Town of Wayne, Maine

Select Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday January 28, 2014

Wayne Elementary School

Regular Meeting Agenda

The Board convened at 6:30 PM with the following members present: Peter Ault, Stephanie Haines, Gary Kenny, Carroll Paradis, and Stephen Saunders. Other Present: Aaron Chrostowsky, Town Manager and Cathy Cook, Town Clerk.

Audience: Gary Carr, Chris Cushman, Leslie Burhoe, Mary Farnham, Anne Huntington, Jon Huntington, Dallas Folk, Bruce Mercier, Robert Pettengill, Ken Spalding, and Bob Stephenson.

Pledge of Allegiance

Opened Meeting – determined quorum

a.  A motion was made to approve the meeting minutes of the January 14, 2014 Board of Selectmen meeting. (Paradis/Haines) (5/0)

b.  The Board approved Warrant #26 (Payroll) in the amount of $5,571.15. (Paradis/Haines) (5/0)

c.  The Board approved Warrant #27 (Accounts Payable) in the amount of $14,436.98. (Paradis/Saunders) (5/0)

Business Agenda

a.  Pettengill Tax-Acquired Property- Proposed Community Forest. The Board expressed their concern for a resident The Board moved to place the former Pettengill Tax Acquired Property to Tax Sale. (Paradis/Saunders) (4/1) Kenny voted no.

b.  Fire Chief Report. Bruce Mercier asked for clarification of his role and responsibilities regarding his position as the Emergency Management Director. The Town Manager stated that the Emergency Management Director’s role and responsibilities are as outlined in the Town’s Emergency Management Plan. He should have a copy. The Town Manager stated that he requested that Kennebec County Emergency Management Agency share a copy of Wayne’s existing plan, the suggested that we update the present emergency plan.

c.  The Board had no comments on the Draft Independent Financial Audit. The Board authorized the Town Manager to sign the Draft Independent Financial Audit. (Paradis/Haines) (5/0).

d.  The Board moved to approve the recommended proposed changes to the Purchasing Policy. (Paradis/Saunders) (5/0).

e.  Review Town Manager Role and Responsibilities. Tabled until next Selectboard meeting.

Supplements / Abatements: None

Town Manager Report: None

Board Member Reports:

1.  Stephanie Haines stated she felt the Town Manager should have notified the Select Board members sooner when he learned that Mr. Pettengill wanted to speak to the Board about getting his land back.

2.  Peter Ault thanked the Town Manager for finding success with acquiring a Tax ID number for the Wayne Historical Society, because the society was having difficulty getting one.

Public Comments:

1.  Mary Farnham asked why the Town Manager doesn’t use the MMA attorney service which is free more often. Gary Kenny explained that only the Town Attorney should be consulted for foreclosure issues. The Town Manager explained that he regularly consults MMA on matters; however, they don’t provide case specific legal advice on matters like foreclosure.

2.  Bruce Mercier invited the Select Board to attend the next Fire Department meeting which is Feb. 12; dinner at 6 p.m. and meeting to begin at 6:30 p.m.

3.  Bob Stephenson mentioned some ideas he is working on for back-up power, heat and plumbing at the Library’s Williams Property.

Motion to Adjourn at 7:25 PM. (Paradis/Saunders) (5/0).

The next Select Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at the Wayne Elementary School Gym.

Recorded by:

Cathy Cook, Town Clerk

Select Board Members


Gary Kenny Carroll Paradis


Peter Ault Stephanie Haines


Stephen Saunders

Select Board Meeting Minutes 1-28-2014

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