2018-2019 Course Syllabus

Math 6Mr. Bouslough

Contact Information:


Course Description
This course includes fundamentals of ratios and proportional relationships, the

number system, expressions and equations, geometry, and statistics and probability.

Course Content
The Number System

Expressions and Equations


Statistics and Probability




Essential Questions

How can you use integers to solve real-world problems?

How can you find and use the greatest common factor of two whole numbers?

How can you identify opposites and absolute values of rational numbers?

How do you divide fractions?

How do you use the order of operations to simplify expressions with exponents?

How can you determine and use the mean absolute deviation of a set of data points?

Curriculum Resources
Students will be using the Go Math curriculum, as well as an additional online curriculum, Get More Math, for the majority of learning. These include instruction, classwork, homework, quizzes, and tests. Both resources are aligned with Common Core State Standards.

Expectations of Students

  1. Students will come to class prepared. Please bring the following to class:






Calculator--voluntary; calculators will be provided

  1. Students will come to class on time and be in their assigned seats working on the Bellringer by the tardy bell. Students will not be permitted to leave the classroom during the first or last 10 minutes of class unless it is an emergency.
  2. Students will act in a respectful manner. They are expected to:
  • Show respect to all staff and students
  • Take responsibility for actions
  • Be honest and trustworthy
  • Listen to others with respect and attention
  • Treat school property and that of others with respect
  • No plagiarism or cheating will be tolerated
  1. Students will complete assigned work on time and in an appropriate manner. It is the student’s responsibility to write daily/upcoming assignments in his/her agenda.

Grading Policy

Students will be assigned homework most days! When a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to determine what work was missed. Students will be expected to complete any missed homework or assignment within the district guidelines (typically one week to complete; teacher discretion). **Due to the double period, many students get their homework at least started in class, if not completed.

If an assignment is handed in late, it will be worth half credit, or 50%; any assignment turned in after a homework cut-off will not be accepted and will not receive credit. After a test is taken on a particular chapter, assignments from that chapter will no longer be accepted.

Homework will be graded on completeness and effort (showing work, writing out problem, etc.) most days. However, assignments will be checked periodically throughout the marking period based purely on accuracy. These homework assignments may be announced or unannounced. You can keep track of homework assignments through the agenda or Sapphire grade book. Assignments are posted regularly.

Any student that has an unexcused absence (failure to bring in an excuse within three days of returning from an absence) will receive a zero for the assignment missed. If the assignment is made up and turned in, the student will receive ½ credit.

Any student legallyabsent during a test will have one week to make it up. It is the responsibility of the student to find out what he/she missed while absent (test, homework, etc.). I encourage the students to make up assignments before school, during advisory or activity period, or after school to avoid missing crucial class time.

Quizzes will be given during each chapter and at the end of lessons. They may be announced or unannounced.

Tests are given at the end of every chapter and will be announced in advance. At times students will be offered the privilege to correct test mistakes to earn back half credit (teacher discretion).

Any student caught cheating on an assignment (test, homework, project, etc.) will receive a zero for the assignment.

Extra Credit will NOT be offered; however, there may be opportunities to earn bonus points on quizzes, tests, bellringers, etc. throughout the year.

Grading Scale

97-100 A+77-79 C+

93-96 A73-76 C

90-92 A-70-72 C-

87-89 B+67-69 D+

83-86 B63-66 D

80-82 B-60-62 D-

0-59 F


The PBS (Positive Behavior System) will be implemented again this year. Any serious infraction will result in immediate referral to the Dean of Students.