Corraleehan, Corlough & Aughawillan

Parish Newsletter


“Bind us together Lord, bind us together in Love”

Sun. 17th May 2015 The Ascension of the Lord

REFLECTION And the Lord worked with them…

The fear experienced by the women and the disciples at the end of the Gospel of Mark shows us that even when we have profound spiritual experiences, fear can often force us into silence. The account of the ascension in Mark which we read today urges us not to be afraid but to go out. The Gospel of Mark is a Gospel for hard times, for those who are struggling. This ending aims to empower us and give us courage even when the world around us tells us otherwise. It urges us to 'Go' and tell.

The disciples 'went out'; bringing 'good news' everywhere. We too are called to be Easter People because we live with an assurance that pain, death and grief will not have the last word and we dare to shine the light of hope and wholeness into theempty tomb. Where have you encountered Easter People in your own life? How do you communicate this risen Jesus to others? How can we be Easter People to others? This is the challenge of the Gospel today. To bring Christ's love and assurance to all we meet.

'God has given us the power to create beauty, to make another smile, to be a healing presence in someone's sorrow, to bring justice to the oppressed, to console those in difficulty, to bring peace and joy to others, to help those in need, to laugh and enjoy life, to do good and turn from evil, to forgive those who have hurt us, and, most of all, to love.

Reflect on today's Gospel ….

Jesus commissions his disciples to bring the good news

that God is on the side of the poor, the sick, the outcasts

and all those who suffer injustice. Those who cannot

bear to have beggars, former prostitutes, servants, women

and children as their equals, would simply not be at home

in God’s kingdom.

Jesus, help me to be inclusive in my love. Open my narrow

heart to include those who injure me or differ from me in

so many ways.


SAT. 16thMAY 8pm.1. Annie & Greg McGovern, Tullytrasna.

2. Joe Feehan & Marie, Corratillion.

MON. 18thTUES. 19th 9.30am.

**THURS. 21st MAY No Mass in Corlough. Mass in BallinamoreCommunitySchool**

FRI. 22ndMAY8pm.1. Francie & Annie McGovern, Clarbally.

2. Molly & Terry Barden, Ballinamore.

3. Patrick & Sean McHugh, Knockmore.

SAT. 23rdMAY 8pm. Celia Creedon (Nee McGoldrick),

Altachullion/England (Bernard’s sister).

ADORATION: On Friday 6.50pm. – 7.50pm. in CorloughChurch.

CONFESSION:Anytime on request.

PRAY FOR: Your prayers are asked for the happy repose of the soul of the late

Oliver O’Donnell formerly of Bawnboy whose funeral took place in Dublin on

Thurs. 7th May. May he Rest in Peace.


SUN. 17th MAY 9.45am.Frank McTague & Deceased Family, Stralohan.

SUN. 24thMAY. 9.45am. Tom Counihan, Lower Drumreilly.

EUCHARISTIC MINISTER:Sun. 10th & Sun. 17th May: Des Quinn.

Sun. 24th & Sun. 31st May:Brid McCauley.


SUN. 17thMAY 11.15am.

***WED. 20th MAY No Mass – Mass of Light in Corlough at 8pm.***

***SUN. 24th MAY No Mass due to Car Rally. Road Closed***

DIOCESAN VOCATIONS AND SUPPORT SERVICES COLLECTION:Have you brought in your contribution? We need your help as the levy on the parish is €6,611. Thanks to all who have helped.

TROCAIRE: The total we have to send at this time from the parish is €4,029.

Thanks to all who have contributed.


“Experiencing the Cross as a Pathway to God” – An Afternoon of Prayer for Healing led by Fr. Michael Shields:In St. Mary’s Church, Staghall, Belturbet, Co. Cavan, on Monday 18th May 2015 from 3pm. and concluding with Mass at 7.30pm.Fr. Shields is a native born Alaskan priest ordained 32 years ago for the Archdiocese of Anchorage, Alaska and now in the Diocese of St. Joseph, Far East Siberia, Russia.See church noticeboard.

Formation Evenings for Ministers of Holy Communion:On Tues. 19thMay 2015 in the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cavan, at 7.30pm. and Tuesday 2ndJune 2015 in St. Patrick’s Church, Dromahair, at 7.30p.m. All Ministers of Holy Communion are invited to attend. Fr. Enda Murphy, Diocesan Director of Pastoral Services, will lead both evenings.

KILMORE DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES: "It would be great if a person from the parish who is ill and yet able totravel to Lourdes, would consider joining the pilgrimage this year. It is important that as many different parishes are represented on the pilgrimage especially on assisted pilgrimage section.The date of this year's pilgrimage is 27th May – 1st June 2015. For further information about the pilgrimage please phone 087 8579968.

DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK: Will take place on Sunday 21st June. Details with regard to transport arrangements will follow in the next few weeks.

MAY REFERENDUM: If we redefine marriage the only people happy in the future will be the Family lawyers involved in cases to sort out Complicated Relationships and Property Rights. Marriage will be reduced to a Friendship pact or a Tax Avoidance pact.

SAFEGUARDING OF CHILDREN AND VULNERABLE ADULTS: Most recent Newsletter available at church door. Please take one.

THE DES CURRAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND 2015:Will be awarded to one sixth class boy and one sixth class girl from the Bawnboy area. We wish all the boys and girls the best of luck.


Annual Lottos:Will soon be on sale for €50.You will be entered in to all draws for the coming year, please contact any member or player.

PILATES CLASS:With Michelle Fanning in Corlough Community Centre on Tues. 26th May at 8.30pm. Please bring exercise mat if you have one. Everyone welcome.

AUGHAWILLAN G.W.S A.G.M. will take place on Mon. 18thMay (tomorrow evening) at 9pm. sharp in the Community Centre.All members are very welcome and encouraged to attend. The Group Water Scheme provides an essential service to the whole Community.

It is important therefore that this vital infrastructure which is owned and operated by the members is properly managed and maintained.A number of the current committee have indicated they will not be seeking re-election. It is hoped to fill these vacancies and also extend the committee with additional new members.Nominations will be taken from the floor. In order to achieve a gender balance on the New Committeewe would particularly like to see more women attend and become actively involved.

ANNUAL 5K /10KMAY RUN WALK OR ROLL:In aid of Cancer Research / North West Hospice will take place on Sun. 31st Maystarting from Aughnasheelin Community Centre at 2 p.m. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

GEOPARK EVENT: Introductory Bee Keeping Course- in Bear Essentials– Saturday 23rd May - Start at 11am – 2pm.Booking Essential - Phone 049 9526121.


Mac Diarmada Documentary: Due to popular demand the Seán Mac Diarmada documentary will be screened on Tues. 19th May at 3pm. The exhibition, artefacts and publications are also on display until the end of May. Everyone welcome.

Film:“BrokebackMountain”on Tuesday 19th May 7.30pm. Winner of four Bafta Awards.

Bealtaine na nGael:On Fri. 22nd May, 11.30am-12.30pm. Bealtaine is the month that hosts various events right across the country which explores and promotes the arts and creativity among the older generation. Bealtaine na nGael, hosted by Futa Fata director, musician and author, Tadhg Mac Dhonnagáin, is a lively and interactive event which will explore our musical and oral heritage including traditional greetings, charms, blessings, curses, weather lore including the songs and verses participants remember from their own childhoods. A bilingual event, Bealtaine na nGael will be of particular interest to the older generation. Admission is free so come along and join in the craic.

IRISH BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE: Are holding a clinic in The Kilmore Hotel on Mon.15th, Tues. 16th, Wed. 17th and Thurs. 18th June, 4:30pm to 8:00pm. Please support.


Mark 16:15-20

1. In the preceding verse Jesus had rebuked the apostles for their lack of faith. Despite this he commissioned them to bring the Good News to the whole world. Witnesses to the Good News do not have to be perfect. There is encouragement to us in this. To whom have you brought good news? Who has been a messenger of good news to you?

2. Jesus then tells them that their witness will have quite dramatic effects, helping people to overcome demons, bring them peace and healing. Things happen when we have belief in ourselves and in God. Strong faith can enable us to meet and overcome difficulties, in ways that waverers cannot do. Perhaps you have had experience of this?

3. The ascension marked the end of the visible presence of Jesus with the disciples, but he was with them in other ways. ‘The Lord worked with them.' Sometimes we can experience that death is not the end of the presence of someone significant to us. We can experience the unseen presence and influence of a parent, a friend or an inspiring leader, after they have died. Has this happened for you? Have you also experienced the hidden presence of the Lord working with you?


In a homily for this feast day, St Augustine of Hippo (354-430) explains the significance of Christ's ascension for his body, the Church - essentially, for each one of us: 'Out of compassion for us he descended from heaven, and although he ascended alone, we also ascend, because we are in him by grace. Thus no one but Christ descended and no one but Christ ascended; not because there is no distinction between the head and the body, but because the body as a unity cannot be separated from the head.'

GROW: Are you: Struggling with anxiety or depression?

Finding life difficult? Isolated? Do you find it difficult to talk?

GROW can offer you real friendship, support & help from peoplewho understand.

GROW is Ireland's largest mutual help organisation in the area ofmental health.

GROW is anonymous, confidential, non denominational and open toall.New group opened in Cavan town in September 2012. Please contact Mary @ 086 0201718.

SOSAD (Save Our Sons And Daughters): Helps people dealing with depression and suicide. 24hour support in Cavan 049 4326339. Free bereavment support and counselling.

3, Tower Hamlets, Farnham St. Cavan.

SENIOR HELP LINE:Do you need someone to talk to? Senior help Line is a confidential listening Service for older people for the price of a local call, anywhere in Ireland. Lo Call 1850 440 444. Open from 10am – 10pm. 365 days a yr.

ACCORD CENTRE CAVAN: Getting married? To book your pre-marriage course, please contact the Accord office for your Pre-Marriage application form. Book early to avoid disappointment on your preferred date.

ACCORD: Also offers Marriage and Relationship Counselling in strict confidence. To book your Pre-Marriage Course or speak with a counsellor, please contact Anne or Grainne on 049-4375004, or email Situated at Pastoral Centre, Cavan.


NOTES FOR NEWSLETTER: May be rang or texted to Kathleen Cassidy at 0872147167 or emailed to before 6pm. on Thursday evening.