Board Chancellor’s Search Committee: July 27, 2010

The Peralta Colleges Governing Board

Chancellor’s Search Committee Minutes

July 27, 2010

Present: Trustees Guillén, Withrow, and González Yuen, Joseph Bielanski, Abigail Brewer, Jacob Ng, and Dr. Michael Viera, via conference call.

1.  Select Chancellor Hiring Committee Members.

The hiring committee composition will include three faculty members, including a faculty member from the part-time adjunct faculty, DAS, and PFT; College President, Classified employee from 1021 or 39, a Vice-President or Vice-Chancellor, student representative, two community members, and two community members from the workforce development or business community, with eleven members in total.

The following positions were reported from the respective groups:

PFT representatives - Trulie Thompson and part-time employee Janell Hampton, alternate Laura Roberto.

DAS representative – Anita Black

Classified representative – Abigail Brewer, alternate Mike Donaldson (This information needs to be confirmed by Sheryl Queen.)

College President – President Elñora Webb, alternate President Bobby Adams

Vice Chancellor – Debbie Budd, alternate Ron Gerhard

Representatives and alternates need to make a commitment to the hiring committee calendar, and alternates need to be identified to Trustee Guillén and David Betts prior to the Board meeting on September 12th.

MOTION by Trustee Guillén, second by Trustee Withrow to accept the above respective faculty and staff hiring committee group nominees. PASSED unanimously.

2.  Review Member and Alternate Membership Responsibilities.

Michael Viera suggested that our Board policy prohibits elected trustees from serving on the hiring committee, and that perhaps the student trustees should also not serve. Trustee Withrow feels as a practical matter that it’s more efficient to invite one of the student trustees to participate, and didn’t

feel that Board policy intended to exclude student trustees. A legal will review of this Board policy was requested to confirm this intent. Dr. Viera’s expectation of the alternate is that the alternate would serve only if the appointed committee member couldn’t agree to commit to the current interview schedule, and that the alternates don’t attend the hiring meetings. Once the hiring process starts, the committee members all need to consistently attend to comply with our hiring procedure. Increasing the committee members would also go against the Board policy and the Board voted issue, and this issue also wasn’t posted on this meeting agenda.

3.  Review Search Committee Calendar - Calendar posted on the website, link below

One reason for the proposed search committee calendar is the option of a possible failed candidate contract, as well as having to re-open the search if the Board is not satisfied with the 3-5 candidates that return to the Board. Trustee González Yuen feels that the hiring calendar is overly ambitious. Our ad appeared in the Chronicle of Higher Ed on July 16th. Our search firm sent out a 450 piece mailing, and Peralta sent out a huge mass mailing last week, as well. The position on the HR website doesn’t have a deadline listed, which will be corrected. The posted search brochure does include the closing date. Trustee Withrow asked why we are starting the hiring procedure during the month when the school year starts, and also asked about the hire start dates of January 1 or June 1. Michael Viera shared that there is no normal timeframe in this industry, and that administrators are 12 month employees. There is generally a 90 day gap before a candidate takes office. He shared that it is infrequent for the prior Chancellor to stay on for 30 days during the new candidate’s initial term.

Community and business member nominations

Trustee Withrow nominated Susan Opp, Senior Dean at Cal State University, Hayward. Trustee González Yuen nominated Arnold Fong and Calvin Fong. Trustee Withrow also spoke to support Arnold Fong’s nomination as a community activist. Calvin Fong works for the City of Berkeley, and it was felt that it would be nice to get representation from Berkeley. Trustee Guillén brought forward the nominations of Felix Galaviz, founder of the PUENTE project, and Walter Robinson, undergraduate admissions at UC Berkeley, and COA alum. Gay Cobb from the WIB was asked to suggest some candidates, as was Scott Peterson from the Oakland Chamber of Commerce. Trustee Withrow suggested that if we have so many talented people available to serve that we might want to consider expanding the number of committee members. Instead of proposing to expand the team, Trustee González Yuen asked that these extra candidates be added as alternates instead. He feels the search committee already has large percentage of community members, and would be reluctant to expand the number of community members serving without also expanding the number of faculty members serving.

The following slate was recommended:

Community member – Susan Opp, Calvin Fong, alternate

Community member – Walter Robinson, Calvin Fong, alternate

Business member – Arnold Fong, alternate Scott Peterson or Oakland Chamber of Commerce member

Business member - Felix Galaviz, alternate nominee from Gay Cobb at the WIB

MOTION by Trustee Withrow, second by Trustee González Yuen to accept the community member nominations and alternates as presented. PASSED unanimously.

These identified individuals need to commit to the hiring calendar. Trustee González Yuen will help to identify the student trustee candidate. Michael Viera suggested that Trustee Guillén send a letter to these candidate inviting them to serve them on the committee, pending formal Board approval, and sharing the hiring schedule. Trustee González Yuen asked that the committee be treated well, with refreshments at the meetings, when possible. Dr. Viera also suggested that at the end of the process, that the hiring committee be thanked, with their service to Peralta noted to their employers, as well. Dr. Viera will assist to draft those communications.

Meeting Materials are posted on the Committee website:

Respectfully submitted, Roxanne Epstein 510-466-7203

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