Discovery Mime Theatre offers a variety of services that can increase public exposure and media interest. Workshops and programs for community organizations such as public libraries, and area schools can make Discovery Mime Theatre more visible in your community, and should result in generating a greater diversity of public interest.

Besides other performance or workshop bookings in the community, you can increase visibility through television, radio, newspaper, posters, flyers, the internet, and direct mail.


Stress whenever possible that Discovery Mime Theatre is a professional touring company. Both artists have trained under world famous mime, Marcel Marceau, and both have Bachelor of Fine Arts Degrees in Theatre. They have been performing together since 1981, have been featured on network and public television, have been selected for state arts council grant programs in six states, and have performed throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico and Costa Rica. Brian and Mary are also Artists-In-Residence at the University of South Dakota.


Plan well in advance, and your efforts should go smoothly. Some specifics that might help you with the promotional process include:

1. Sell as many advanced tickets as possible. The more tickets you sell prior to curtain time, the fewer people you will lose because of weather conditions or forgetfulness.

2. Assign specific responsibilities for public contact. Have a meeting to share information about the upcoming production and Discovery Mime Theatre with volunteers. Assign responsibilities for public contact in: public relations, advertising, telemarketing, and group sales.

3. Arrange group Sales. Selling a block of tickets can be done in several ways:

a. A community organization such as the Lions Club etc. can be asked to pledge the purchase of a certain number of tickets for their members, or for some needy group.

b. Offer a group discount to a community organization for purchasing a minimum number of tickets.

c. Some groups may consider a fund-raising project such as sponsoring a dinner/theatre party.