(Under UK Athletic Rules)


Salerno Way, Chelmsford, CM1 2EH

The following Championships will be held:

Senior Men U20 Men U17 Men U15 Boys U13 Boys

60m 60m 60m 60m 60m

60m Hurdles 60m Hurdles 60m Hurdles 60m Hurdles 60m Hurdles

* Long Jump * Long Jump * Long Jump * Long Jump * Long Jump

* Triple Jump * Triple Jump * Triple Jump * Triple Jump

High Jump High Jump High Jump High Jump

Shot Shot Shot Shot

Senior Women U20 Women U17 Women U15 Girls U13 Girls

60m 60m 60m 60m 60m

60m Hurdles 60m Hurdles 60m Hurdles 60m Hurdles 60m Hurdles

* Long Jump * Long Jump * Long Jump * Long Jump * Long Jump

* Triple Jump * Triple Jump

High Jump High Jump High Jump High Jump

Shot Shot Shot Shot

* Please note that all athletes will have 4 attempts only

An athlete is expected to compete in their correct age group throughout the Championship. Alternatively, they may compete up an age group in all Championship events, but cannot compete in 2 different age group on the day.

Entries may be restricted

Numbers must not be mutilated or reduced in size

VESTS - Under UK Athletics Rule 17 (3) athletes must wear the vest of their first claim Club, or their County, Regional or National vest. Athletes wearing any other vest will be liable to disqualification.

Entries must be made on the attached form and returned with the correct entry fee(s) £4.50 per event for Senior Men, Under 20 Men, Senior Women & Under 20 Women and £3.50 per event for athletes in other age groups -- together with a stamped addressed envelope for acknowledgement of entry/final timetable to:

Phil Tomkins, 18 Greenwood Close, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 9LZ.


Postage stamps will not be accepted as payment for entries. DO NOT SEND CASH IN ENVELOPES. Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable to: EASTERN ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION.

Late entries or entries not accompanied by the correct fees(s) will not be accepted. No entries will be accepted on the day.


n  Born in the Eastern AA Region

n  Nine months continuous residence within EAA Region prior to the Championships


Please enter me for the Eastern AA Championships & Event(s) on Sunday 18th February 2007 as shown below:

Championships Age Groups: (Please tick appropriate box)

Senior U/20 U/17 U/15 U/13 Senior U/20 U/17 U/15 U/13

Men Men Men Boys Boys Women Women Women Girls Girls

Name______Date of Birth: ______

Address ______


Post Code: ______Tel No:.______

Club (or School) ______

Events: ______Best Performance 2006/07 ______

______Best Performance 2006/07 ______

______Best Performance 2006/07 ______

Entry Fee(s) enclosed £ ______

I hereby declare that I am an amateur according to the eligibility rules of U.K. Athletics.

Signed : ______

Date: ______

Award for medals:
Medals will be awarded under the following conditions:
a) A minimum of five entries before gold, silver and bronze awarded
b) Four entries - Gold and Silver only
c) Three entries or less - Gold only