<b>Fred Thompson’s globalist pedigree</b>


<u>why would <i>anyone</i> expect him to reverse the Bush border debacle</u>?


by: Tom Kovach


Voters and pundits alike are claiming that a potential Fred Thompson run for the White House could “save” the conservative movement that has been betrayed by President George W. Bush. Such a claim defies the facts, because Thompson’s political pedigree includes Bush-like globalist credentials.


This column was prompted by near-record e-mail responses, the vast majority of which asserted that <a href=" target="resource window">a previous WND column on this topic</a> did not go far enough. Some of the material supporting this follow-up was provided by those WND readers, some of whom claimed to write from Lawrenceburg, Tennessee (Thompson’s hometown).


Just as the favorite Republican non-candidate gets near-constant news coverage, even for saying nothing, many of Thompson’s policies are revealed more by what he <i>does not</i> say than by what he does say. Even before the “9-11” attacks, President Bush was already trying to <a href=" target="resource window">downplay even the <i>word</i> 'amnesty'</a>. Similarly, the public statements of Fred Thompson do not reject amnesty for illegal aliens. Revelations about the design of the <a href=" target="resource window">premeditated merger</a> of the United States with Mexico and Canada prove that President Bush and his Republican insiders harbored a long-time globalist agenda. Just who were those globalist insiders? Is Thompson one of them?


<b>Tennessee’s globalist connections</b>


The core values of the average voter in Tennessee are very conservative. This fact has produced Democrats that voted overwhelmingly for Ronald Reagan. But, out of misguided local loyalty, the conservative voters in Tennessee have also repeatedly elected home-grown <i>globalists</i>. Among them are prominent United States Senators Howard Baker, Bill Frist, Lamar Alexander, and — yes — Fred Thompson.


All four of those <i>Republican</i> senators from Tennessee were members of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations during their tenure in the United States Senate. (And, a Democratic senator from Tennessee — Al Gore, who became vice-president — was also a CFR member.) Baker, who mentored Thompson into politics in 1972, was part of the “<a href=" target="resource window">Panama Canal giveaway team</a>” during the administration of President Jimmy Carter — another CFR member. (Note that the CNN commentary was written by Robert A. Pastor, <a href=" target="resource window">another CFR globalist</a>. Pastor recently wrote <a href=" target="resource window">a column for WorldNetDaily</a>, claiming to distance his North American Community plan from an assault upon American sovereignty. A separate analysis, debunking that claim, will come later.)


The “lamestream” news media treats the CFR as merely some advisory think tank. But, the Council on Foreign Relations is much more than that. Going back <a href=" target="resource window">almost a hundred years</a>, the CFR mission is to establish a one-world government. Because of our historic role as a beacon of freedom, the United States is an obstacle to global domination. Therefore, CFR members must work — some openly, and some secretly — to steadily <a href=" target="resource window">undermine American sovereignty</a>. The recent news about the North American Union is only one phase of an <a href=" target="resource window">unrelenting effort toward global government</a>. In order to solidify their elitist power, that effort includes a <a href=" target="resource window">concurrent effort toward global currency</a>. That effort toward a one-world money system is, in turn, linked to an effort to use <a href=" target="resource window">RFID chips</a> in commerce and marketing. Many people believe that the use of such chips is the <a href=" " target="resource window">'Mark of the Beast', as predicted in the Holy Bible</a>. (And, the president of the company that makes the chips is <a href=" target="resource window">another Republican CFR member, presidential candidate <i>Tommy</i> Thompson</a>. (Is anyone surprised?)


So, CFR member Lamar Alexander used to work for CFR member Howard Baker, who mentored CFR member Fred Thompson. And, Thompson was elected to the Senate in 1994, the same year that <a href=" target="resource window">CFR member Bill Frist</a> was elected to the United States Senate from Tennessee. And, both Frist and Thompson joined the CFR in 2002. So, with several years of experience on Capitol Hill at the time they both joined, there is no way that either of them could reasonably deny knowledge of the agenda and influence of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations. ("What did Thompson know, and when did he know it?")


Is there any further Tennessee connection to a globalist organization and agenda? Let’s see. The junior senator from Tennessee is Bob Corker, who was mentored by CFR members Bill Frist and Lamar Alexander. (This writer personally spoke with Alexander at a fundraiser for Corker.) Upon his inauguration, Corker was sworn in by CFR member Vice-President Dick Cheney. There certainly seems to be a pattern.


<b>Vice-President Dick Cheney, CFR member,<br>

swearing in newly-elected US Senator Bob Corker</b<br>

(open source: Corker’s official US Senate Web site)

<img src="


By the way, during a 2002 speech at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in DC, to his fellow CFR members, Vice-President Cheney <a href=" target="resource window">joked about getting elected by downplaying his membership in that globalist organization</a>. "I see a lot of old friends in the room. And it's good to be back at the Council on Foreign Relations. As Pete mentioned, I have been a member for a long time, and was actually Director for some period of time. I never mentioned that when I was campaigning for reelection back home in Wyoming -- (laughter) -- but it stood me in good stead." It seems that having something of a country-boy image is helpful to concealing a globalist agenda — whether in Wyoming or in Tennessee.


Will the new junior senator from Tennesee join the ranks of globalist CFR members? Frist and Thompson did not join the CFR until several years after they were in office. Both had already proven their globalist credentials by that time, having voted in favor of relaxed immigration and border security rules. Corker is already on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, as were CFR members Baker, Gore, Thompson, and Frist. What did these gentlemen from Tennessee — elected by conservatives — do while they were in office?


Baker helped to give away the Panama Canal. Gore’s committee on aviation security <a href=" " target="resource window"> eschewed probable terrorist connections to the downing of TWA Flight 800</a>. Thompson voted to <a href=" target="resource window">expand NAFTA, and to relax limits on migrant farm workers</a>. Frist (as majority leader) refused to push a tough border-security bill through the Senate, even though <a href=" target="resource window">HR 4437 – the ‘Wall Bill’ —</a> had passed in the House overwhelmingly. Bob Corker talked tough on border security during his campaign, but couldn’t quite shake allegations that his construction company had hired illegal aliens, <i>and</i> had ignored warnings from INS officials. (Those allegations, by the way, came from <a href=" target="resource window">Republican</a> primary opponents, as well as his <a href=" target="resource window">Democratic</a> general election opponent.) So, it would appear that Corker would be "encouraged" by globalist mentors such as Thompson to lean toward the <a href=" target="resource window">CFR position</a> on border security and alien workers.


And, with a political bloodline of CFR globalism behind him, doesn’t it seem likely that Bob Corker would be the next CFR-member senator from Tennessee? And, wouldn’t that scenario be far more likely if there was a President Fred Thompson to sponsor his membership? There is no doubt that Fred Thompson has a globalist pedigree. And, if he becomes a candidate for the White House, then the pattern is already established for Thompson and his CFR-elite cronies to continue weakening the security of America’s borders, turning a blind eye toward terrorist threats, and giving away America’s strategic advantages. Regardless of his amiable personal qualities, can the United States really afford to elect a "Bush-button" globalist president such as Fred Thompson?