 774 / Apgar @ 5 Min Baby 1 / 2 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Outcome
775 / 776 / Apgar @ 5 Min Baby 2 / 2 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Outcome
777 / 778 / Apgar @ 5 Min Baby 3 / 2 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Outcome
779 / 779 / Sex Baby 1 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Number of Births
780 / 780 / Sex Baby 2 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Number of Births
781 / 781 / Sex Baby 3 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Number of Births
782 / 784 / OFC Baby 1 / 3 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Outcome
785 / 787 / OFC Baby 2 / 3 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Outcome
788 / 790 / OFC Baby 3 / 3 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Outcome
791 / 792 / Crown Heel Baby 1 / 2 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Outcome
793 / 794 / Crown Heel Baby 2 / 2 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Outcome
795 / 796 / Crown Heel Baby 3 / 2 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Outcome
797 / 797 / Neonatal Indicator Baby 1 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Outcome
798 / 798 / Neonatal Indicator Baby 2 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Outcome
799 / 799 / Neonatal Indicator Baby 3 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Outcome
800 / 800 / Baby 1 Discharged To / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Number of Births
801 / 801 / Baby 2 Discharged To / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Number of Births
802 / 802 / Baby 3 Discharged To / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Number of Births
803 / 812 / Baby 1 CHI Number / 10 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Outcome
813 / 822 / Baby 2 CHI Number / 10 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Outcome
823 / 832 / Baby 3 CHI Number / 10 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Outcome
833 / 833 / Feed on Discharge Baby 1 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Number of Births
834 / 834 / Feed on Discharge Baby 2 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Number of Births
835 / 835 / Feed on Discharge Baby 3 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Number of Births
836 / 836 / First Feed Given Baby 1 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Number of Births
837 / 837 / First Feed Given Baby 2 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Number of Births
838 / 838 / First Feed Given Baby 3 / 1 / Whether or not may/must not/must be present dependant on Condition on Discharge and Number of Births
SMR 4 Specific Data
663 / 663 / Status on Admission / 1
664 / 664 / Admission/Referral From / 1
665 / 665 / Previous Psychiatric Inpatient Care / 1
666 / 671 / Admission - Main Condition / 6 / ICD10 code
672 / 677 / Admission - Other Condition 2 / 6 / ICD10 code
678 / 683 / Admission - Other Condition 3 / 6 / ICD10 code
684 / 689 / Admission - Other Condition 4 / 6 / ICD10 code
690 / 690 / Type of Psychiatric Care Provided / 1 / discharge item
691 / 696 / ECT 1st Treatment Date / 6 / ddmmyy, discharge item
697 / 698 / ECT Treatments - Number this Episode / 2 / discharge item
699 / 702 / Arrangements for Aftercare / 1 x 4 / Must be an entry in code(1) if discharge unless died
703 / 703 / Care Programme Approach / 1 / discharge item
704 / 709 / Date last included in MHLS Census / 6 / ddmmyy, on discharge only

Note - Mandatory items in bold

  • For SMR04 these items are mandatory for discharge episodes only
  • SMR50 specific fields have been removed since version 2006
