East Down Institute of Further & Higher Education

Equality of Opportunity in Employment - Policy Statement


East Down Institute of Further and Higher Education is committed to ensuring fair and equal treatment of all its employees and applicants for employment irrespective of religious belief, political opinion, gender, marital status, disability or race. The Institute will actively pursue the objectives and principles contained in this policy statement with the aim of securing fair participation for all sections of the community in the Institutes workforce and is committed to safeguarding its employees against intimidation, harassment or victimisation.

Selection for employment within the Institute and promotion of employees will be solely on the basis of merit in terms of ability, qualifications and aptitude to perform the duties of the post.

Unlawful Discrimination

Individuals are protected against unlawful discrimination through the Fair Employment Acts (NI) 1976 and 1989, the Sex Discrimination (NI) Orders 1976 and 1988, the Equal Pay Act (NI) 1970 (as amended), the Race Relations (NI) Order 1997 and the Disability Discrimination Act 1996.

Unlawful discrimination means treating someone less favourably or placing them at a disadvantage on grounds of their religious belief, political opinion, sex, marital status, disability or race. Such unlawful discrimination can be direct by treating someone less favourably, or indirect through the application of a condition which has a disproportionate impact which cannot be justified.

Victimisation of a person because they have, or intend to, make a complaint or assist someone making a complaint is also unlawful as is harassment of individuals or groups which is offensive and may threaten their job security or working environment.

Recruitment and Promotion

The Institute will ensure that eligible persons will have equality of opportunity on the basis of merit by ensuring that:

· information regarding vacancies reaches the widest practicable labour market;

· recruitment media, and selection methods, used do not have a disproportionately adverse impact;

· selection is on the basis of merit in terms of ability, qualifications and aptitude;

· selection methods and techniques used are free from bias;

· a statement emphasizing the Institutes equal opportunities policy will be included on all job advertisements and all applicants for employment will receive a summary of the policy;

· panel decisions and reasons for such decisions will be recorded at each stage of the recruitment and selection process and documents will be retained for no less than 3 years;

· all those involved in recruiting and selecting have received appropriate training.

Training and development

Opportunities for training and development will be afforded to employees without regard to any factors other than those related to the job, the needs of the Institute and the employees personal and career development.

The Institute will ensure that this policy is communicated to all employees and that all managers receive appropriate training in recruitment and selection and equality awareness.

Working Environment

The Institute will strive to promote and maintain a harmonious working environment and atmosphere in which no employee feels under threat or intimidated because of his/ her religious belief or political opinion. In pursuance of this the Institute prohibits the display of flags, emblems, posters, graffiti or the circulation of materials, or the deliberate articulation of slogans or songs which are likely to give offence or cause apprehension among particular groups of employees.

The Institute will give due consideration to equality issues when considering matters relating to the siting or re-siting of facilities.


Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is unwanted conduct of a sexual nature affecting the dignity of men and women at work. Such unwanted behaviour can take a variety of forms, such as:-

· unwanted physical contact (e.g. touching, patting, pinching etc.)

· verbal conduct (e.g. unwanted sexual advances, propositions, offensive flirtation, suggestive remarks etc.)

· non-verbal (e.g. display of pornographic/ sexually suggestive pictures, objects or written materials, or sexually suggestive gestures)

It is the Institutes policy that sexual harassment is a serious matter which is demeaning to people at work. The Institute will not tolerate such behaviour by any of its employees.

Sectarian Harassment

Sectarian harassment is conduct of a sectarian nature, or other conduct based on religious belief or political opinion. Forms of sectarian harassment can include:-

· physical harassment ranging from offensive gestures to serious assault

· verbal harassment through deliberate articulation of sectarian jokes, banter, sectarian songs, threats etc.

· written harassment which may involve circulation of sectarian notes, letters or other written material containing offensive language

· display of offensive posters, flags, graffiti etc.

· offensive behaviour such as isolation or non co-operation at work etc.

· coercion to participate in political/ religious groups or pressure to contribute to party political or religious collections

· intrusion by pestering, spying following etc.

The Institutes policy is that sectarian intimidation or harassment is unacceptable behaviour which will not be tolerated.


Persons who believe that they have been unlawfully discriminated against in an appointment should raise the matter with the Institutes Personnel Manager in the first instance. If they are not satisfied with the outcome, they may seek advice and assistance as describe in the final paragraph of this Section.

Complaints by employees of sexual or sectarian harassment should be referred to the Institutes Grievance Procedure which is available to all staff. The Institute is, however, conscious of the highly sensitive nature of such complaints and consequently, in addition to the formal stages of the Grievance Procedure, provides for the reference of such complaints directly to either the Institutes Personnel Manager or the complainants Head of Department/ School in the first instance in order that the matter may be addressed informally or that the complainant may seek advice and support in order to proceed with the formal procedure.

The Institute would advise all employees of their statutory right to pursue complaints of discrimination and their right to seek advice and assistance as set out below:-

Matters of unlawful discrimination on grounds of sex, marital status or equal pay / Equal Opportunities Commission
Matters of unlawful discrimination on grounds of religious belief or political opinion / Fair Employment Commission
Matters of unlawful discrimination on grounds of race / Commission for Racial Equality
Injustice as a result of maladministration / The Commissioner of Complaints


The Principal is responsible to the Institutes Governing Body for ensuring the implementation, co-ordination and monitoring of this policy. He will be assisted in this by the Personnel Manager, who will also be responsible for the day-to-day implementation of the policy and for matters relating to equality monitoring. It is the responsibility of Heads of Departments/ Schools to ensure that equality of opportunity is afforded to staff under their control and to applicants for vacancies for which they hold responsibility.

The Institute emphasises, however, that it is the responsibility of all staff of the Institute to adhere to the requirements and principles contained in this policy statement.

The Institute will not tolerate discrimination, harassment or victimisation by any of its employees against fellow employees, applicants for employment, the public or those to whom it provides services. Such discrimination contrary to this policy will be regarded as being Gross Misconduct which may lead to dismissal.

Monitoring and Review

The composition of employees of, and applicants for employment in, the Institute will be monitored on the basis of sex, marital status, community background and disability. The purpose of carrying out monitoring is to comply with the specific legal requirements of the Fair Employment Act (NI) 1989 and also to facilitate reviews of the effectiveness of the Institutes policies and practices in the area of equality.

The Institute will carry out a full review of its employment composition, practices and procedures at least once every three years. In addition, the Personnel Manager will prepare an annual report to the Institutes Senior Management Team on employment composition.