October 19, 2009

President Lynn Kruse called the meeting to order at 6:01 P.M. Shannon Harper, Lois Munden and Sarah Long answered roll. Also present were administrators Dr. Pam Vogel, Joan Gordon and Mark Weis. Visitors: Wayne Hill (Afton Star Enterprise), Jeanine Killion, Angel Sorden, Jason Riley, Paula Barnett and Lisa Hensel.

Motion by Munden to approve the agenda as amended. The order of agenda items was rearranged and additional fundraisers were added under agenda item 14. Seconded by Harper. Motion carried.

Discussion item 13, to discuss band instruments and school use, was moved ahead in the meeting. Mrs. Jeanine Killion explained how students at East Union obtained instruments for the band program, rental fees, repair cost and the challenges that the band department has with the used instruments. Further discussion will take place with the band teachers and administrators to try and determine ways to add instruments to the program and to reduce the cost of maintenance to the general fund.

Information item 6A was moved ahead in the meeting. Principal Weis and members of the MS/HS Leadership Team- Angel Sorden, Jason Riley, Paula Barnett and Lisa Hensel- presented information on Student Led Conferences. This fall the conferences will be led by the students. The Leadership Team explained the process the students and staff have developed to prepare for these. The teachers feel that these kinds of conferences put the responsibility of the learning on the students, as they are able to explain their learning strengths and weaknesses to their parents, also explaining ways they can improve their learning.

Motion by Harper to approve the following consent items. Seconded by Munden. Motion carried.

Approval of board meeting minutes from September 28th and October 12th, 2009.

Dr. Vogel recommended the contract change for Judy Woods, ELL coordinator, to a .5 day per week.

Mrs. Hensel and Mrs. Barnett recommended we accept the resignation from Jason Riley as MS Football coach.

Mrs. Hensel and Mrs. Barnett recommended the hiring of Wes Root as MS Girls Basketball coach.

Approval of Financial Statements and Bills

Open Enrollments as presented

Board Reports

AEA/LEA supper in-service on “21st Century Learning” was attended by Lynn Kruse, Shannon Harper, Sarah Long, Dr. Vogel and Billie Jo Greene.

Dr. Vogel, Sarah Long, Billie Jo Greene and Teacher Association representatives visited the Bedford CSD. Superintendent Drake, a prior Bedford board member and the Bedford Teacher Association representative explained their negotiation process of “Round Table Negotiations”.

Shannon Harper and Dr. Vogel attended the first of six modules of “Partnering in Communities”.

Staff Reports

Elementary Principal Joan Gordon communicated 1) Professional Development on October 7th was spent gathering questions for the Building Lead Team to present at the next Balanced Literacy Training session with Angela Maiers. The staff perused the Iowa Core Curriculum website to study the Essential Skills and Concepts for their respective grade levels in science and social studies and the staff worked on curriculum mapping of mathematics. 2) Formative Assessment: Several staff attended “Assessment for Learning” presentations by Margaret Heritage. Formative assessment is an intentional, planned method for teachers to discern students’ progress from what they currently know to what the student is expected to learn.

Superintendent Dr. Pam Vogel reviewed 1)Certified enrollment at this time is 513.3; this is an increase in enrollment of 14.7 from last year’s enrollment. 2) Elementary Building – The committee has met with CSI and the Architecture Team in two preliminary meeting. The administrators and Board members are determining which classrooms need to be included in the design. Once this is determined, the Elementary Building Facilities Group will be involved.

The Board discussed the Conclusion of the Iowa Association of School Board book “Leadership for Student Learning”. Focus of the workbook was on how schools can sustain school improvement.

Motion by Harper to approve the East Union CSD Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) as presented. Seconded by Long. Motion Carried.

Motion by Harper to approve the job description as amended for the Business Manager/Board Secretary. Seconded by Munden. Motion Carried.

The board reviewed Board Policies: 605.6, Internet Appropriate Use; 410.1, Substitute Teachers; 507.9, Wellness Policy (Physical Activity section); 203, Board of Director’s Conflict of Interest and 401.2, Employee Conflict of Interest. These will be an action item in November.

The board discussed if members of the Board should attend the IASB Annual Conference, in light of the budget cuts. With the conference being reduced to one day, the district will not have the expenses of hotel and meals. At this time, some members of the Board will attend and report back so the entire Board can benefit from the professional development.

Motion by Long to approve the SBRC (School Budget Review Committee) application for Phase I funding that was cut from the budget. The district will apply for Modified Allowable Growth to replace the Phase I funding cut for FY10. Seconded by Munden. Motion Carried.

Motion by Harper to approve the following stated fundraisers for 2009-10. Seconded by Munden. Motion Carried.

  • Elementary: Sales of Cookie dough. The proceeds will go to an account to purchase playground equipment for the elementary school.
  • FFA: Proceeds from the milk vending machine. The proceeds are used to raise funds for FFA activities during this school year.
  • FCCLA & Science Club. Proceeds from Turkey Bingo. The proceeds are used for FCCLA activities during this school year and in Science Club to purchase materials for club activities and the outdoor classroom.

The board discussed Interest Based Bargaining “Round Table”. The board would like to continue looking into this form of bargaining for certified staff negotiations. Dr. Vogel will speak with the Teacher’s Association.

Motion by Munden to approve Long and Hagen as Board members for negotiations. Seconded by Harper. Motion Carried.

Upcoming Events

  • East Union District Board of Education Budget Work Session to discuss the district’s financial picture and the 10% budget cuts. The Board will meet on Wednesday, November 11th at 5:30 pm in the MS/HS Library.
  • East Union School District Board of Education regular board meeting will meet on Monday, November 16that 6:00 pm in the MS/HS Library.
  • The Iowa Association of School Boards Annual Convention is November 19.

Motion by Munden to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Long. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 9:24 P.M.

Lynn Kruse, PresidentBillie Jo Greene, Secretary

Pending approval

Copies of the minutes are located on the East Union CSD web page at: