Lancashire Young People's Service in Fylde – Youth Work Provision Aug2012

Chilli's Youth Café, Info Centre, Back St Annes Road West – Ahmed James 01253 783939

  • Tuesday, 6.00pm – 9.30pm
  • Thursday, 6.00pm – 9.30pm

Internet / pool tables / coffee bar / café area

Youth Base, Chapel Walks, Kirkham–Cam May, tel 01772 682548

  • Theme Monday - Project Night, 6.30pm – 9.00pm

Internet / pool tables / coffee bar / café area

An activity-based session for ages 13 -19

  • Tuesday - Teen Seen; 6.30pm - 8.30pm. – Chrissy Jackson, tel 01253 783939

For young people with learning difficulties aged 13 -19.

  • Thursdays – New Group 6.30pm -9pm – Cam Maytel 01772 682548

For young people aged 13-14.Internet / pool tables / coffee bar / café area.

The Drop-in, United Reformed Church, Kirkham – Pat Moir, tel 01772 682548

  • Wednesday 6.30pm – 9.00pm

Internet / pool tables / coffee bar / café area for young people aged 13-19

Full disabled access – ramps, lifts, toilets, etc

Lower Lane Youth Club, FreckletonPat Moir, tel 01772 682548

  • Tuesday 6.30pm – 9.00pm

Pool table / coffee bar/activities for young people aged 13-19

DJ-ing / mixing, games, discussions, hot drinks

  • FridayRural Detach, 7pm – 9pm. Meeting with Youth Workers, discussions, support & signposting to other delivery partners.

As well as Delivering the Youth Work programme tabled above, YPS is currently working to deliver the following activities:

  • Delivering targeted youth supportacross Fylde.
  • Delivering support to vulnerable unemployed, homeless or disengaged young people at St Anne's Info Centre, Kirkham Youthbase and in the community
  • Supporting School Leavers to ensure that they have received aSeptember Guarantee Offer of Learning and have moved from School into further learning
  • Delivering support to targeted young people including young people working with the Youth Offending team to ensure NEET is minimized.
  • Currently there are71*young people that are NEET (4.1%) in Fylde. YPS staff are completing engagement work with these young people and working with partners to offer them learning opportunities. *this is a reduction of over 50 young people
  • Supporting a Youth Council structure within the District. Sessions are held at the St Anne's Young People's Centre & Kirkham Youthbaseon alternate Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm .
  • Targeting 243* (10.9%) young people for telephone or Home visit contact as their current Destination is Not Known.* Increase is due to School Leavers that were are tracking
  • Completing face to face sessions, group work sessions and Home visits with Partners to engage vulnerable and targeted young people across Fylde.
  • Working collaboratively withUR Potential, Play Inclusion Project,NCompass & YMCAto deliver a programme of targeted youth support using Lancashire County Council commissioning monies. Three providers are delivering sessions from YPS premises.
  • Working in partnership to support referrals to YMCA who are delivering the National Citizenship Programme in Fylde.
  • Delivering a Media Project held at the St Anne's Young People's Centre on alternate Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm
  • Deliveringa NEET Project aimed at targeted NEET young people referred from partners. Sessions are being delivered on Wednesdays at Youthbase.
  • Delivering a targeted work in Kirkham to support vulnerable young women who are involved in risk taking behaviour.
  • Delivering a sexual health drop in session at Kirkham Youthbase on a Tuesday, 3-5pm
  • Working with targeted,vulnerable young women on Thursdays, 3-5pm at St Anne's Young People's Centre.
  • Delivering Mobile Unit sessions at Hot Spot Areas to promote diversionary activities in Fylde.
  • Planning District wide events involving 40 young people per trip during Half Term to SkareKingdom x 2 trips, Liverpool x 2 trips and Blackpool Pleasure Beach.