

30 November 2016

Time: 5.30pm – 7.45pm

Meeting Room 3

Knox Civic Centre

Burwood Highway, Wantirna South, 3152

Phone 9298 8000

As this advisory committee has been established by Council and includes at least one Councillor and a staff member it is an Assembly of Councillors in accordance with the Local Government Act.

Councillors and staff are required to declare any conflict of interest that they may have in regards to any item discussed that is intended or likely to be the subject of a report to Council or a decision of an officer under delegation. In declaring a conflict of interest the Councillor or staff member must leave the meeting whilst the matter is being discussed.

A definition of conflict of interest in accordance with the Local Government Act has been provided in the Active Ageing Advisory Committee Information Folder.

Community representatives on the committee are not subject to these provisions; however they are required under their terms of appointment to declare any conflicts of interest that may arise for them from time to time. It will be a matter for the Chair to determine if the community representative is required to leave the meeting whilst a particular matter that is subject to a conflict of interest is being discussed.


Chairperson - Cr Nicole Seymour; Tanya Clark, Manager Active Ageing and Disability Services Department; Teresa Donegan, Coordinator Age Friendly Planning; Siah-Chuan Lim, Community Member; Lawrie Gaylard, Community Member; Arthur Lee, Industry Member Amanda Wiggs, Seniors Support Officer; Helen Ruddell, Senior Program Manager Economic Development, Geoffrey (Geoff) Pope, Community Member; Edmond Wong, Industry Member; Wina Kung, Industry Member; Michael Blake, Community Member; Evelin Martin, Industry Member;


Cr John Mortimore; Monica Rosenkranz, Community Member; Mary Jane Morales, Community Member; Heather Betts, Industry Member; Siva Sivagnanam, Community Member; Michelle Dumble, Community Member;


Michelle Penny & Judy Chalkley from AA&DS

Dr Kathleen Brasher, Director: This Day & Age


None declared.


Minutes confirmed and passed.


4.1  Knox’s Senior Citizens Festival 2016

Amanda Wiggs, Seniors Support Officer, provided an overview of the biggest and most diverse Senior Citizens Festival held in Knox. The festival included 121 different events involving physical activities, workshops, organisational open days and walks involving 37 different Community Groups and 3,200 participants.

4.2 KAAAC Recruitment for 2017 – 2019

Teresa Donegan, Coordinator Age Friendly Planning, gave an update that applications have now closed for the recruitment to the Knox Active Ageing Advisory Committee. Applications have been received from a great range of both Community & Industry nominations.

New representatives will join the Committee on 8 March 2017, which will be a cross over meeting with new representatives joining the Committee and some existing members concluding their term on the Committee.

5.  DISCUSSION Theme – Active Ageing & Knox Future Directions!

5.1 Municipal Strategic Disability Leadership Model Directions Plan

Presenter: Michelle Penny, NDIS/CHSP Transition Liaison Officer

Organisation: Knox City Council

Tanya Clark, Manager Active Ageing & Disability Services, introduced Michelle Penney, Knox’s newly appointed NDIS Transition Liaison Officer. Michelle presented the work that has been done to explore Council’s strategic direction for the transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Council is investigating a number of service model options to ensure a strong leadership role for the local community. The Committee provided feedback on the presentation which was included in a final report to Councillors on 6th December 2016.

Key discussion items & questions:

·  Council needs to understand the community impact of model options and impact of models on risk and vulnerable community groups (i.e. non NDIS eligible who fall through the system)

·  What is the geographical based community impact of each model option? Is this taken into account with activity prioritisation? i.e. targeting geographic areas where specific disability services and supports are lacking?

·  Council should be commended for taking this leadership approach – shows great innovation and the type of leadership that local government should be displaying.

·  Whatever model option chosen by Council needs to be flexible enough to evolve with the NDIS system changes and as the system matures and becomes embedded.

·  The activities linked to each model option should not be fixed or prescriptive as other players in the sector may also pick these up and then Council is duplicating or replicating private sector service.

·  Organisations could learn from this local government approach but also need support as new providers in this service space. Local government know their communities and play an important coordination role and advocacy role for vulnerable people falling through the system.

·  Questions raised about the current Metro Access role and temporary NDIS/CHSP Transition Liaison Officer (i.e. to end June 2019 at this stage)

·  Strong theme on ensuring people with vulnerability are supported well and looking at where gaps might exist – both for people who are eligible and not eligible for NDIS.

·  Suggestion that a more personalized example be given to Council of the impact of each of the model options eg case study examples to illustrate issues and impact of model options.

Action: Please do not hesitate to contact Teresa Donegan with any further feedback. Regular updates on this Project development will be presented to the Committee

5.2 Transitioning to Retirement with choice and control - A Project focused on improving the workability, transition toretirementand lifelong learning for older people in Knox – Report on Pilot completed in Knox

Presenter: Dr Kathleen Brasher, Consultant

Organisation: This Day & Age

Teresa Donegan introduced Dr Kathleen Brasher who was engaged by the Departments of Economic Development and Active Ageing to implement the Pilot involving surveying two Manufacturing Industries in Knox. Kathleen worked closely with Economic Development in order to conduct 19 surveys, some face to face others written responses all from current Industry employees.

Kathleen presented an overview of the significant changes created by increased life expectancy and what has become known as the ‘longevity revolution”. However views and expectations about retirement have not necessarily changed with the changes in life expectancy. International research also indicates that the workplace has often not kept up with the changes in life expectancy. Knox is part of these international trends.

The manufacturing industry is the largest industry sector in Knox and the experience of Knox’s Economic Development Department is that further exploration was required to identify workability issues. In addition the anecdotal examples of individuals struggling with transition to retirement identified by the Advisory Committee, combined with the experiences of the Active Ageing Department formulated the impetus for a pilot study.

Key survey outcomes indicated that in the main the 19 respondents felt positive about retirement but overall felt disrespected in their ageing years. Key concerns also emerged around men who are not typically “connected” with their community and have few plans for activity in their retirement beyond financial planning. Male respondents also reported concerns about younger people “jumping from short term job to job for the most $s, travelling. Blowing their money and starting again…”

The survey results preset some key opportunities for Council to further develop:

·  Train/engage industry regarding transition to retirement

·  Develop peer to peer training model

·  Mentor training model – older to younger people

·  Toolkit – beyond financial planning, to incorporate work & lifestyle planning

Feedback from Committee for further Project development – identified in September Mtg

·  Importance of creating “after hours” opportunities for employees to participate in any transition to retirement planning – such opportunities should be independent of employer

·  Toolkit should include range of options including downsizing of home and downsizing of career

·  Need to engage GPS and allied health professionals who typically deal with people before and during transition to retirement and could further distribute the Toolkit.

Helen Ruddell and Teresa Donegan discussed that the combination of these findings will be further considered by both the Department of Economic Development and Active Ageing & Disability Services in the context of a State Government funding opportunity for age friendly innovation initiatives, expected early 2017.

Current Further Action: Please do not hesitate to contact either Teresa Donegan or Helen Ruddell with any further feedback. The Report on the Pilot will be tabled at the 1 February 2017 Advisory Committee Meeting.


6.1 Emerging issues from Committee Members

Cr John Mortimore sends his Christmas wishes to the Committee!


Wednesday 1 February 2017

Theme: Knox Future Planning Directions

Meeting Room 1

A light supper will be available from 5.30pm

Meeting scheduled to commence at 5.45pm, concluding at 7.45pm

Meeting Coordinator: Teresa Donegan Ph 9298 8367 mob 0478 301 688