Week 1Focus: New Beginnings

The passages for this week focus on the fact that God is able to redeem us through His power and grace and so help us when we fall, to begin again.

□Ash Wednesday, February 14

Read: Matthew 6:1 – 6; 16 – 21

Think:Have you forgotten the cross that makes you different? What are some of the things in your lives that crowd out or would disturb your Ash Wednesday Meditations?

Pray: Lord, I confess that many times my actions don’t reflect what you want me to be. Allthat I am and all that I have belong to you O God. So Lord, I recommit my heart and all that I am to you. Amen

Act: Locate your heart and place your right hand over the area and experience the thumping. Jump/skip/run for a while and place your hand in the same position. Can you sense any difference? Say aloud, “Lord, thank you for life”.

□Thursday, February 15

Read: Psalm 32

Think: Think about a lie you may have told or a time when you were guilty of some deception. How did it make you feel? Deception is sinand sin weighs us down, drying up our strength and burdening our hearts. The Psalmist says confess your sins to the Lord. How difficult is confession for you?

Pray: Father God, it’s me again. I confess the sins I have committed. Please forgive me. Open my heart to the possibility of a new beginning. Amen

Act: Be quiet for a while (2mins). Make a list of any lies you have told that come to mind /or any acts of deception. Write beside them what you are going to do to be free from the burdens of those actions. Commit the list to the Lord while tearing up the paper.

□Friday, February 16

Read: Romans 5: 12 – 19

Think: We reaped the results of Adam’s sin and have inherited his guilt – a sinful nature; but because of Jesus we can trade judgment for forgiveness. Lent isa time of emptying and clearing what prevents us from being sold out for Christ. Think about the call not to be weighed down in sin, guilt and fear, but to rise to God’s renewing


Pray: Search me oh Lord; empty me of self and create in my heart a place for you to reign. Amen

Act: Share with someone all the reasons they should trade judgment for forgiveness. Encourage someone with your personal testimony – overcoming sin on a daily basis.

□Saturday, February 17

Read: St. Matt.4:1 - 11

Think: The devil’s temptations focus on 3 areas: a) physical needs & desires, b)possessions & power and c) pride. Notice, Jesus did not give in. He was able to do so because he knew the scriptures and He obeyed them. What about you? Where doyou look for strength?

Pray: God our Father, please grant me wisdom and strength to resist temptations in its many forms.

Act: Call/Telephone someone you might know who is undergoing temptation and encourage him/her not to yield to temptation. To remind and encourage yourself, sing “Yield not to Temptation for yielding is sin.

Week 2 Focus: Family

□Sunday, February 18

Read: Genesis 1: 28

Think: God gave Adam and Eve the ability to procreate and gave them authority over the earth. That authority has been passed down to us. Are we doing a good job?

Pray: That God would help us not to abuse the creation, but preserve it for those who come after us.

Act: Continue or start separating your garbage, so we can recycle, thereby protecting our environment.

□Monday, February 19

Read: Luke 15: 11 – 34

Think: Are we, as Christians, like the other son in this story, unwilling to accept those who left the church family for whatever reason and have now returned?

Pray: That God would enable us not to put roadblocks in the way of those who have repented and returned to the fold.

Act: Seek out someone you know who is no longer coming to church. Prayerfully encourage him/her to return.

□Tuesday, February 20

Read: Acts 16: 22 – 34

Think: “You and your household” is mentioned three (3) times

in this passage. What about your household? Do they need to be won for Christ?

Pray: For an earnest desire to see your loved ones come to know Christ as Saviour.

Act: Use the month of evangelism as an avenue to bring your relatives into the Kingdom. Invite them to attend at least one meeting

□Wednesday, February 21

Read: 1 Timothy 5: 3 - 8

Think:“He has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever”.Can this be said of some Christians today?

Pray: That we will obediently live out the teaching of the Scripture.

Act: There are many widows in our fellowship. Identify at least one with whom you can share.

□Thursday, February 22

Read: Genesis 37: 1 – 5

Think: Are you practicing favoritism within your family, causing hatred and jealousy?

Pray: That God will help you to love even when it is difficult, so that peace can be maintained. Thank God for caring fathers and for understanding of their important role for those who are uncommitted.

Act: At your next family devotion/gathering, give each family member an opportunity to express what it means to them to be a member of the family.

□Friday, February 23

Read: John 19: 25 - 27

Think: Even on the cross, Jesus was showing love and concern for His mother. Shouldn’t we follow Jesus’ example?

Pray: Thank God for mothers who are the stabilizing forces in the family. Pray for those who, for whatever reason, have difficulty in parenting

Act: Send your mother (or someone who has been like a mother to you) a text or WhatsApp message, email, letter or contact them by telephone expressing your love and appreciation for all she has done for the family.

□Saturday, February 24

Read: Psalm 68:4 – 6a

Think:God’s all-encompassing love is exhibited in these verses, with reference to the fatherless, widows and the

lonely. He established the church family to care for these people. Are you an active member of this care team?

Pray:That God would give each member of the fellowship a discerning spirit, so that we can identify with these people.

Act:Try keeping in touch with people or a person you have identified through prayer.

Week 3 Focus: Youth at Risk

□Sunday, February 25

Read::Mathew 19 :13-14

Think: In this scene the disciples were preventing the children from coming to Jesus but loving parents wanted Him to bless them, pray for them, and place His hands on them. Then surely those children would be protected, healed, and blessed. Today, could parents preoccupied with life be acting like the disciples by not allowing their children to become involved in a spiritual journey through Sunday School, for example. God commands it. Could disobedience to His command be at the center of the problems with youth today?

Pray: That parents and guardians and the society as a whole would not hinder children from finding Jesus but work to bring them to Christ. Pray for our own Sunday School and its teachers and activities.

Act:For the week look around your community. Are there any families who you could invite to church? Invite and offer to take the children to Sunday School.

□Monday, February 26

Read: Deuteronomy 4 :1-2, 9

Think: The numbers for children coming to Sunday School is declining within the Church. Have we individually or collectively been supporting the Sunday School for our children? Could the decline in Sunday School attendance within the society be responsible for the deviant and anti-social behaviour that places our youth at risk?

Pray: Pray for the Sunday School's revitalisation and that parents will see the institution as an important aspect of raising their children.

Act: Encourage neighbours or friends to send their

□Tuesday, February 27

Read: Proverbs 13 :24

Think: Sometimes, with good motive, the society is against slapping a child to avoid abuse and potential psychological damage. But could there be another perspective to this issue. The passage and several passages in Proverbs 22:15, 23:13 and 29:15, 17 speak of correcting children. Some Bible scholars argue that withholding the 'rod of correction' used at proper times may not be an act of love. Instead to correct is to show love and concern for the child's welfare and future good. Do you think this is true?

Pray: For families raising children that they will bring up their children with wisdom. Pray for the children of Jamaica who are experiencing abuse of any kind.

Act: Make a list of creative ways in which children can be corrected. Share these with a young family.

□Wednesday, February 28

Read: Mathew 18: 10

Think: Although Jesus was not here speaking only of the young there is a lesson that can be applied to the young. Christ cautions against such a spirit, and asks us to be careful not to despise the thoughts of those including children and youth who you may consider to be ‘below’ you.

Pray: That you will respect the young among us and not dismiss their thinking or underestimate their abilities. As young people, pray that you will always use your abilities in the service of God and the Church.

Act: Try to listen more actively to the children you interact with and encourage the fulfillment of their gifts and abilities.

□Thursday, March 1

Read:Ephesians 6 V1-4

Think: The great duty of children is, to obey their parents including respect and outward acts. The duty of parents is to not be impatient but to deal prudently and wisely with children. Is this duty being neglected in our society or maybe even the wider church?

Pray: Acknowledge that God alone can change the heart. Thank Him that He has provided lessons for children and parents alike in obedience to the Father and set a good example for moral living.

Act: Establish a Bible study and prayer time in the family.

□Friday, March 2

Read: Psalm 72:12-14

Think: God is always there to help us no matter how difficult the situation. Nothing is beyond Him.

Pray: Think about children who may be in situations that place them at risk and pray for God’s intervention. Pray especially for the displaced children at the Walkers Place of Safety.

Act: Remain in prayer and listen to God’s guidance as to how you can make a difference to help a child who may need guidance and help. Make a contribution to the church’s drive for the Walkers Place of Safety

□Saturday, March3

Read:John 14:18-19, 27

Think: God does not leave us alone. He lives in us. Reflect on what one could do to help our youth if we rely entirely on the leading of the Holy Spirit and His enabling

Pray: For a closer walk with God and his guidance and enabling as you relate to children and youth. Pray for the youth of Bethel that they will find joy and fulfillment in this community.

Act:Explore how you could work with youth in our church or your community and volunteer to help. In church tomorrow, greet at least one child or youth.

Week 4 Focus: Reflections On and for Seniors

□Sunday, March 4

Read: Genesis 12: 1-4

Think: For this week we will be reflecting on how as seniors we can be God’s people in God’s world and make a difference. Abram (Abraham) was instructed by God to change the course of his life and to go to Canaan at the age of seventy-five years. He obeyed God and relocated without any hesitation. Out of this move, the nation of Israel was born.

Pray: Let us pray that we will be obedient to God’s call on our lives even in our senior years. Ask the Lord to use us until we depart this life. As young people, pray that God will help

us to recognize and treat with kindness the elderly among


Act: Make a visit to Horizon Home and pray with the residents there.

□Monday, March 5

Read: Titus 2: 3 – 4

Think: Paul writing to Titus whom he had left in Crete to continue teaching the word, had a word for different groups of people. For the older women, they were to be taught to be reverent in the way they live. They should not be gossipers/slanderers and heavy wine drinkers. Instead, they should pass on good values to younger women in the communities such as, to love members of their families, to be good home-makers and to be kind.

Pray: Lord, help me daily to die to self and do only those things that please you. Help me to live so that young people with whom I interact can be influenced for good. As young people help us emulate the things that are good in the elderly with whom we come in contact.

Act: Offer words of commendation to some of members of Youth Related Ministries as they work in our church.

□Tuesday, March 6

Read:Proverbs 15:1

Think: O how we wish for this verse Prov. 15 verse 1 to be etched in the hearts and minds of all of us! What peace would reign in our churches, homes, schools, work places and on public transport in the nation! “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

Pray: Lord, help us as a people, young and old, to be gentler in our speech and actions. “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”

Act: Try smiling with or saying a kind word to as many people as possible who cross your path this week. See the difference it makes.

□Wednesday, March 7

Read:Ruth 1: 14 – 17

Think: Naomi must have been a very good mother-in-law to Ruth and Orpah seeing how much it took for her to convince them to go back to their Moabite families. It is instructive to read Ruth’s reply “…where you go I will go, your people will be my people and your God my God.”

Pray: Help us Lord, to be examples to those who are depending on us to live so that they can see Jesus in us and follow Him.

Act: Call your mother-in-law/daughter in law, sister or some

mother figure, tell her you love her and wish her God’s blessing.

□Thursday, March 8

Read: Job 12:12; 42:2

Think: Job was a man of great faith in the God of Israel. Although he had many challenges in his life, he never “cursed God and die” In the end he kept the faith, was vindicated by God and lived a good life to the ripe old age of one hundred and forty years.

Pray: For endurance to cope with the circumstances in which we find ourselves and be assured that “You can do all things: no plan of yours can be thwarted” (Job 42:2). Seek the wisdom of God.

Act: Think of someone you know is facing serious challenges and reach out to him/her.

□Friday, March 9

Read: Matthew 9: 35 – 38

Think: Jesus has left us to continue teaching and preaching the Good News of the Kingdom. He has no other way of reaching others. Are we living up to the challenges we face to reach others? The harvest is indeed plentiful in Jamaica at this time.

Pray: Dear Lord, help us to be mindful of those who do not know You. Help them to respond to the promptings of the Spirit during this month of Evangelism.

Act: Invite at least two (2) people to the meetings and be blessed.

□Saturday, March 10

Read: Philippians 3: 10-15

Think: Paul captures the real purpose of his life, which is to “know Christ and the power of His resurrection.” He does not presume that he has achieved this in its totality, but he presses on to fulfill the purpose for which he was converted. He forgets the past and strives for the prize of a home in Heaven where he shall be forever with the Lord. He encourages all of us who are mature Christians to do likewise.

Pray: Lord we pray that You will not let go of us, but continue to give us the strength to achieve this goal.

Act: As we focus next week on the Minstries of the Church, identify a Church Ministries that will assist you in achieving the “goal” Paul speaks about. Remember, work is worship.

Week 5Focus: The Ministries of the Church

□Sunday, March 11

Read: Romans 12: 3 – 8

Think: Every Christian has been gifted by God. What is your gift and how are you using it in the body of Christ? Identify the different leadership bodies in the church and the functions they carry out

Pray: Pray, naming each group and asking that God will give them wisdom and discernment, guidance and vision.

Act: Commit to praying for them at least twice this week

□Monday, March 12

Read: Psalm 150

Think:The Psalmist commands us to praise God everywhere, always, for everything and using all our gifts and resources. Are you doing as commanded?

Pray: Pray for all the music ministries, that they will always be conscious that what they do is ministry, not performance.

Act: Make a conscious effort to sing a praise song today.

□Tuesday, March 13

Read: Matthew 28:16 – 20

Think: Jesus entrusted His mission to all Christians. We are His hands, feet, mouth piece. How are you involved in the Mission and Evangelism ministries of the church?

Pray: That God will show you where andhow He wants to use you.

Act: Join a group involved in witnessing or learn how to counsel a new believer.

□Wednesday, March 14

Read: Matthew 25: 33 – 46

Think:The church seeks to minister to people with various needs. Note the warnings of reward and judgement in the passage. How do you think you can help in this regard?

Pray: Pray for all who work with the homeless, underprivileged and needy