Sample Event Invitation

Email Subject: You are Invited—The Leader in Me Event

Dear ContactFirstName,

AnyName Elementary School invites you to join us for a special event on Monday, January 23, 201x. This invitation is open to directors, administrators, educators, parents, and community leaders.

More than 3,000 schools around the world have adopted The Leader in Me process—a whole-school transformation process from FranklinCovey Education. It teaches 21st-century leadership and life skills to students and creates a culture of student empowerment based on the idea that every child can be a leader.

Whether you have never heard of The Leader in Me or are already familiar with the process, you won't want to miss this opportunity to:

·  Understand The Leader in Me process. Learn about the history, the expected outcomes, and the results schools are experiencing.

·  Experience a Leader in Me campus “in action.” AnyName Elementary School is in their second year of The Leader in Me and will be graciously hosting this event.

·  Learn from student leaders about the best practices being used in Leader in Me Schools.

·  Understand the support and resources required to implement The Leader in Me process.

·  Ask questions of a panel of practitioners currently implementing The Leader in Me.

·  Celebrate with schools that are transcending today's challenges with a new paradigm: EVERY child is a leader.

This event will fill quickly. We only have room for 50 participants. Please RSVP to guarantee your participation!

There is NO cost to you for the event.


Monday, January 23, 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. or 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Central Time


AnyName Elementary


City, State, Zip

Phone Number


Please provide your name, position, and organization to:

Contact Name at xxx-xxx-xxxx or emailaddress

I look forward to connecting with you soon and hope to see you at the event! Please contact me with any questions.
