Camperdown Centra, Sydney 17-19 March, 2000

Attendees:Past and Present Board Members:

Rohan Grant; Rohan Holtkamp; Mike Zupanc; Phil Pritchard; Bill Moyes; Mark Plenderleith; Brian Webb; Jeremy Torr; Rob Woodward; Keith Lush*; Peta Roberts*; Ian Jarman (HGFA Exec. Dir.); and Craig Worth (Ops Mgr and Minutes Secretary).

Guests presenters and others:

Kevin Chamberlain* (HGFA Insurance Broker), Richard Lockhart* (Skysailor Editor);

Note: * denotes part attendance over the three days.

Apologies:Mike Eggleton

Friday 17th -Meeting Commenced 9:45 a.m.

President’s Opening Address

The meeting commenced with Rohan Grant welcoming the new Board members. He stated that his objective for the meeting was to get the new Board working as a team. In response to a request from the Board, the roles of Board members and the various Board positions were outlined. He provided a brief history of the HGFA Board’s role over past years. It was identified that the Board’s role is to set policy and ensure that projects within the HGFA plan are implemented and carried out by various volunteers and employees. Discussion followed on the current way in which the HGFA is administered on a day-to-day basis.

Each Board member spoke briefly on his reasons, aims and vision in being part of the HGFA Board. These statements highlighted perceived deficiencies: communication by the Board with members and prospective members; new member retention; current training systems; and growth of our sports.

Minutes last Board meeting - Business arising

Actions included in the previous Minutes were tabled and results were reported.

Action 99.30:Completed.

Action 99.31:Completed.

Action 99.32 and 95.33: Completed. Next Competitions Committee Meeting is scheduled for April 2000. Three new representatives for the Comps Committee were elected from paraglider pilots at Manilla last February. They are Karl Texler, Stewart Dennis and Ian Ladyman. There is a vacant position for a weightshift microlight representative on the Comps Committee.

Action 99.34:Completed.

Action 99.35:Completed.

Action 99.36: Ops Manager proposed that if an annual facility approval fee is implemented it should be following his current round of facility audits due for completion this year.

Action 99.37: Completed.

Action 99.38: Completed.

Action 99.39: Completed.

Action 99.40: Completed - the HGFA is now the Australian representative for microlights to CIMA (the FAI Commission relating to microlights.

Action 99.41: Completed. However, the Ops Manager has not completed the second part of the proposal regarding a code of conduct for motorised hang gliders and paragliders. The Board directed that this is to be completed.

Action 99.42: Completed.

Action 99.43: The Operations Manager provided an update on the current status of Alan Goldsworthy. His instructor certificate has been revoked pending documentary evidence is that he is medically fit to recommence pilot training and tandem operations.

The Board directed the Operations Manager to again advise the Sunshine Coast Hang Gliding Club of the circumstances of the initial approval of Alan Goldsworthy and update them as to his current status.

Action 00.01:Ops Manager to write to the Sunshine Coast HGC reiterating the circumstances of Alan Goldsworthy’s appointment and explaining his current position.

Action 99.44: Not completed.

Action 99.45: Completed, though the domain is not yet delegated.

Action 99.46: Not completed. This issue is to be addressed by the new Board.

Action 99.47:Completed.

Action 99.48:Completed - the NSW and ACT associations have been left to consider the amalgamation proposal.

Action 99.49:Not completed - employees contracts and remuneration are to be determined by this Board.

Action 99.50:Completed.

Action 99.51 and 99.52: Partially completed - to be again discussed at this meeting.

Motion 00.01:That the Minutes of last meeting of the HGFA Board be accepted.

Moved: Rohan Grant Seconded: Mike Zupanc Carried.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Board

Copies from the HGFA Management Procedures Manual relating the roles of the HGFA Board and office bearers were provided to the Board.

Executive Director’s Report

A written Executive Director’s report had been previously circulated, from which no questions were forthcoming. An updated YTD Financial Report was presented and discussed. It was stated that past Boards have aimed at either a surplus or break even annual budget, though on occasion there were specific projects which led to deficit results.

Membership trends were provided and discussed. It was noted that as the HGFA gains nearly a thousand members each year, and an equivalent number are leaving given that overall member numbers are reasonably static. It was also noted that membership growth and/or retention usually occurs in areas where there are active training facilities, secured sites and an active club.

Trainee Membership Scheme

Instructor vs trainee member numbers and certificates issued were provided. Rohan Grant provided a brief history of the scheme and its introduction. The prime objectives of the scheme were: to be able to follow up one time participants to promote further sport participation; to gain some financial return to enable the HGFA to cover the cost in the establishment and maintenance of the introductory training flight system; and to enable the insurer to gain a clearer picture of the number of introductory flights to better assess the insurer’s risk. These objectives and the level of current compliance were discussed. It was recognised that there is not yet total compliance, though this level is improving.

Insurance Broker’s Report

Kevin Chamberlain provided a report to the Board. The HGFA’s insurance premium for the coming year will increase by 15% to $115 000, which with government charges will be $136 000. This figure still equates to less than the premium paid in 1995.

Performance Appraisals

Peta Roberts presented executive employee appraisals. These contained the past Board’s and self-assessments of the performance of Ian Jarman and Craig Worth. The results indicated that the past Board was of the belief that the employees are carrying out their duties appropriately and in accordance with their job specifications. Peta Roberts recommended that both Ian and Craig’s Employment Contracts be renewed.

A vote of thanks was provided to Peta Roberts for her efforts in coordinating the appraisal process.

HGFA Investment

Peta Roberts provided a report on the HGFA’s current investments and the rationale behind putting some of the HGFA reserve funds into an investment portfolio rather than having it merely gaining bank interest. The current investment of $150 000 with SBC Brinson is not performing as well as expectation but is forecast to improve. Peta offered to assist the new Board in the consideration of future investment.

Operations Manager’s Report

The Operations Manager provided a verbal report from the previous day’s Safety and Operations meeting to supplement his written report to the Board.

Concerns were expressed regarding the possibility of a Flight Instructor establishing a new club to gain approval to operate under that club executive. It was suggested that the current requirements for club affiliation may not cover this perceived loophole and that the HGFA Safety and Operations Committee should consider ways of remedying this situation.

Action 00.02:Ops Manager to ask that the Safety and Operations Committee consider introducing a requirement that a club must either have operated for a period of at least two years, or have a Senior Safety Officer of substantial experience before the club executive may be approved to oversee a Flight Instructor’s training facility.

CIVL Delegate Report

Mike Zupanc provided a written report to the Board and offered a verbal explanation of the relationship between the FAI and the CIVL. He highlighted several items that came from the recent CIVL meeting, namely: changes to the determination procedures for national paragliding team sizes which will most likely lead to reduction of the size of the Australian team size; a limit on entrant numbers in any CIVL sanctioned paragliding events to 150; and a decision not to introduce serial class as a separate title at category 1 events.

Concerns were raised with the performance of CIVL representatives at category 1 paragliding events over past years. The rationale behind belonging to the FAI and paying $6 per annum per member was discussed. Various ways of sending a strong message of dissatisfaction to the FAI were proposed, including ceasing to pay FAI membership fees. It was pointed out that around half of $6 fee goes to ASAC and it is desirable to have this organisation continue, given the assistance that ASAC has provided HGFA in gaining increased operational freedom in past years. It was concluded that the FAI and ASAC affiliation fees are necessary and should be maintained.

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Motion 00.02:That letters should be sent from the HGFA Board expressing dissatisfaction with the safety standards implemented at recent category 1 paragliding events; and with the perceived lack of value HGFA receives from FAI affiliation fees.

Moved: Jeremy Torr Seconded: Mark Plenderleith Carried

Action: 00.03That Brian Webb should draft these letters for the President’s signature.

General Business

Microlight Competition

John Reynoldson proposed that Mark Howard of the Southern Microlight Club should work with the Competitions Committee to develop and introduce microlight competition in late 2000 or early 2001.

The Board agreed to this proposal.

Action: 00.04 John Reynoldson to approach Mark Howard and ask that he work with the Competitions Committee to develop microlight competition in the coming season.

Membership Website

Ian Jarman provided a proposal from Millpost Technologies to develop a member website that would allow access to the HGFA membership database to varying degrees by members, clubs and competition organisers. During discussion into the proposal it was stated that the HGFA must continue to work toward increasing utilisation of Internet technology, though this option was not seen as cost effective at present.

Motion 00.03:That the Millpost Technologies proposal for web access to membership data be accepted.

Moved: Rohan Grant Seconded: John Reynoldson Motion lost

Action: 00.05 Ian Jarman to advise Millpost Technologies that at this time the HGFA does not wish to take advantage of this proposal.

Action: 00.06Mike Zupanc to advise particulars of his requirements for contact details and format of information required for the HGFA website to the office.

Meeting closed 6.45 p.m. Meeting resumed Saturday 18th 8.15 a.m.

AirManShip Proposal

Keith Lush provided the Board with a brief outline of the AirManShip proposal and its use as a prompt for pilots to consider human factors in operational decision making. He provided a sample helmet bag printed with the AirManShip logo. Unit cost of the first 250 bags was a little over $10, though the same product could be manufactured offshore for around half that price. The HGAWA would like some financial assistance for money already spent on the project. It was agreed that the AirManShip project has merit and should be introduced as a fundamental part of student training.

Motion 00.04:That the HGFA incorporate human factors training and adopt the word AirManShip as a prompt in student pilot training. That the HGFA consider options in incorporating the AirManShip prompt and logo in future merchandising and new pilot packages.

Moved: Rohan Holtkamp Seconded: Phil Pritchard Motion carried

Action: 00.07Operations Manager to incorporate human factors and the AirManShip prompt into pilot training and promote the project.

Action: 00.08Executive Director and the Finance Committee to consider adoption of the AirManShip project in future merchandising and to consider reimbursing HGAWA for their cost promotion of the project to date.

GST Implications and Ramifications

The impact of GST on the HGFA and reimbursement of state funding was discussed. GST introduction will impact on many of the HGFA’s costs.

HGFA Affinity Card (AMEX)

The Board was advised of the rationale behind the adoption of the Affinity Card. It is estimated that after five years it could return up to $8 000 per annum to the HGFA.

Board Meeting closed 9:45 a.m.

Strategic Planning Workshop

Michael Haynes from the Australian Sports Commission chaired a Strategic Planning Workshop, which resulted in the development of a rough draft of a new HGFA Strategic Plan. Following an invitation for all HGFA Clubs to attend, Steve Hocking, Paul Mollison, Mike Medlock, Wayne Fitzgerald and Henk Meertens (GFA) joined past and existing Board members for the workshop.

A draft mission statement was determined, as follows:

“The Hang Gliding Federation of Australia exists to promote and develop free flight.”

A draft vision statement was also determined by considering what the HGFA should by 2004:

“A unified and sustainable organisation enabling safe flying for an increasing number of participants.”

Michael Haynes will further develop the draft Plan before its completion by the Board.

Planning Workshop closed 6.30 p.m.; resumed Sunday 19th 8.00 a.m. and closed 1:15 p.m. Board Meeting resumed 2 p.m.

Amalgamation Developments

The HGFA continues to work with the GFA in areas of mutual interest. The new Board endorsed the continuation of this relationship.

Skysailor Review

Complaint from members with the content of the Skysailor was highlighted. Content is shared equally between the GFA and HGFA sports, though the sharing between HGFA disciplines makes it appear that there are more GFA articles. Various options for change were discussed, including: removal of the fee for member advertisements in Market Place; having a separate HGFA magazine; and various changes to the format of the magazine.

Motion 00.05:That the HGFA Board consider the current format of the Skysailor and appoint an ad hoc sub-committee to examine the magazine’s role.

Moved: Mark PlenderleithSeconded: Rohan Holtkamp Motion carried

Action: 00.09:Mark Plenderleith (Chairman), Jeremy Torr and Richard Lockhart to form a sub-committee to consider Skysailor options and to produce a questionnaire insert in the magazine specifying options available to the membership for changes to the magazine. Commitment date 28 April, 2000

Motion 00.06:That the fees for members’ advertisements in Skysailor Market Place be removed subject to administrative guidelines.

Moved: Rohan Holtkamp Seconded: Jeremy Torr Motion carried

Action: 00.10:Richard Lockhart to advise members that the Market Place advertising fee has been removed and develop guidelines for the limits to the size and content of free advertisements.

Report on Grand Prix Series

Sports Momentum has been taken over Trans World International (TWI). TWI has secured funding for a second Grand Prix series and corporate sponsorship is being sought to cover this funding. The Board was asked if it wished to continue association with the series or relinquish control of the project. The original outlay for the series has been partially recovered. The cost of the next series has been estimated at $62 000, which will be funded by sources outside the HGFA, though the project will require some time input from HGFA employees. The Board asked to have the HGFA’s existing contractual obligations clarified and to view a full written proposal regarding the new series prior to making a decision on continuation of the project.

Action: 00.11:Executive Director to provide a written report on the HGFA’s current position in regard to the first production; and the latest proposal for the follow-up Grand Prix series to the Board for consideration.

Employee Contracts and Staffing

Current employees’ contracts, conditions of employment, and remuneration were discussed.

Motion 00.07: That an ad hoc committee is formed to consider the level of remuneration paid; and conditions and terms of employment for HGFA’s executive employees.

Moved: Brian Webb Seconded: Rohan Grant Motion carried

Action: 00.12:Bill Moyes (Chairman), Phil Pritchard, Rohan Holtkamp and Rohan Grant to form a sub committee to consider executive employee contracts, conditions and remuneration; and provide a response to the Board within two weeks; and a response to the employees by 9 April next.

Action: 00.13:The Executive Director to provide a report detailing successor training for office staff and details of processes and documentation to support new staff taking on future rolls. Commitment date 1 September next.

Sport Development

A project to approach State organisations to assist the HGFA to fund state based Club Development Officers to promote the AirManShip project and various other club and pilot development projects was proposed by Rohan Holtkamp. It was agreed that this project is desirable and should be considered for implementation within the new Strategic Plan.

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