
Disrupting Class

Deana Leone, Ben Bigelow, Ari Rosner-Salazar

Week 1 (Introduction & Focusing on the End Goal):

1)  Do a chapter by chapter introduction (or walk through)

2)  Map Out key concepts of each book chapter

3)  Get participants excited about the book whether they have read it or not

4)  General questions about the education system

5)  Define “Disruptive Innovation”

6)  State the expectation of work toward the end product

7)  Have a task oriented discussion

Week 2 (Specific Ideas for Improvement):

1)  Get into specific ideas for Bowling Alone, Ohio

2)  How do we improve education (elementary, middle school, high school, community colleges, 4-year colleges)?

3)  How do we use educational institutions to pilot programs and build a culture in young people that support the development and maintenance of social capital and pro-social capital practices.

Week 3 (Use Scenarios to focus on discusion):

1)  Scenarios? Ideas for Bowling Alone—School Board Role-play, assign roles

Week 4 (Wrap up):

1)  Refine & Document specific solutions for Bowling Alone, OH)

2)  Specific applications to Bowling Alone

3)  Debrief on Role-plays

Role-Play Scenario

1)  The Bowling Alone School District Board of Education has read some preliminary information from our consulting group and has offered to hold a public meeting to consider a proposal to use online education technology to augment course offerings and complement various learning styles. The Bowling Alone Social Capital steering team also wants to use the forum to increase the urgency regarding the importance of social capital and education. The conversation started well, but degraded into four camps:


  1. Parents who urgently want to improve schools, spend money, and increase social capital

·  Terry

·  Jim

·  Nadine

·  Pete

·  Cathy Lee

  1. People who do not see any urgency in regard to helping schools or needing to change, want to avoid spending money and/or think the concept of social capital will infringe on individuality
  2. Individuals without school-aged children
  3. Anti-tax individuals who want to pay the least possible
  4. People who think public schools are beyond being helped
  5. Fervently in favor of traditional education and against introduction of online education.

·  Shawn

·  Ann

·  Susan

·  Dave

·  Bernadette

  1. School Board Members (Moderators)

·  Ben

·  Ari

·  Deanna

2)  At a subsequent meeting, an out-of-state tech firm has come to present one of the online education modules. At the end of the presentation, there are three camps:

1.  Salespeople

·  Ben

·  Ari

·  Deanna

2.  Skeptical Principal, Teachers, Counselors

·  Bernadette

·  Terry

·  Jim

·  Nadine

·  Pete

·  Cathy Lee

3.  Intrigued Parents

·  Shawn

·  Ann

·  Susan

·  Dave

3)  Bowling Alone Community College (BACC) Curriculum Committee Meeting. Facing a 20% budget cut for the 2009-2010 fiscal year, BACC has committed to innovation through curriculum enhancements with online learning. There are some concerns from current faculty about integrating an online component into each class, but the administrators think that this will allow enough of a budget savings to maintain full-time faculty with increased course-loads in order to cover all adjunct faculty teaching responsibilities. There is also the potential benefit of customizing learning to student learning styles. Student services and business community has been called in to discuss the role of experiential/service learning.


·  Terry

·  Pete

·  Susan

·  Bernadette

Student Services

·  Deanna

·  Ari

·  Dave

Industry/Government/Non-Profit Representatives

·  Shawn

·  Ben

·  Jim

  1. Discuss philosophical underpinnings of proposed Service Learning programs
  2. Negotiate terms with industry/Government/Non-profit reps.
  3. Involve student services in planning of learning objectives

4)  pp. 411-434 (case study from Reframing Organizations)

  1. Principal King
  2. Carver v. Dula
  3. Faculty v. House Chairs
  4. Security Concerns (locked doors v. open doors)
  5. Racial tensions