Name: ______

Over the past several weeks we have been learning about Ancient Egypt in class. Now it is your turn! You will be selecting a topic related to Ancient Egypt to research and create a museum exhibit for our class gallery walk. You will be given 6 class days to work on your project in the Media Center. The rest of your project will need to be done on your own time!

Project Directions/Schedule

October 17th- Topic selection will be done in class. Please write that topic on the line.


October 22nd Media Center Day 1- Mrs. Duncan (WMS Media Specialist) and Ms. Lethbridge will work with students on developing questions for their research. After a 20 minute lesson, students will begin their research using computers and books. A notes sheet will be provided for students.

October 23rd Media Center Day 2- Mrs. Duncan and Ms. Lethbridge will present a lesson on how to use databases efficiently. After a 20 minute lesson, students will have time to research independently.

October 24th Media Center Day 3- Mrs. Duncan and Ms. Lethbridge will work with students on how to properly write a citation for their sources. After a 15 minute lesson, students will have the rest of the class period to research independently.

October 28th Media Center Day 4- Students will have the entire class period in the Media Center to research independently.

October 29th Media Center Day 5- Mrs. Duncan and Ms. Lethbridge will show students the three options that they have when creating their museum exhibit. Students will have the rest of the class period to complete more research and begin working on their exhibit.

October 30th Media Center Day 6- Students will have the entire class period in the Media Center to research independently and/or work on their museum exhibit.

October 31st through November 10th- Students will need to spend time outside of class working on their projects. Ms. Lethbridge will be checking in on students to make sure that their projects are progressing. Students will also have ELT time available to work on their projects during school.

November 12th- MUSEUM PROJECT IS DUE! Projects can be taken to the Media Center in the morning or to Ms. Lethbridge’s classroom.

November 12th and November 13th- GALLERY WALK! Students will be presenting their projects in a museum gallery walk format. Projects will be set-up in the Media Center and students will walk around listening to their classmates share their projects.

The Research Process

Your project must include the following:

1.)  A detailed description of your topic. This should be a minimum of 7-8 sentences long.

2.)  Include 4-5 interesting facts about your topic.

3.)  Why is your topic important to Ancient Egypt?

Research will need to come from at least two sources. One source must be electronic from one of the WMS research databases, and one source must be a book. USE THE NOTES SHEET PROVIDED!

The Final Product

You will need to use your research to create a final product for our class gallery walk. You must choose one of the following options.

Option 1- Creating a poster and a model. Students may choose to present your information in the form of a poster. A model may accompany the poster but it is optional.

Option 2- Students may use “Board Builder” on Discovery Streaming to create an electronic presentation of their research. This can be assessed at school as well as at home.

Option 3- Students may use “Thing Link” to create an electronic presentation. This can also be assessed at home or at school. This option requires and e-mail address to create an account. If you would like to use this option, you will need parent permission along with an e-mail address to create an account.

E-mail Account: ______

Parent Signature: ______

All of the databases as well as websites for the projects can be assessed at home. You will need to visit our school’s website and use the following pathway. The databases require usernames and passwords which are listed on the following page.àMedia CenteràResearch ResourcesàS.S. ResourcesàEgypt Project

Here is how your project will be scored:

A detailed explanation of your topic _____/10

4-5 Interesting Facts about your topic _____/5

Why is your topic important to Ancient Egypt _____/5

Professional Presentation to the class during the Gallery Walk _____/5

Evidence of note taking/citation _____/5

Final Product: Evidence of effort, creativity and neatness _____/10

Total: _____/40