[PARTNER] Recognizes Graduates of its Digital Financial Education Program at [SCHOOL NAME]

Over xx elementary/middle school students reached through financial literacy program

City, STATE – Date – Today, [PARTNER]and educators from [SCHOOL NAME] honored over XX graduates from the [PROGRAM NAME], a web-based financial education course designed to provide students with the critical skills needed to make sound financial decisions. [PARTNER]has partnered with leading education technology company EverFi, Inc., to bring this interactive, web-based financial education program to over XX schools across [REGION/STATE]. Since the program’s inception in 20XX, the program has reached over XXXX students.

Students at [SCHOOL NAME] received certificates today for their outstanding work in completing the program. The event included remarks from students, [YOUR REPRESENTATIVE NAME AND TITLE], and [INSER OTHER SPEAKERS].

“These students are our future consumersand the future leaders of our nation. The more we can do to help them grow and prosper, the more our country will benefit -- and the more the financial services industry will benefit,” said [PARTNER REPRESENTATIVE NAME AND TITLE]. “[COMPANY] is proud to partner with EverFi to bring financial education to these students and prepare each one of them for a sound financial future.”

[PARTNER] has partnered with EverFi, Inc. to bring the program to local students at no cost to the schools or the taxpayer. The online elementary/middle school course features an interactive new-media learning platform specifically designed to introduce financial literacy skills early in a child’s cognitive development. The 2.5-hour curriculum aligns with state and national standards and includes topics such as saving, budgeting, responsibility and decision-making, credit and debt, careers, income, and charity. In 2015, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) highlighted EverFi’s schools-based financial education programs in a new report onAdvancing K-12 Financial Education: A Guide for Policymakers.

“Our goal as educators is to prepare our students for a successful future, a job which often extends beyond a typical classroom,” said [VIP/TEACHER NAME]. “Partnerships across school districts and private sector institutions allow educators to provide an important educational supplement, such as the [PROGRAM NAME]and enable us to give our children the best possible chance to reach their full potential.”

“By partnering with the wonderful teachers whose passion is to enrich the lives of their students, the [PROGRAM NAME]helps young students gain critical financial skills,” said EverFi Founder and CEO Tom Davidson. “We are striving to create a world with fewer bankruptcies, fewer people defaulting on their student loans, and more people who feel in control of their financial future. Through [PARTNER]’s investment in these students, we are one step closer.”



About EverFi

EverFi, Inc. is the leading education technology company focused on teaching, assessing, and certifying K-12 and college students in the critical skills they need for life. The company teams with major corporations and foundations to provide the programs at no cost to K-12 schools. Some of America’s leading CEOs and venture capital firms are EverFi investors including Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos, Twitter founder Evan Williams, and Google Chairman Eric Schmidt. Learn more at everfi.com.