International Business Facts

ü  Comparative advantage is the idea that individuals, companies, & countries should specialize in what they do best.(ex. U.S. producing automobile cars)

ü  Goods & services that are purchased abroad are called imports.

ü  Sales made over the World Wide Web are also known as e-commerce.

ü  An agreement that permits one company to sell another company’s products abroad in return for a percentage of the company’s revenues is known as a licensing agreement.

ü  Companies can sell their products or services in foreign countries by forming a strategic alliance, becoming a multinational corporation, and working through a foreign intermediary.

ü  The largest exporter in the world is the United States.

ü  Another name for money is currency.

ü  Free trade opens up new markets in other countries.

ü  Restrictions on trading allows the following:

foreign competitors to lower the demand for products made at home

companies at home to be protected from unfair foreign competition

other countries to have the same environmental or human right standard

Forms of Business Ownership Facts


Company Profiles

ü  There are three (3) main types of business organizations: sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations.

ü  Over half of all businesses in the United States are sole proprietorships (owned by one person)..

ü  Income from a corporation is taxed twice.

ü  The most common type of business in the United States are sole proprietorships.

ü  Unlimited liability means the owner is responsible for the company’s debts.

ü  An advantage of a partnership (company owned by more than one person) is

·  that the partners make decisions together.
·  that banks are often more willing to lend money to a partnership than to a sole proprietorship.
·  that the partners often bring different skills and talents to the business.

ü  In order to start a corporation, the first thing one must do is obtain a corporate charter from the state government.

ü  One disadvantage that corporations (medium-large companies that typically trade stocks) face is double taxation,

ü  Nonprofit organizations focus on providing services rather than making a profit.


See PowerPoint handout and blog on more detailed information on franchises addressing topics and questions below

ü  What is a franchise (Ex. McDonald’s)?

ü  What are some costs & fees associated with starting a franchise?

ü  What are advantages of running a franchise?

ü  What are disadvantages of running a franchise


See PowerPoint handout and blog on more detailed information on entrepreneurship addressing topics and questions below

ü  What are the 6 types of Entrepreneurial Businesses?

ü  How many employees do small business entrepreneurs typically employ?

ü  What are advantages of entrepreneurship?

ü  What are disadvantages of entrepreneurship?