Herron Recreation and Fitness Center

Climbing Wall

Student Guide

Guidelines of the Climbing Wall

The following is a list of guidelines that must be strictly followed while inside the climbing wall area. These guidelines pertain to the climbing wall, the area around the climbing wall, the climbing wall and Herron Fitness and Recreation staff, and all other items connected to the climbing wall.


It should be understood that anyone caught destroying the climbing wall, damaging or stealing equipment, and/or not following the posted rules and guidelines can be subject to any or all of the following: immediate removal from the climbing wall area, fitness center, and turned over to California University of Pennsylvania Public Safety.


1.All participants upon entering the climbing wall area must complete the Climbing Wall Waiver prior to using the climbing wall and climbing wall equipment, and present their Cal Card.

2.All participants upon entering the climbing wall area should read all posted signs and warnings as well as have read this manual prior to participation on the wall.

3.All participants must adhere to the instruction and recommendation of the fitness center staff.

4.All climbing instruction will and can only be done by the Herron Climbing Wall staff members.

5.Each semester all participants must demonstrate the proper technique of belaying and pass the belay test prior to using the wall to a Herron Climbing Wall staff member

6.Climbing under the influence of an intoxicating or illegal substance is not permitted and will not be tolerated. This will be grounds for immediate removal from the premises.

7.Any Herron Fitness Center staff member has the right to suspend any and all climbing wall privileges of any participant at any time.

8.The Climbing Wall Waiver should be updated as your information changes, especially in regards to changes in any new medical or emergency contact information.

9.No horseplay or swinging on ropes.

10.Aside from water, no food or beverage is permitted in the climbing wall area.

11.Appropriate attire must be worn to climb. In the event, any attire is deemed inappropriate by a staff member, the participant will be asked to leave the wall and change.

12.Loose jewelry, clothing, rings, or other items that may get caught or fall while climbing must be removed prior to climbing.

13. Hair longer than your shoulders must be in a ponytail while climbing.

14.No bare feet are allowed on the wall or on the crash pads.

15.Climbing wall shoes or gym shoes are only permitted on the crash pads.

16.Foul language will not be tolerated. Any Herron Climbing Wall staff member can deem any language inappropriate at anytime for any reason.


1.All climbers are responsible for proper fit of equipment, properly tying and dressing knots, double checking belay setup, using correct belay technique and commands, and double checking climbing set up.

2.Only equipment provided by Herron Fitness and Recreation Center is permitted in the climbing wall area.

3.The Cal Card will be used to sign out all related equipment to the climbing wall. It is the responsibility of the climber to return all equipment in the same condition it was provided.

4.Non-staff members \should not handle any equipment that is not signed out by them. This includes all ropes, holds, and other climbing wall equipment.

5.All chalk must be enclosed in a chalk bag at all times.


1.All accidents and damage to the facility and or equipment must be reported to the on duty manager immediately.

2.Inform other climbers of any situation seen as unsafe or not in accordance with the safety policies. All climbers are asked to assist and encourage other climbers.

3.A first aid kit is accessible in the climbing wall area while Herron Climbing Wall Staff are working. All injuries must be reported according to the Emergency Protocol that is found later in this document.

4.At no time should any non-staff member attempt to adjust, tighten, or fix any part of the climbing wall at any time. If you notice a problem, please report it to a staff member immediately.


1.Bouldering is allowed for those who understand and demonstrate an understanding of the rules.

2.When bouldering the climber is not to exceed twelve feet and/or cross the bouldering line with any part of their body.

3.An alarm will sound in the event someone crosses the twelve foot line. At this time all climbers must remove themselves from the wall in a safe manner. A member of the Herron Fitness and Recreation Center will reset the alarm. Until the alarm is reset no one is permitted on the wall.

4.Do not boulder underneath other climbers.

5.Do not boulder on the same side of the wall as a belayer.

6.Proper use of crash pads is mandatory. These pads are to be placed underneath the area the climber is using.

7.Do not for any reason put your fingers on or in a lead bolt hanger. If you do not know what this means, PLEASE ASK.

8.Bouldering is not permitted unless supervision is present.

Belaying or Top-roping

1.Belaying will only be permitted during the allotted times. (See Climbing Wall Schedule)

2.Instruction and lessons for this type of climbing can only be given by Herron Climbing Wall Staff.

3.Any climber wishing to belay on this wall must complete a written and practical exam prior to using the wall. (See policies and procedures)

4.Belayers will be given a warning the first time they are caught belaying incorrectly. A subsequent occurrence could require the belayer to retake the basic lesson and/or test to be permitted to belay.

5.Proper climbing commands must be used both before climbing and while on the wall. The purpose of these commands is to double check equipment and setup, which are imperative to safe climbing.

6.A helmet is optional while belaying on this wall. You must however sign the HelmetWaiver prior to climbing in order to climb without one. This waiver is located on the Climbing Wall Waiver.

Policies and Procedures of the Climbing Wall

The following is a sequence of events in order to use the climbing wall.


1.Enter the climbing wall area and complete the Climbing Wall Waiver.

2.Read all posted signage and the manual for a list of rules and guidelines.

3.Rent any equipment needed. All participants will need a Cal Card to rent equipment. If Herron Climbing Wall Staff are not present please visit the front desk to rent equipment.

4.Make sure all clothing worn during climbing meets the standards of the climbing wall.

5.Adjust crash pads if necessary so that a pad is underneath your route at all times during your climb.

6.Begin your climb.

7.Make safety of yourself and others your number one concern.

Belaying or Top-Roping

1.Enter the climbing wall area and complete the Climbing Wall Waiver during the posted times that the Climbing Wall is open for this type of climbing. * This type of climbing is not allowed outside of the normal hours of operation.*

2.Read all posted signage and the manual for a list of rules and guidelines.

**If you have not passed the official Belay Test follow these procedures, if you are already certified by the Herron Climbing Wall Staff please skip this section. **

Participants That Have Not Passed the Test.

3.All new climbers must approach a climbing wall staff member for their first lesson in belaying if they wish to use the wall for this type of climbing. Please keep in mind that during these allotted times you may have to wait for the next available Herron Climbing Wall Staff Member.

4. Receive your lesson in regards to the climbing wall. See the Training Section of this manual. (It is recommended that you take a lesson with a partner).

5.During your lesson the Herron Climbing Wall Staff Member should review all equipment, its usage, and how to sign it out.

6.After receiving your lesson on the climbing wall you are permitted to climb the wall if a staff member is able to belay you. You are not permitted to belay anyone without immediate staff supervision.

7.You may return the next day to take your belay test. You may not take your lesson and test in the same day.

8.The Belaying test consists of a written test and practical exam.

9.Once you have successfully passed your Belaying Test, you may belay climb during the posted times without immediate staff supervision.

Participants That Have Passed the Test.

3.Rent any equipment needed. All participants will need a Cal Card to rent equipment. If Herron Climbing Wall Staff are not present please visit the front desk to rent equipment.

4.Make sure all clothing worn during climbing meets the standards of the climbing wall.

5.Adjust crash pads if necessary so that a pad is underneath your route at all times during your climb.

7.Perform a safety check of your equipment, your route, and the climbing wall.

6.Begin your climb with a fellow participant that has been certified or a Herron Climbing Wall Staff Member.

Student Training

Herron Recreation and Fitness Center Climbing Wall staff members will instruct students in the following techniques and provide them with the appropiate information. Each student must take a lesson from a staff member and pass the practical and written test to be able to climb on the wall without staff interaction.

Students must be proficient in the following categories.

1. Knot Tying

a. How to properly tie a figure 8 follow through knot

2. Belaying

a. How to properly load a belay device.

1. Take a folded over section of rope and feed it into the belay device with the tail end on the same side as your dominant hand so that your dominant hand is used for braking.

b. How to properly anchor to the ground before belaying begins

1. Clip a daisy chain with a carabineer to the back of your harness and then clip the other end of the daisy chain to the floor anchor.

c. The four mental and visual checks must be performed before belaying begins.

1. Climbers harness and knot is secured properly.

2. The rope is not twisted around itself at the top of the wall.

3. The belay device is loaded properly and the carabineer is locked.

4. Nobody is standing on or around the tail of the rope.

d. The proper way to take and give rope when belaying.

e. How to properly brake a fall and lower a climber safely to the ground at a controlled rate of speed.

1. Lock the brake hand (hand with tail of the rope) down at your side by your hip.

3. Climbing Commands

a. “On Belay”Climber

b. “Belay On”Belayer

c. “Climbing”Climber

d. “Climb Away”Belayer

e. “Take”Climber

f. “Got”Belayer

g. “Descending”Climber

h. “Descend Away”Belayer

I. “Off Belay”Climber

j. “Belay Off”Belayer

4. Proper Helmet Tightening

a. How to properly tighten a helmet.

1. Adjust inner helmet band and then tighten chin strap so that no more or no less than one finger width can fit between the strap and the climbers chin.

5. Proper Harness Tightening

a. How to properly tighten a harness’s waist belt and leg loops securely.

1. Tighten the waist belt so that no more than one finger width can fit in the front of the harness then tighten the leg loops snuggly.

6. Backing Up When Bouldering

a. How to properly stand to protect someone when they are bouldering.

1. When backing someone up when they are bouldering stand behind the person bouldering with both of your arms stretched out toward the persons back. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and staggered so that one foot is in front of the other.

7. Bouldering Pad Placement

a. Where and how to properly place bouldering pads.

1. Place bouldering pads in the climbers fall zone.

Climbing Wall Operation Hours

Herron Recreation and Fitness Center

Sunday 2pm-4pm (Bouldering only)

4pm – 7pm (Top Roping/Belaying/Bouldering)

Monday11am – 1pm (Closed - Cleaning Wall Area)

1pm – 2pm (Top Roping/Belaying/Bouldering)

2pm – 6pm (Bouldering only)

6pm – 9pm (Top Roping/Belaying/Bouldering)

Tuesday11am – 1pm (Top Roping/Belaying/Bouldering)

1pm – 5pm (Bouldering only)

5pm – 9pm (Top Roping/Belaying/Bouldering)

Wednesday11am – 1pm (Top Roping/Belaying/Bouldering)

1pm – 5pm (Bouldering only)

5pm – 9pm (Top Roping/Belaying/Bouldering)

Thursday11am – 6pm (Bouldering only)

6pm – 9pm (Top Roping/Belaying/Bouldering)

Friday 11am – 1pm (Top Roping/Belaying/Bouldering)

1pm – 9pm (Bouldering only)

Saturday11am – 3pm (Top Roping/Belaying/Bouldering)

3pm – 4pm (Bouldering only)

10/6/2009 Roth