(Photograph by Mr. Hamada)

Mr. Hiroyuki Ohta, the Chairperson of ESA visited Bangladesh from the 2nd of November to the 9th of November. ESA is an organization in Japan called Educational Sponsorship of Asian children that assist the Oblate Fathers for the education of tribal children. During his stay in Bangladesh he visited the Oblate missions and assessed for himself the progress and viewed the possibilities of extending further assistance.

He visited two small tribal villages, one in Kalagool tea estate in Sylhet and in Mungra at the tea estate of Rothna in Juri where the Oblate Fathers have initiated elementary education programme for the children. The village elders, the children and their parents extended a hearty welcome to Mr. Ohta, which included a cultural performance of traditional songs and dances.

The high light of the visit was the meeting of Mr. Ohta with the elders, parents, teachers, Sisters, and the Oblate Fathers. During the meeting many views were expressed and requests were made by village leaders. Encouraging the Parents who showed very keen interest in the education of the children Rev. Fr. Henry Reberio, OMI, the pastor in charge of the missions said:







Photographed by Mr. Hamada, a professional photographer from Japan, the cover picture, shows a newborn baby to a tribal family at Mungra Village at the tea estate of Rothna in Juri, District of Moulivibazar, Bangladesh. This is one of the many children born in the tea estates whose life had been marred by illiteracy. The ESA is offering a new hope for this child and for the many children who live in Mungra village by extending a helping hand to improving the Standard of the school and the teachers. We express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Ohta for his gracious visit and thank the ESA board members, staff and sponsor parents for all the help they have been giving to the literacy programme initiated by the Oblate Father

The Editor,

OMI Bangladesh Flashes.



Another Christmas to celebrate the presence of Jesus has come. He is one of the few persons whose birth is re-enacted every year with joy, drama and song. 2000 years later, his spirit present in his followers can still evoke mixed reactions ofcomfort, joy, strength and even anger. The birth of Jesus reminds me of the person I place as my model. Every year, he forces me to look at his birth with a different emphasis. The love that emanates from those little eyes, as he enters the world again, reminds me of his question to Peter, “Where are you going, I am coming again into the world”? There will always be comings and goings.

After 28 years, it is a pleasure to hand over the reins to a Bangladeshi, Fr. Bejoy, who is competent to take over. I wish him all the best, the assurance of unstinted support and the outpouring of the spirit. I am sure with the growing numbers,and the wider commitments that force themselves on us, the impact of the congregation on Bangladesh, would be soul stirring.

I have the most pleasant privilege to thank Fathers Henry, Subash and later Bejoy for the very cordial Council meetings we had. The oneness in joys, difficulties and even indecisions at the 23 meetings we had, was an experience on another level. Thanking all the Fathers for their cooperation as we went through three memorable years, (especially for me), makes me thankful to the Lord for the gift of such a wonderful band of true missionaries. Space does not permit me to thank individuals, but the cooperation of the entire gamut of loyal co-workers in the Lord’s vineyard has to be acknowledged. I thank the Sisters, Catechists, Workers, Scholastics, Novices, Philosophy Students, Juniorists and the thousands who worked under the Oblate umbrella. I looked at each one as someone, who like me, was struggling to do the best for God.

A special word of thanks to our benefactors, who made the impossible, possible. We remember the Provinces of Germany, America, Australia, Holland and Missio, ESNAC and ESA. We have to single them out, because we felt, the Oblate family sensitivity: almost embraced. Thanks to you all for the love, which we hope, we have given to others. Being at the helm in service was a joy because of the support I got, I do hope this same support would be given to Fr. Bejoy, the new Delegation Superior.

As Scientists struggle with cloning, trying to duplicate living beings, the Father gives us His Son Jesus at Christmas. He gives us the Eucharist and we become like His Son. Cloning par excellence.

May this Christmas expose you to this reality. May you enjoy the peace and the joy of the Infant Jesus always. I will remember you all at my Midnight Mass with special love and gratitude.

AHappy Christmas


a Happy New Year.

Rev. Fr. Angelo Martyn, OMI




Hundreds of years before the birth of Christ,Isaiah,the prophet of Adventsaw a vision, dreamt a new world to come in the time of Messiah. He would transform the world where not only human beings would live in peace and harmony but human beings, wild and domestic animals, nature will be reconciledwith oneanotherandlivetogetherandthere will be no more fear or war. Everybody will enjoy the produce of eachone’s land. There will be peace, love, joy and fraternity. The greatest feast, the Christmas is at hand. We remember that God loved us so much that He was not satisfied to save us from death but He generously shares His life and dignity with us. As St.Athanasius said, “God became man so that we can become God”. What a marvellous exchange! Who can think of it?

Nowwe are living in a world where many times selfishness, egoism, hatred,strife and domination prevail over the tender love, mutual understanding, selfless sharing and giving. Anew born Babe came to give his life for humanity. He is our peace, joy and righteousness. In him only humanity will find meaning of life and fulfilment. Let us receive Jesus in our life and radiate his love and joy to whole world. I conclude this with a little thought on Jesus and Christmas form our great poet, Rabindranath Tagore who composed poems and wrote articles about Jesus. He attributed many titles to him like: the great Man, the great Soul, the man of faith, the prophet, the God Jesus. He wrote that Jesus is a blessings to Humanity. When we will be able to sacrifice for the truth, when we will genuinely be able to love man and call him brother, that day the son of the Father will be born in our life, that day would be the day of Christmas.

Fr. Bejoy N. D’ Cruze, OMI




The Delegation of Bangladesh was 25 years old when Fr. Angelo Martyn, in September 1998, was appointed the new Delegation Superior of Bangladesh. The outgoing Delegation Council and the community had chalked out an elaborate programme for a grand Jubilee celebration. Distinguished visitors from abroad were invited. At that time more than two third of Bangladesh was under water after a devastating flood, the worse in the history. More than 80 flood affected families were taking shelter in the premises of the Oblate Scholasticate while the seminarians were engaged in relief work.

Fr. Angelo was moved with compassion seeing the suffering of the people. He was in a dilemma whether or not to have a festive celebration when all the people were suffering. His first official deliberation in the newly appointed council was to call off all celebration and contribute the money to the relief of the flood victims, a gesture that was appreciated by all Oblates, here and abroad. This gesture of magnanimity expresses, in short, the heart of a real Oblate who prefers to be in solidarity with the poor and the sufferings. Such is the personality of Fr. Angelo.

Having lived for many years with the veteran Oblates, like Fr. Henry Van Hoof and Fr. Charvet he had learned the art of leadership and being in charge of formation house for more than ten years he had known all the young Oblates. With such vast experience Fr. Angelo was quick to get into action. His priority was to consolidate the community lives of the Oblates. He placed great emphasis on regular attendance at monthly gatherings and introduced faith-sharing session in all meetings. Thus, he paid close attention to their spiritual life and emphasized on simplicity of life style while he himself was an example. He seldom used a car. He used an old motor bike for his mobility. He was vehemently opposed to big structures and emphasized on building community.

While he was also assisting in Khadim as pastor, Fr. Angelo was elected the President of the Bangladesh Conference of Religious. With the entire heavy schedule he kept his visits to the missions, attending to the problems of the tribals, meeting the Oblates, giving a helping hand in the formation houses and even participating in various celebrations of the parishes. You need a man of real vigor to catch up with all such programmes. And Fr. Angelo did it with a smile and with a great humor and wit.

His dream was to see the day when Bangladesh Delegation would be self sufficient, having indigenous formators and leaders, which he realized when he appointed the first Bangladeshi as Superior to the Scholasticate and by preparing the first Bangladeshi Oblate to be sent abroad as missionary. There is no doubt that the greatest joy for Fr. Angelo today is to hand over the reins of the Delegation to Fr. Bejoy D’ Cruze, the first Bangladeshi Delegation Superior whom he prepared, right from the Scholasticate days.

We, the Oblates of Bangladesh pay tribute to Fr. Angelo as we gratefully thank him for all that he had done to our Delegation and we wish him a successful apostolate in his next assignment. We hope and pray that Fr. Bejoy who takes over from him will have a smooth sailing.

Rev. Fr. Emil Moraes. OMI




We, the Oblates express our hearty congratulation to Fr. Bejoy De Cruze, OMI, on the occasion of his appointment as Delegation Superior. We wish him every success in his new assignment

Fr. Bejoy creates history as the first local Oblate to be elevated to the rank of a Delegation Superior. For Oblates it is an occasion of great pride and satisfaction and this smooth transition that had taken place is a cherished dream and a long felt need that has come true. This event marks another milestone in the annals of the Bangladesh Delegation: for it affirms that the locals are capable and adequately prepared to take the helm of administration.

He was ordained on February 20th 1987. From that time onwards the good Lord was preparing him for this task by sending him to the mission field, to the formation programme at the juniorate and scholasticate and after obtaining a doctorate in theology to the major seminary for the apostolate of education.

In Fr. Bejoy we find a young, dynamic Oblate who is profoundly versed in the knowledge of Congregation’s mission and the Founder’s ideals and conviction. He is a foresighted leader trying to discover what our Delegation should be in the future and he strives to help the members live up to their potential. He has an infinite capacity for work. (At one stage he was the rector of the juniorate, a full time professor in the seminary and the delegation bursar) Endurance is the stuff he is made of. He has left his mark in all the activities of the congregation in which he involved and participated: whether it is formation programme or mission work or education ministry or conducting seminars and feasts.

As a new priest he worked in our tribal parishes and later when he was in the formation house, he never lost sight of his missionary zeal. During Christmas and Easter he would volunteer to go to the parishes to be with the people to experience their struggles and joys and extend a helping hand in liturgical activities. On Easter Sunday this year when the government was trying to inaugurate the Eco park, Fr. Bejoy was present at the spot to express his solidarity with the parishoners and became a towering strength to Fr. Joseph in fighting against government grabbing the lands and depriving our parishoners of their source of income.

He was an asset to the formation programme. He personally met the students and learnt their needs and problems. He had concern for their intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth. He put his heart and soul into recruiting vocation by regularly visiting the parents and the parish priests.

He has achieved greatness by aiming at excellence and striving for perfection He is a systematic planner and efficient worker. We were able to observe with what thoroughness he organized the celebration of our founder’s canonization in 1995 December, the perpetual vows ceremony, and the diacontae ordination of Bro. Ranjit in August 2001. He is a model of perfection.

His contribution to the major seminary was immense. Still the seminary is clamouring for his service. He is accepted and respected as a good professor. He has a good rapport with the seminarians and he is popular among the staff there. His specialization in Islam will be a stepping stone to engage in a fruitful dialogue with Muslims. He always made use of his vast knowledge of theology to teach and form the major seminarians and to update the religious and catechists both on local and national level. He excels in the field of education and works to promote the cause of the tribal children in their schools.

He loves the ex-Oblates and he has brought them into the fold of M.A.M.I and thereby he wants to be in contact with them. He has good relationships with the diocesan priests and religious. He knows his Oblates well; he can motivate and inspire confidence, making them extend their wholehearted co-operation to achieve the oblate goals.

His administerial ability, his initiative to undertake a new venture, his management of finance, his missionary zeal, his experience in teaching and forming, and his concern for the delegation, and his love for each Oblate all these qualities will help him to serve the Oblates and the church and we are sure he will measure up to the expectation of being a good leader.

We assure you of our prayers, pledge our good will and extend our wholehearted support to you so that you may with confidence and optimism march forward leading us to success. We wish you very best all along the way. May God bless and strengthen you in the years to come.

Rev. Fr. Anton Rex Kulas, OMI



Samson Hasdak is a Juniorist, studying I.A. 2nd year at Notre Dame College. He hails from a tribal community known as Santal. He shares with us the experience of Christmas celebration among different tribals in Bangladesh.


TheCatholics of Bangladesh are from different tribes. They are like different flowers in the same garden. The Church is beautiful because of this. But all Christians are under one flag of Christianity.

Christmas is important for all Christians and an occasion of great joy and ecstasy. The Christians long for this great festival and prepare themselves in different ways to celebrate it. But they have the same meaning and intention. In Bangladesh aCatholic can be Bengali or tribal, yet no group is superior, because they are all Christians.

During Christmas nature is decorated in new leaves and flowers are in bloom as if to welcome the newly born heavenly infant. The celebration of Christmas varies in different societies and places.

Christmas in the towns: In the town there is a tradition to celebrate Pre-Christmas, as all leavetheir towns before Christmas to celebrate it in their village. A great deal of cards and gifts are exchanged and people wish one another a Merry Christmas. The pre-Christmas is mostly celebrated in a homely atmosphere. There is no proper date. The members of the houses, hostels or seminaries fix a date after discussion. X-mas trees and houses are decorated with coloured paper and coloured lights. Christmas carols are sung before the celebration. A special meal is prepared following the special mass of X-mas. It’s a day of joy for all and they exchange gifts.

Christmas in Bengali Christian Society:The Bengali Christians live mostly in Bhawal area and in greater Rajshahi. The young boys and girls decorate the Church, and decorate their houses with coloured paper. On 24th evening all housewives are busy making cakes and ‘pithas’. The young boys and girls go to different houses to have cake and they call it ‘pitha parhan’. After the midnight mass carols are sung in every house. On 25th all wear new clothes and go to join the Christmas mass. The younger ones get blessings from the elders. The carols continue for one week. Sometimes carol competitions are arranged to increase the joy of Christmas.