Teacher Learning Plan 15

Teacher Learning Plan 15

Using an Email Account 2

Lesson Objectives

  1. Students practice using the typing program in lessons 7 or 8
  2. Students learn how to open an email attachment
  3. Students learn how to copy a message from Microsoft Word and paste it in an email.

Linked CASAS Ability

  1. Effectively utilize common workplace technology and systems 4.5
  2. Communicate effectively in the workplace 4.6.

Required Material

Computer lab, student portfolios, floppy disks, white board, Student Learning Plan 15 class assignment, overhead projector, transparencies for record keeping.


Student class participation and a class exercise.


Class work, learning objectives and quiz result is recorded in each student’s portfolio.

Lesson Objectives:

Task checklist
Notes to instructor
Typing Practice
___ Students continue the typing drills in lesson 7 or 8 or the typing program
(30 min)
Opening an email attachment
___ Demonstrate how to open an email and its attachment.
___ Students open the email attachment you sent to them and print it.
(30 min) / Note 1:
This lesson requires that you send an email to every student with Lesson 15 Class Assignment attached. This file was composed in Word 2000. It is on your curriculum CD, or can be downloaded from the web at http://www.literacynet.org/nvesl/quizzes_assignments/
Note 2: Show students how to do a virus scan on an attachment before opening it.
Copy text from Word and paste to email
___ Briefly review the Lesson 15 Class Assignment that students have printed out.
___ Students type the assigned paragraph in Microsoft Word and save it to their floppy disks. Then have them copy the paragraph and paste it to a new email and send it to the teacher.
(40 min) / Note 1: Remind students to spell check their paragraphs before pasting them to an email
Note 2: You will need to grade these paragraph compositions and send them back to the students in time for the next lesson.
Task checklist
Notes to instructor
Closing Programs
____ Students close all open programs, shut down windows and turn off computers.
Record Keeping
____ Students complete the questions in Student Learning Plan 15.
____ Students record their typing progress on their Class Assignments and Test Record.
____ Students fill in the objectives covered in this lesson in their Learning Objectives Record.
(15min) / The following skills were taught or reviewed in this lesson:
Writing skills– One paragraph composition, correct grammar and spelling
Windows skills – Using two programs together.
Word Processing – Create and save a document, copy and paste text, using spell check.
Internet skills – Using an ID and password, sending email, using email attachments

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